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Universitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
Status: ausleihbar
Signatur: 2020 A 8299   QR-Code
Standort: Hauptbibliothek Altstadt / Freihandbereich Monograph  3D-Plan
Exemplare: siehe unten
Verfasst von:Lai, Daniela [VerfasserIn]   i
Titel:Socioeconomic justice
Titelzusatz:international intervention and transition in post-war Bosnia and Herzegovina
Verf.angabe:Daniela Lai, London South Bank University
Verlagsort:Cambridge ; New York ; Port Melbourne ; New Delhi ; Singapore
Verlag:Cambridge University Press
Umfang:xiii, 228 Seiten
Gesamttitel/Reihe:LSE international studies
Fussnoten:Literaturverzeichnis Seite 200-223, Register
Abstract:Does socioeconomic justice belong within transitional justice? This book examines experiences of socioeconomic violence during war that give rise to strong, but unheeded justice claims in its aftermath. It redefines socioeconomic justice as the redress of violence rooted in the political economy of conflict, and transitional justice as a social practice that belongs among grassroots activists as much as in courtrooms and truth commissions. It also examines the role of international actors that rely on too narrow and legalistic approaches to transitional justice, while also promoting economic reforms that hinder the emergence and pursuit of socioeconomic justice claims by conflict-affected communities. The book draws on a unique set of in-depth interviews with Bosnian communities, international officials and grassroots activits to provide new theoretical and empirical insights on the link between justice and political economy, on international interventions, and on Bosnia's post-war and post-socialist transformation.
Schlagwörter:(g)Bosnien-Herzegowina   i / (s)Bürgerkrieg   i / (s)Nachkriegszeit   i / (s)Übergangszeit   i / (s)Sozioökonomischer Wandel   i
 (s)Bürgerkrieg   i / (s)Konflikt   i / (s)Auswirkung   i / (s)Gerechtigkeit   i / (s)Soziale Gerechtigkeit   i / (s)Sozioökonomischer Wandel   i / (s)Friedenssicherung   i / (s)Transitional Justice   i / (s)Politischer Wandel   i / (s)Sozialer Wandel   i / (s)Wiederaufbau   i / (g)Bosnien-Herzegowina   i
Bibliogr. Hinweis:Erscheint auch als : Online-Ausgabe

2020 A 8299QR-CodeHauptbibliothek Altstadt / Freihandbereich Monographien3D-Planausleihbar
Mediennummer: 10619446

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