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Verfasst von:Liebig, Brigitte   i
 Oechsle, Mechtild   i
Titel:Fathers in Work Organizations
Titelzusatz:Inequalities and Capabilities, Rationalities and Politics
Verlagsort:Opladen [u.a.]
Verlag:Verlag Barbara Budrich
Umfang:1 Online Ressource
Abstract:This book is dedicated to the role of work organizations when it comes to the realization of an active fatherhood. Firstly, it deals with barriers for active fatherhood and its correlating mechanisms of inequality: Which aspects of discrimination and social closure do fathers face today if they assert a claim for active fatherhood, and with what kind of barriers are they confronted? Secondly, capabilities of fathers are addressed: Which is their possible scope of action, who are relevant actors, what is the effect of policies and programs on change and organizational learning with respect to fatherhood?
URL:kostenfrei: Verlag:
Schlagwörter:(s)Vater   i / (s)Berufstätigkeit   i / (s)Arbeitsbedingungen   i / (s)Elternzeit   i / (s)Vereinbarkeit von Familie und Beruf   i / (s)Organisationsentwicklung   i / (s)Organisatorisches Lernen   i
 (s)Vater   i / (s)Elternzeit   i / (s)Familie   i / (s)Berufstätigkeit   i
 (s)Organisatorisches Lernen   i / (s)Organisationsentwicklung   i / (s)Vater   i / (s)Elternzeit   i
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RVK-Notation:MS 3080   i
 MS 2050   i
 MB 3000   i
 MS 1990   i
 Parental leave
 work organizations
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