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Universitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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Verfasst von:Pénet, Pierre [HerausgeberIn]   i
Titel:Sovereign debt diplomacies
Titelzusatz:rethinking sovereign debt from colonial empires to hegemony
Mitwirkende:Flores Zendejas, Juan [HerausgeberIn]   i
Verf.angabe:edited by Pierre Pénet and Juan Flores Zendejas
Verlag:Oxford University Press
Umfang:1 Online-Ressource (xvii, 352 Seiten)
Fussnoten:Tabellen, Literaturverzeichnisse, Literaturhinweise, Index
Ang. zum Inhalt:Rethinking sovereign debt from colonial empires to hegemony / Pierre Pénet and Juan Flores Zendejas
 Sovereignty and debt in nineteenth-century Latin America / Juan Flores Zendejas and Felipe Ford Cole
 Foreign debt and colonization in Egypt and Tunisia (1862–82) / Ali Coşkun Tunçer
 Independence and the effect of empire : the case of ‘sovereign debts’$dissued by British colonies / Nicolas Degive and Kim Oosterlinck
 The fortune of geopolitical conditions in debt diplomacy : Mexico’s long road to the 1942 foreign debt settlement / Gustavo Del Angel and Lorena Pérez-Hernández
 The multilateral principle-based approach to the restructuring of german debts in 1953 / Laura de la Villa
 The revenge of defaulters : sovereign defaults and interstate negotiations in the post-war financial order, 1940–65 / Juan Flores Zendejas, Pierre Pénet, and Christian Suter
 We owe you nothing : decolonization and sovereign debt obligations in international public law / Grégoire Mallard
 Decolonization and sovereign debt : a Quagmire / Michael Waibel
 The global South debt revolution that wasn’t : UNCTAD from technocractic activism to technical assistance / Quentin Deforge and Benjamin Lemoine
 Placing contemporary sovereign debt : the fragmented landscape of legal precedent and legislative pre-emption / Giselle Datz
 Maduro Bonds / Mitu Gulati and Ugo Panizza
 Contract provisions, default risk, and bond prices : evidence from Puerto Rico / Anusha Chari and Ryan Leary
 Concluding remarks : (neo)colonialism, (neo)imperialism, and hegemony: on choosing concepts in sovereign debt / Odette Lienau
Abstract:This volume offers two important contributions to the literature on sovereign debt. First, it provides a unique genealogy of debt collection practices in terms of their availability, acceptability and efficacy. We argue that creditors’ tactics and methods to enforce debt repayment emerged and solidified to a large extent in relation to the threads of colonial history, from the building of empires to the decolonisation era. Second, this volume reflects critically on the relevance of neo-colonial interpretations in recent cases of sovereign debt disputes
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Schlagwörter:(s)Öffentliche Schulden   i / (s)Auslandsschulden   i / (s)Anleihe   i / (s)Kredit   i / (s)Bereitschaftskredit   i / (s)Debt Management   i / (s)Umschuldung   i / (s)Geschichte   i / (s)Kolonialismus   i / (g)Erde   i
 Public finance
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