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Standort: Hauptbibliothek Altstadt / Freihandbereich Monograph  3D-Plan
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Titel:Beyond conflicts
Titelzusatz:cultural and religious cohabitations in Alexandria and Egypt between the 1st and the 6th century CE
Mitwirkende:Arcari, Luca [HerausgeberIn]   i
Körperschaft:Beyond Conflicts: Cultural and Religious Cohabitations in Alexandria and in Egypt Between the 1st and the 6th Cent. CE <Veranstaltung, 2014, Neapel> [VerfasserIn]   i
Verf.angabe:edited by Luca Arcari
Verlag:Mohr Siebeck
Umfang:XIII, 460 Seiten
Gesamttitel/Reihe:Studien und Texte zu Antike und Christentum ; 103
Fussnoten:Aus dem Vorwort: "This volume is the result of the international conference Beyond Conflicts: Cultural and Religious Cohabitations in Alexandria and in Egypt Between the 1st and the 6th Cent. CE, held in Naples (Federico II University) from 17th to 19th September 2014"
Schrift/Sprache:Beiträge überwiegend englisch, 1 Beitrag französisch
Ang. zum Inhalt:Acknowledgements ; Abbreviations ; Introduction ; Cultural and religious cohabitations in Alexandria and Egypt between the 1st and the 6th cent. CE / Luca Arcari
 Use, (Re-)invention and (Re-) definition of discursive practices ; Jewish, Christian, Greek? The apocalypse of Peter as a witness of early 2nd-cent. : christianity in Alexandria / Tobias Nicklas
 The once and future king of Egypt : egyptian "messianism" and the construction of the Alexander romance / Philippe Matthey
 Demonology between celsus and origen : a theoretical model of religious cohabitation? / Antonio Sena
 "Basilides" and "the Egyptian wisdom" : some remarks on a peculiar heresiological notice (Ps.-Hipp. haer. 7.20-27) / Daniele Tripaldi
 Demosthenes and (Late) ancient miniature books from Egypt : reflections on a category, physical features, purpose and use / Thomas J. Kraus
 Remains of gnomic anthologies and pagan wisdom literature in the coptic tradition / Paola Buzi
 Ideological debates as images of cultural and religious cohabitations ; "Jewish, " "christian" and "gnostic" groups in Alexandria during the 2nd cent. : between approval and expulsion / Bernard Pouderon
 Messengers from heaven : divine men and god's men in the Alexandrian platonism (2nd-4th cent.) / Adele Monaci Castagno
 Late antique Alexandria and the "orient" / Mark J. Edwards
 How insurmountable was the chasm between monophysites and chalcedonians? / Ewa Wipszycka
 Vel si non tibi communicamus, tamen amamus te. Remarques sur la description par Liberatus de Carthage des rapports entre Miaphysites et Chalcédoniens à Alexandrie (milieu Ve-milieu VIe s.) / Philippe Blaudeau
 Cults and practices as spaces for encounters and interactions ; Love and hate? again on dionysos in the eyes of the Alexandrian Jews / Sofia Torallas Tovar
 Devotees of serapis and christ? a literary representation of religious cohabitations in the 4th cent / Francesco Massa
 Between cyril and Isis : some remarks on the Iatromantic cults in 5th-cent. Alexandria / Mariangela Monaca
 "Open" and "closed" groups ; Open-air festivals and cultural cohabitation in late hellenistic Alexandria / Marie-Françoise Basiez
 The common roots of Egyptians and Jews : life and meaning of an ancient stereotype / Livia Capponi
 The nag hammadi codices in the complex world of 4th- and 5th-cent. Egypt / Hugo Lundhaug
 The construction of authority in philosophical and religious schools ; Moses "prophet" of god in the works of philo, or how to use otherness to construct selfness / Carmine Pisano
 Alexandria in the mirror of origen's didaskaleion : between the great church, heretics and philosophers / Giulia Sfameni Gasparro
 Cultural and religious exchanges in Alexandria : the transformation of Philosopy and exegesis in the 3rd cent. in the mirror of origen / Marco Rizzi
 Index of ancient sources ; Index of modern authors ; Index of main topics ; List of contributors.
Schlagwörter:(g)Ägypten <Altertum>   i / (s)Religion   i / (s)Kultur   i / (z)Geschichte 1-600   i
 (g)Ägypten <Altertum>   i / (s)Interreligiosität   i / (s)Interkulturalität   i / (z)Geschichte 1-600   i
 (g)Alexandria   i / (s)Hellenistische Juden   i / (s)Interreligiöser Dialog   i
 (g)Ägypten <Altertum>   i / (s)Religiöser Pluralismus   i / (s)Interreligiöser Dialog   i / (z)Geschichte 50-600   i
 (g)Alexandria   i / (s)Frühjudentum   i / (s)Frühchristentum   i
 Konferenzschrift: (2014)
Sprache:eng fre
Bibliogr. Hinweis:Erscheint auch als : Online-Ausgabe: Arcari, Luca, 1977 - : Beyond Conflicts. - 1st ed.. - Tübingen : Mohr Siebeck, 2017. - 1 online resource (475 pages)
RVK-Notation:NH 6850   i
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2017 A 6511QR-CodeHauptbibliothek Altstadt / Freihandbereich Monographien3D-Planausleihbar
Mediennummer: 10532762
KG Gn 56QR-CodeFakultätsbibliothek TheologiePräsenznutzung
Mediennummer: 31169858

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