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Universitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
Status: ausleihbar
Signatur: 2022 A 13409   QR-Code
Standort: Hauptbibliothek Altstadt / Freihandbereich Monograph  3D-Plan
Exemplare: siehe unten
Verfasst von:Pare, Arabella [VerfasserIn]   i
Titel:Franz Schubert
Titelzusatz:the fragmentary piano sonatas
Institutionen:Franz Steiner Verlag [Verlag]   i
Verf.angabe:Arabella Pare
Verlag:Franz Steiner Verlag
Umfang:418 Seiten
Format:24 cm x 17 cm
Gesamttitel/Reihe:Schubert: Perspektiven : Studien ; lBand 7
Fussnoten:Diesem Buch liegt die 2019 von der Hochschule für Musik Karlsruhe angenommene Dissertation "Franz Schubert. The fragmentary piano sonatas" zugrunde
Ang. zum Inhalt:The aesthetic fragment : I. Historically conditioned prominence of the fragment : II. Typologies of the Fragment : III. Schubert Fragments: Desideratum of a musical typology : IV. Completion and the fragment
 Schubert's piano sonata fragments : I. Schubert-Fragment Typology : II.Absence-centred fragmentology
 The early piano sonatas: 1815-1817 : I. Emergent form : II. The fragmentary sonatas: February 1815 to June 1817
 D 154 and D 157 : I. Compositional history : II. D 154 and D 157 in Connection : III. A change in the elucidation of form : IV. A continous compositional process : V. A novel unconventionality : VI. Form in D 157/2 : VII. Cyclical projections : VIII. Integration fo the Menuetto and Trio in a large-scale cyclical form : IX. The first sonatas: a paradigm of the Sonata principle
 D 279 : I. Compositional history : II. Innovation : III. Early recapitulatory experiments : IV. D 279/2 ; Processes of Unification ; VI. Menuetto and Trio : VII. A @lost movement or an unfinished work : VIII. Harmonic experimentation : IX. Fragmentation at a harmonically significant point
 D 459 and D 459A : I. Compositional history and sources : II. Cyclical fragmentation and formal projections in D 459 : III. D 459/2: Allegro : IV. The recapitulation of D 459/2 : V. Musical justifications for the Scherzo as a title for D 459/2 : VI. D 459A: An unknown sonata? : VII. D 459A: Intrinsic cyclical connections : VIII. Resonances between e major and c major as tonal centres : IX. Cyclical interconnections and the Fünf Clavierstücke : X. Conclusion: Musical plausibility as a united work
 D 566 : I. Schubert's view of Beethoven as a composer : II. Compositional background and publication history : III. Cyclical incompletion : IV. Alternate structures : V. Interpretative approaches to the fragmentary : VI. Coexistence of structural projections
 D 567 and D 568 : I. Compositional history : II. A comparison : III. Compositional processes : IV. Fragmentation and incompletion in D 567
 A fruitful crisis: 1817-1818 : I. Compositional evolution in a chronological context : II. Jahre der Krise : III. A new type of sonata fragment
 D 571 and D 570 : I. Manuscripts and fragmentation : II. Cyclical unity : III. Motivic unity across structural areas in D 571 : IV A modality of cyclical fragmentation : Middle movements : V. Subdominant recapitulation : VI. Unfinished movements and fragment reception
 D 613 : I. Compositional history : II: Cyclical implications of harmonic structures : III. Enervation of form in D 613/1 : IV. Formal functions of mediant relations : V. Sources of fragmentation in D 613
 D 625 : I. Fragmentation : II. Beethovenian influences : III. Consequences of internal fragmentation for D 625/1 : IV. Structure and motivic distinction in D 625/1 : V. Tripartite exposition forms : VI. A fragmentary aesthetic in D 625 : VII. Scherzo and Trio D 625/2 : VIII. Finale D 625/3
 D 655 and D 769A : I. Compositional background : II. D 655 : D 769A
 D 840 : I. A new fragment type : II. D 840/4 : III. Fragmentation and completion in D 840/3 : IV Cyclical cohesion: D 840/2 : V. D 840/1: An aesthetic of the fragmentary and formal completion : VI. D 840/1: Generation of structure : VII. Harmonic duality and mediant relations in D 840/1 : VIII. Dissociation of the recapitulation in D 840/1 : IX. The coda of D 840/1
 Conclusion : I. A new sonata form : Fragments approach the boundaries of form and compositional possibility
 Appendix: Unattched movements
 Bibliography : I. Primary sources : II. Secondary sources
 Index : Persons : List of works (other composers) : List of works (Franz Schubert)
Hochschulschrift:Dissertation, Hochschule für Musik Karlsruhe, 2019
Abstract:This study of the fragmentary piano sonatas by Franz Schubert, composed between 1815 and 1825, offers an individual analysis of each work, based upon a tripartite approach. It focuses on the aesthetic-philosophical nature of fragmentary works of art, the philological study of the extant manuscripts as well as recorded notational material and musical analyses. This research includes a new perspective of Schubert's commitment to questions of form and compositional renewal and individuality. The engagement with the incomplete, unfinished and fragmentary piano sonatas makes it possible to see the paths towards the later, more well-known compositions. In these works of the early nineteenth century, the working-processes and musical innovations of the composer Franz Schubert are seen as a development of a highly personal stylistic and formal integrity and independence over the course of a productive and innovative decade.
Schlagwörter:(p)Schubert, Franz   i / (s)Klaviersonate   i / (s)Unvollendete Komposition   i
 (p)Schubert, Franz   i / (s)Klaviersonate   i
RVK-Notation:LP 65684   i
Verknüpfungen:→ Übergeordnete Aufnahme

2022 A 13409QR-CodeHauptbibliothek Altstadt / Freihandbereich Monographien3D-Planausleihbar
Mediennummer: 10687838

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