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Signatur: 2019 C 1524   QR-Code
Standort: Hauptbibliothek Altstadt / Tiefmagazin 2
Exemplare: siehe unten
Verfasst von:Gorzelany, Dorota [VerfasserIn]   i
Titel:Macedonia - Alexandria
Titelzusatz:monumental funerary complexes of the late classical and Hellenistic Age
Werktitel:Macedonia - Aleksandria : analiza monumentalnych założeń grobowych z okresu późnoklasycznego i hellenistycznego
Verf.angabe:Dorota Gorzelany
Verlag:Archaeopress Publishing LTD
Umfang:iv, 236 Seiten
Illustrationen:Illustrationen, Karten, Pläne
Format:29 cm
Abstract:The type of monumental tomb that developed in Macedonia in the late Classical period was undoubtedly the most impressive of all the Greek funerary complexes. It was a burial chamber with a vestibule, built of stone blocks, vaulted and furnished with an architectural facade, concealed under a large tumulus rising above the ground. The concept of the Macedonian sepulcher, which the Macedonians and Greeks settling in Alexandria ad Aegyptum, the city founded by Alexander the Great on the Egyptian coast, brought with them, influenced the structural form of the underground tombs that were developed in the new city. ?Macedonia?Alexandria? explores the scope of this influence, comparing in synthetic form the structural elements of the cist graves, chamber and rock-cut tombs of Macedonia with the Alexandrian hypogea, while taking into account the different geographical factors that conditioned them. This is followed by a presentation of the facade and interior decoration, and a discussion of the themes of wall painting inside the tombs and a characteristic of the surviving tomb furnishings
Schlagwörter:(s)Hellenismus   i / (s)Grabmal   i / (z)Geschichte   i
RVK-Notation:LG 7450   i
 LG 1900   i

2019 C 1524QR-CodeHauptbibliothek Altstadt / Tiefmagazin 2bestellbar
Mediennummer: 10585096
R Tod 801QR-CodeBereichsbibl. Altertumswiss. / ArchäologiePräsenznutzung
Mediennummer: 58644968

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