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Universitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
Verfasst von:Zigarelli, Michael
Titel:Near-Death Experiences and the Emerging Implications for Christian Theology
Verlag:Christian Scholar's Review
Inhalt:According to a recent random poll in the United States and Germany, about four percent of the total population in the western world have experienced an NDE . . . (that is,) about nine million people in the United States . . . and about 20 million people in Europe. "12 Whatever the exact number, then or now, NDEs seem to be common occurrences, however uncommon they are in content. [...]after thousands of documented and published reports, a core set of elements has emerged as the typical NDE, at least the blissful ones. "17 Sociologist Allan Kellehear fleshed out this latter point in his census of 275 NDEs from non-westem cultures, finding significant similarities to western NDE reports, among them the sense of traveling to another world, meeting beings hi that other world, a life review, and perceiving an out-of-body experience.18 Building on that work, research by ethnohistorian Gregory Shushan examined Native American, Oceanian, and African traditions, ultimately supporting Kellehear 's finding of overlap between western and non-western NDEs, and concluding that NDEs "originate in phenomena that are independent of culture. [...]this pattern has been relatively stable since Moody first described it in his seminal NDE study of 150 cases in 1975.20 From an evidential standpoint, it seems implausible that researchers would discover such convergence in NDEs if those experiences were purely subjective, like dreams or hallucinations.
Titel Quelle:Christian scholar's review
Jahr Quelle:2024
Band/Heft Quelle:53, 2, S. 75-97
Sach-SW:Barth, Karl
 Publishing industry
 Ring, Kenneth
 Storm, Howard
Verknüpfungen:→ Sammelwerk

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