1. |
In praise of mortality : Christianity and new humanism / Kurt Appel (ed.) ; translated by Alex Skinner, Natalie Eder, Rachel Thomas, and Carl Raschke. - Paderborn: Brill, Schöningh, [2022]. - XIV, 178 Seiten : Illustrationen, ISBN 978-3-506-79124-5 (Journal for religion and transformation in contemporary Society : Supplementa ; vol. 1)
Buch/keine Angabe
Signatur: 2022 A 2497
2. |
Costa, Paolo: The post-secular city : the new secularization debate / Paolo Costa. - Paderborn: Brill Schöningh, [2022]. - XXVIII, 187 Seiten, ISBN 978-3-506-79526-7 (Journal for religion and transformation in contemporary society : Supplementa ; vol. 2)
Buch/keine Angabe
3. |
Parting of the ways : the variegated ways of separations between Jews and Christians / Markus Tiwald, Markus Öhler (eds.). - Paderborn: Brill | Schöningh, [2024]. - XXV, 379 Seiten, ISBN 978-3-506-79489-5 (Journal for religion and transformation in contemporary society : Supplementa ; vol. 4)
Buch/keine Angabe