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Signatur: 2013 A 9666   QR-Code
Standort: Hauptbibliothek Altstadt / Freihandbereich Monograph  3D-Plan
Exemplare: siehe unten
Titel:Believing in community
Titelzusatz:ecumenical reflections on the Church
Mitwirkende:Mey, Peter de [Hrsg.]   i
Verf.angabe:ed. by Peter de Mey ...
Verlagsort:Leuven [u.a.]
Umfang:XIV, 608, 7 S.
Gesamttitel/Reihe:Bibliotheca Ephemeridum theologicarum Lovaniensium ; 261
Fussnoten:Includes bibliogr. references and index
Ang. zum Inhalt:Individuation and communion : implications for the church's identity and mission / Bradford Hinze
 "Social holiness"--antidote to "solitary religion" : recovering a theology of church as community / David M. Chapman
 The research potential of the notion of logos spermatikos in relation to the church understood as assembly of God (qehal el) / Elżbieta Kotkowska
 The church as potential key to unlocking the problem of providence, predestination, and human free choice / Richard W. Miller
 The community of non-community : philosophical anthropology as a challenge to theology / Tom Jacobs
 A community of love? On the invisibility of love and the church / Kristien Justaert
 Autonomy, community, and political liberalism : an enquiry into ecclesial challenges in the twenty-first century / John K. Burke
 The community in dialogue / Grazyna Piskorz
 The critical use of socio-political categories in ecclesiology / Luca Badini Confalonieri
 On "liquid" and "solid" churches : believing and belonging in a postmodern context / Randy J.C. Odchigue
 The sinfulness and visibility of the church : a christological exploration / William T. Cavanaugh
 Charisms and ministries in the church : a relationship of tension or complementarity? / Oonagh O'Brien
 Lay ministers of the future : lessons in mutual trust and collaboration from Latin America / Thomas M. Kelly
 Theologians and the magisterium : proposal for a complementarity of charisms through dialogue / Todd A. Salzman, Michael G. Lawler
 Images of the diakonos : Protestant and Byzantine influences on the Catholic Church / Joseph H.J. Leach
 Sensus fidelium--authority : protecting and promoting the ecclesiology of Vatican II with the assistance of institutions? / Myriam Wijlens
 Redeeming Catholicity for a globalising age : the sacramentality of the church / Paul D. Murray
 An eschatological ecclesiology--open to the future and possibility : crucial prerequisite for ecumenical rapprochement / Bernard P. Prusak
 A church in dialogue with peoples of other faiths : a journey to the kingdom in the spirit / Ruben C. Mendoza
 Is the church a sacrament? A Protestant approach / André Birmelé
 Trinitarian ecclesiology and the ecumenical imperatives of Reformed confessional identity / Arie J. Griffioen
 Jürgen Moltmann's social trinitarian ecclesiology : finessing the differential freedom of persons / Thomas R. Thompson
 After our likeness? Reflections on Miroslav Volf's trinitarian ecclesiology / Markus Höfner
 "The church's deepest nature" : Protestant ethicists and Benedict XVI on charity and ecclesiology / Elizabeth Agnew Cochran
 An Orthodox perspective on the trinitarian foundation of the church / Nicu Dumitraṣcu
 The reconciling community : Dostoevsky, pardon and ontology / David Pratt
 Does sobornost match catholicity? A. Khomyakov on believing in community / Victor Yudin
 The authority to serve in a community of love : an orthodox perspective on authority in the church / Ioan Sauca
 Dynamics of the mutual bilateral dialogues of the Lutheran, Anglican and Roman Catholic Churches : discourse founded on a Koinonia ecclesiology / Lorelei F. Fuchs
 Ecumenical consensus : contemporary challenges and possible solutions / Minna Hietamäki
 Ecumenism as organic wholeness / Natalie Kertes Weaver
 Acknowledging ecumenical experiences as ecclesial events / Donald W. Norwood
 The sacramental foundations of ecclesial identity : barrier or passageway to ecumenical unity? / Susan K. Wood
 The episcopal ministry in the church--indispensable for the unity of the churches to come / Josef Aussermair
 Unity, diversity, and apostolicity : are there any hopes for rapprochement between older and younger churches? / Veli-Matti Kärkkäinen
 The whole turn : part of Christ or participation in the life of Christ? / Joseph F. Duggan
 The church of the Triune God : the Anglican-Orthodox Cyprus Agreed Statement of 2006 / Michael A. Fahey
 The depths of ecclesial unity between the Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox Churches : evidences from the "Dialogue of Love" / B.J. Lawrence Cross
 Affirming sobornicity : the Ukrainian Greco-Catholic church and modern ecumenism / Jaroslav Z. Skira
 The marks of the church and full communion : the critical retrieval of the Via Notarum in The nature and mission of the church (2005) / Katherine Shirk Lucas
 Interchurch families--a test case for the "Domestic Church" / Thomas Knieps-Port le Roi
 The future of ecumenism / Jos E. Vercruysse.
Schlagwörter:(s)Interkonfessionelles Gespräch   i / (s)Ekklesiologie   i
RVK-Notation:BN 6400   i
Verknüpfungen:→ Übergeordnete Aufnahme

2013 A 9666QR-CodeHauptbibliothek Altstadt / Freihandbereich Monographien3D-Planausleihbar
Mediennummer: 10424129
OE Pa 253QR-CodeFakultätsbibliothek TheologiePräsenznutzung
Mediennummer: 39820231

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