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Kienlin, Tobias L.: Bronze age tell communities in context 1. - Critique, Europe and the Mediterranean. - Oxford: Archaeopress Publ., 2015. - V, 167 S. : zahlr. Ill., Kt., ISBN 978-1-78491-147-8
Multi-part work
available for loan
2. |
Kienlin, Tobias L.: Bronze age tell communities in context Part 2. - Practice : the social, space, and materiality. - Oxford: Archaeopress Archaeology, [2020]. - viii, 237 Seiten : Illustrationen, Pläne, ISBN 978-1-78969-750-6
Multi-part work
Shelfmark: 2023 B 309::2
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no title. - Oxford: Archaeopress Publ. (Bronze age tell communities in context)
Multi-part work
in acqusition