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Universitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
Verfasst von:Jobani, Yuval
Titel:The First Jewish Environmentalist
Verlagsort:New York
Verlag:Oxford University Press
Umfang:1 S.
Inhalt:Hailed by Martin Buber as “the true teacher,” pioneer, philosopher, and dreamer, Aharon David Gordon (Russian Empire–Land of Israel, 1856–1922) is increasingly being recognized as the first Jewish environmentalist. Long before global warming became a major threat, Gordon warned against the mounting dangers of human assault on nature and urged us to open ourselves to nature and re-attune to it. Rather than trying to conquer nature, Gordon argued, we should merge with it; rather than being a master or slave of nature, we should become nature’s friend and ally. Since childhood, nature fertilized and shaped Gordon’s mindscape, as it eventually did his philosophical writings. Gordon’s fresh insights on critical contemporary issues—such as ecology, gender, social justice, and postsecularism—have recently been inspiring not only a rapidly growing body of scholarly literature, but also communal readings and study among young readers whose imagination was captured by Gordon’s thoughts and dreams. Introducing Gordon’s ideas and setting them in their historical context, The First Jewish Environmentalist sheds new light on the interconnections between religion, culture, education, and the environment. Expanding his canonical status beyond the realm of Hebrew culture, The First Jewish Environmentalist situates Gordon in the tradition of nature-intoxicated prophets such as Rousseau, Thoreau, and Tolstoy and extracts from Man and Nature empowerment and inspiration for seekers advocating the protection of the planet.
Jahr Quelle:2023 ; 2024
URL: ...
 Judaism and Jewish Studies
 Labor Zionism
 Philosophy of nature

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