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Universitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
Status: Präsenznutzung
Signatur: S Bnp 1046   QR-Code
Standort: Fakultätsbibliothek Theo /
Exemplare: siehe unten
Verfasst von:Whapham, Theodore James [VerfasserIn]   i
Titel:The unity of theology
Titelzusatz:the contribution of Wolfhart Pannenberg
Mitwirkende:Pannenberg, Wolfhart [ErwähnteR]   i
Verf.angabe:Theodore James Whapham
Verlag:Fortress Press
Umfang:xx, 212 Seiten
Format:24 cm
Fussnoten:Includes bibliographical references (pages 197-207) and index
Abstract:Revelation : God's being in history -- Christology : revelation in the person of Jesus -- Method : the place of theology in the academy -- Anthropology : the foundations of religion in human fulfilment -- Systematic theology : the coherence of the Christian doctrine of the Trinity
 Wolfhart Pannenberg is among the most important Protestant Continental theologians of the twentieth century. This book offers the first full historical and thematic survey of Pannenberg's corpus, from his early work in Christology and eschatology, to his writings on science, anthropology, theology and the university, and the pivotal achievement of his systematic theology. As such, the project will make a significant contribution to theological assessment and will be a useful text for students and scholars in modern and contemporary theology
Schlagwörter:(p)Pannenberg, Wolfhart   i / (s)Systematische Theologie   i
Sach-SW:God (Christianity)
 Human beings
 Religious tolerance
 Theological anthropology
 Pannenberg, Wolfhart 1928-2014

S Bnp 1046QR-CodeFakultätsbibliothek TheologiePräsenznutzung
Mediennummer: 31170930

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