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Ackermann, Kathrin: Online volunteering as a means to overcome unequal participation? : The profiles of online and offline volunteers compared / Kathrin Ackermann, Goethe University Frankfurt, Germany; University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands, A… , May 23, 2018. - 20 S. In: New media & society, ISSN 1461-7315. 20(2018), 12, Seite 4453-4472 DOI: 10.1177/1461444818775698
Online resource Journal article
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Stier, Sebastian: Of activists and gatekeepers : temporal and structural properties of policy networks on Twitter / Sebastian Stier, Wolf Schünemann, Stefan Steiger, 2017. - 21 S. In: New media & society, ISSN 1461-7315. 20(2017), 5, Seite 1910-1930 DOI: 10.1177/1461444817709282
Online resource Journal article