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Signatur: 2023 C 1320   QR-Code
Standort: Hauptbibliothek Altstadt / Tiefmagazin 2
Exemplare: siehe unten
Titelzusatz:the unfinished project of liberation
Mitwirkende:Gilham, Will [HerausgeberIn]   i
Institutionen:Amon Carter Museum of American Art [VeranstalterIn]   i
 Newcomb Art Museum [Gastgebende Institution]   i
 Museum of Art (Williamstown, Mass.) [VeranstalterIn]   i
Verf.angabe:edited by Will Gilham
Verlagsort:Fort Worth
Verlag:Amon Carter Museum of Art
 Williams College Museum of Art
 University of California Press
Umfang:139 Seiten
Fussnoten:Seite [140]: Published on the occasion of the exhibition "Emancipation: The Unfinished Project of Liberation", organized by the Amon Carter Musum of American Art, Fort Worth, Texas and the Williams College Museum of Art, Williamstown, Massachusetts. Exposition dates: Amon Carter Center of American Art, Fort Worth, Texas, March 12 through July 9, 2023. - New Comb Museum at Tulane University, New Orleans, Louisiana, August 5 through November 11, 2023. - Williams College Museum of Art, Williamstown, Massachusetts, February 16 through June 16, 2024 ; Zielgruppe: 5PB, Bezug zu Personen: ethnische Gruppen, indogene Völker, Kulturen, Stämme und andere Gruppierungen von Menschen ; Zielgruppe: 5PB-US-C, Bezug zu Afro-Amerikanern
Abstract:This stunning exhibition catalog visualizes what freedom looks like for Black Americans today and the legacy of the Civil War in 2023 and beyond. Emancipation: The Unfinished Project of Liberation sits at the intersection of history and contemporary life. Building upon in-depth conversations about representations of enslavement and emancipation at the close of the Civil War, this project originates from an analysis of sculptor John Quincy Adams Ward's The Freedman (1863), one of the first bronze representations of a Black person in the United States, and expands into an investigation of how living artists envision emancipation, freedom, and liberation today. Featuring interviews with artists Sadie Barnette, Alfred Conteh, Maya Freelon, Hugh Hayden, Letitia Huckaby, Jeffrey Meris, and Sable Elyse Smith, the exhibition catalog explores their practices along with cutting-edge scholarship by Kirsten Pai Buick and Kelvin Parnell, among others, as well as a haunting story of embodiment and exploitation by celebrated science-fiction author N. K. Jemisin. Burdened by failed promises but buoyed by hope, this project is mournful and melancholy yet also reflective and celebratory in its aspirations for a brighter future. Published in association with the Amon Carter Museum of American Art Exhibition dates: Amon Carter Museum of American Art: March 12-July 9, 2023 Newcomb Art Museum at Tulane University: August 5-November 11, 2023 Williams College Museum of Art: February 16-June 16, 2024
Schlagwörter:(g)USA   i / (s)Schwarze <Motiv>   i / (s)Künste   i / (z)Geschichte 1800-2020   i
 (g)USA   i / (s)Schwarze   i / (s)Künste   i / (s)Kultur   i / (s)Bürgerrechtsbewegung   i / (z)Geschichte 1800-2020   i
Dokumenttyp:Ausstellungskatalog: (Amon Carter Museum of American Art : 12.03.2023-09.07.2023 : Fort Worth, Tex.)
 Ausstellungskatalog: (Newcomb Art Museum : 05.08.2023-11.11.2023 : New Orleans, La.)
 Ausstellungskatalog: (Museum of Art : 16.02.2024-16.06.2024 : Williamstown, Mass.)
Sach-SW:ART / History / Contemporary (1945-)
 ART / History / Modern (late 19th Century to 1945)
 Art & design styles: from c 1960
 Black & Asian studies
 Ethnic Studies
 Ethnische Gruppen und multikulturelle Studien
 History of art & design styles: from c 1900 -
 History of the Americas
 SOCIAL SCIENCE / Ethnic Studies / African American Studies
 Sozial- und Kulturgeschichte
Geograph. SW:USA

2023 C 1320QR-CodeHauptbibliothek Altstadt / Tiefmagazin 2bestellbar
Mediennummer: 10696808

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