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Titel:From movement to inheritance
Titelzusatz:hidden assets from the treasury of Hungarian reformation
Mitwirkende:Lukács, Olga [HerausgeberIn]
 Nagy, Alpár Csaba [HerausgeberIn]
 Péter, István [HerausgeberIn]
Verf.angabe:Olga Lukács/Alpár Csaba Nagy/István Péter (eds.)
Verlag:Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht
Gesamttitel/Reihe:Refo500 academic studies ; volume 59
 Refo500 Academic Studies (R5AS) ; Band 059
Abstract:<p>This book does not only deal with the history, but also with the effects of the Reformation over the mentality, education and scientifical research among Hungarians during the last five centuries. The spirit of the Reformation has not only been a church-forming factor, but also a force of nation-building and salvation. This volume includes 17 studies of Hungarian Reformed theologians presented at a conference in November 2016. The main goal was to give an overview of the most recent research results in history and theology regarding Reformation and its effects over society and mentality among Hungarians. The contributors come from various Hungarian theological universities from the Carpathian basin, thus the book is an overview of their research topics and results.</p><p>The City Cluj-Napoca was, became and remained an important center of the Reformation, as significant events took place in its surroundings as well. The Faculty of Reformed Theology of the Babeș-Bolyai University and the Protestant Theological Institute has always functioned in an environment, where the challenges of multi-confessionalism and multiethnicity are also present beside interdisciplinarity.</p>
 Angaben zur beteiligten Person Lukács: Olga Lukács, PhD is Associate Professor at the Faculty of Reformed Theology of the Babeș-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca and is currently the Dean of the Faculty and a Reformed pastor.
 Angaben zur beteiligten Person Nagy: Alpár Csaba Nagy, PhD is Junior Lecturer at the Faculty of Reformed Theology, of the Babes-Bolyai University Cluj and a Reformed pastor.
 Angaben zur beteiligten Person Péter: István Péter, PhD is Junior Lecturer at the Faculty of Reformed Theology, of the Babes-Bolyai University Cluj and a Reformed pastor and is currently Department Director.
 Angaben zur beteiligten Person Selderhuis: <p>Dr. theol. Herman J. Selderhuis ist Professor für Kirchengeschichte an der Theologischen Universität Apeldoorn, Direktor von Refo500, Wissenschaftlicher Kurator der Johannes a Lasco Bibliothek sowie Präsident des Internationalen Calvinkongresses.</p>
 Angaben zur beteiligten Person Soen: Dr. Violet Soen is Associate Professor for Early Modern History at the Faculty of Arts at the University of Leuven.
 Angaben zur beteiligten Person Westphal: Siegrid Westphal ist Hochschullehrerin für die Geschichte der Frühen Neuzeit an der Universität Osnabrück und Leiterin des Projektes
 Angaben zur beteiligten Person Lévai: Attila Lévai works as a dean of the Reformed Theological Faculty of J. Selye University in Komarno.
 Angaben zur beteiligten Person Pálfi: Dr. Theol. József Pálfi is the rector of the Partium Christian University of Oradea (PKE).
 Angaben zur beteiligten Person Somogyi: Alfréd Somogyi is the reformed priest of Apácaszakállas (Opatovský Sokolec), Dean of the Pozsonyi (Bratislava) Reformed Church District, Departement Head of Historical Studies of the Faculty of Theology at the Selye János University and serves as Vice Dean of the faculty.
 Angaben zur beteiligten Person Szabadi: István Szabadi is a lecturer at the University of Debrecen.
 Angaben zur beteiligten Person Visky: Sándor Béla Visky is associate professor for systematic theology at the Babes-Bolyai University in Cluj and at the Protestant Theological Institute of Kolozsvár.
 Angaben zur beteiligten Person Bognárné Kocsis: Judit Bognárné Kocsis is senior lecturer at the Institute of Education of the University of Pannonia, Veszprém.
 Angaben zur beteiligten Person Gorbai: Gabriella Márta Gorbai is lecturer at the Faculty of Reformed Theology of the Babeş-Bolyai University of Cluj.
 Angaben zur beteiligten Person Nagy: Károly Zsolt Nagy is a research associate at the Research Centre for the Humanities of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences and an associate lecturer at the Reformed Theological Academy of Sárospatak.
 Angaben zur beteiligten Person Püsök: Sarolta Püsök is a lecturer at the Reformed Theological Faculty of the Babeș–Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca.
 Angaben zur beteiligten Person Somfalvi: Dr. Edit Somfalvi is assistant professor at the Department of Practical Theology at the Protestant Theological Institute of Cluj-Napoca.
 Angaben zur beteiligten Person Czinke: Zsolt Cinke is a PhD student at the Reformed Theological Faculty of J. Selye University.
Schlagwörter:(g)Ungarn / (s)Reformation / (z)Geschichte
 (g)Ungarn / (s)Protestantismus / (s)Reformierte Theologie
 (g)Siebenbürgen / (s)Magyaren / (s)Reformierte Kirche / (z)Geschichte
Bibliogr. Hinweis:Erscheint auch als : Druck-Ausgabe: From Movement to Inheritance. - Göttingen : Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2019. - 206 Seiten
RVK-Notation:BP 3300   i
Sach-SW:Ungarische Reformation
Verknüpfungen:→ Übergeordnete Aufnahme
Lokale URL UB: Zum Volltext (Nationallizenz)

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