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Universitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
Verfasst von:Kölbl, Carlos
 Métraux, Alexandre
Titel:Moses on his way to the promised land: On Vygotsky’s Notebooks
Verlagsort:London, England
Verlag:SAGE Publications
 Sage Publications Ltd
Inhalt:The publication of a voluminous selection of notebooks from the Vygotsky Family Archive represents a major event for the Vygotsky studies. The material provided in the book turns out to be truly novel; it reaches far beyond mere compilations of existing texts, reprints, and (re-)translations. The key question we address in our contribution is: does this newly made available material have a significant impact on our understanding of Vygotsky’s life and work? We first offer a rough summary of the book’s content, then indicate what readers may expect from the Notebooks and what they will not find there; and finally, we focus on Vygotsky’s early quest for his own Jewishness and on the shift toward systemic and semiotic thinking that marks the last years of his life.
Titel Quelle:Culture & psychology
Jahr Quelle:2021
Band/Heft Quelle:27, 3, S. 347-358
URL: ...
 Vygotskian perspective
 Vygotsky, Lev
Verknüpfungen:→ Sammelwerk

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