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Universitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
Verfasst von:French, David
Titel:Army, Empire, and Cold War
Verlag:Oxford University Press
 Oxford University Press, Incorporated
Umfang:346 S.
Fussnoten:ObjectType-Book-1 ; SourceType-Books-1 ; content type line 7
Inhalt:The veterans of the Fourteenth Army who fought in Burma between 1942 and 1945 called themselves ‘the forgotten army’. But that appellation could equally well be applied to the whole of the British army after 1945. Histories of Britain's post‐war defence policy have usually focused on how and why Britain acquired a nuclear deterrent. This book takes a new look at it by placing the army centre‐stage. Drawing on archival sources that have hardly been used by historians, it shows how British governments tried to create an army that would enable them to maintain their position as a major world power at a time when their economy struggled to foot the bill. The result was a growing mismatch between the military resources that the government thought it could afford on the one hand, and a long list of overseas commitments, in Europe, Africa, the Middle East, and the Far East, that it was reluctant to surrender. The result was that the British created a Potemkin army, a force that had an outwardly impressive facade, but that in reality had only very limited war‐fighting capabilities.
Jahr Quelle:2012
Band/Heft Quelle:S. x
URL: ... ...
Sach-SW:20th century
 British History
 Cold War
 Defence policy
 General history of Europe England & Wales
 Great Britain
 Military and politics
 Military History
 Military policy
 Modern History (1700 to 1945)
 Post-WW2 Military History
 United Kingdom

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