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Signatur: 2023 D 1350   QR-Code
Standort: Hauptbibliothek Altstadt / Tiefmagazin 2
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Verfasst von:Constable, Charles Golding [KünstlerIn]   i
Titel:Impressions of Oman & the Gulf
Titelzusatz:nineteenth-century sketches by Charles Golding Constable in the collection of Sheikh Fahad Al Araimi
Mitwirkende:Peterson, John [VerfasserIn einer Einleitung]   i
 al-Moosawi, Jamal [HerausgeberIn]   i
 Araimi, Sheikh Fahad al [SammlerIn]   i
Institutionen:The National Museum - Sultanate of Oman [Herausgebendes Organ]   i
Verf.angabe:J.E. Peterson ; edited by Secretary-General, H.E. Jamal al-Moosawi ; in association with The National Museum - Sultanate of Oman
Verlag:Scala Arts & Heritage Publishers Ltd
Umfang:207 Seiten
Illustrationen:Illustrationen, Karten
Format:31 cm
Fussnoten:Includes bibliographical references
Abstract:Artists have long been drawn to Oman?s picturesque settlements and dramatic landscapes. During the 1840s and 1850s, Charles Golding Constable, second son of the British painter John Constable, made a series of watercolour sketches of coastal Oman and other locations in the Gulf in his role as a maritime surveyor for the East India Company.00This large-format volume reproduces 29 of his watercolours, along with his acclaimed 1860 chart of the Gulf, and a full facsimile and transcript of the commonplace book that he kept on his voyages. This collection is on long-term loan from Sheikh Fahad bin Abdullah bin Ali al-Araimi at the National Museum ? Sultanate of Oman.00'Impressions of Oman & the Gulf' is written by J.E. Peterson, a leading historian of the region, and his fascinating introduction provides a biographical portrait of Constable and the historical context of his artworks
Schlagwörter:(p)Araimi, Sheikh Fahad al   i / (s)Sammlung   i / (p)Constable, Charles Golding   i / (s)Oman <Motiv>   i / (s)Persischer Golf <Motiv>   i / (s)Aquarell   i / (s)Zeichnung   i / (s)Reisebericht   i
Sach-SW:Aquarelle anglaise - 19e siècle
 Aquarelle anglaise - Collections privées
 Watercolor painting, English
Geograph. SW:États du golfe Persique - Dans l'art
 Persian Gulf States

2023 D 1350QR-CodeHauptbibliothek Altstadt / Tiefmagazin 2bestellbar
Mediennummer: 10706515

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