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University library of Heidelberg
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1. Rofe, Aleksander: "The Book of Balaam" (numbers 22:2 - 24:25) : a study in methods of criticism and the history of biblical literature and religion; with an appendix: Balaam in the Deir 'Alla Inscription / by Alexander Rofé. -
Jerusalem: Simor, 1979. - 77 S.
(Jerusalem biblical studies ; 1)
Book/no value 
for reference only
2. Rudin-O'Brasky, Talia: The patriarchs in Herbron and Sodom (Genesis 18-19) : a study of the structure and composition of a biblical story / by Talia Rudin-O'brasky. -
Jerusalem: Simor, 1982. - 156 S.
(Jerusalem biblical studies ; 2)
Book/no value 
for reference only
3. Tov, ʿEmanuʾel: The text-critical use of the Septuagint in biblical research / by Emanuel Tov. -
Jerusalem: Simor Ltd., 1981. - 343 S., ISBN 978-965-242-003-9
(Jerusalem biblical studies ; 3)
Book/no value 
available for loan  3D-Plan
Shelfmark: 82 A 2854
4. Naʾaman, Nadav: Borders and districts in biblical historiography : seven studies in biblical geographical lists / by Nadav Naʾaman. -
Jerusalem: Simor, 1986. - 275 S, ISBN 978-965-242-005-3
(Jerusalem biblical studies ; 4)
Book/no value 
for reference only
5. Gelander, Shamai: David and his God : religious ideas as reflected in biblical historiography and literature / Shamai Gelander. [Transl. from the Hebrew ms. by Ruth Debel. Ed. by Ora Lipschitz]. -
Jerusalem: Simor Ltd., 1991. - 199 S, ISBN 978-965-242-007-7
(Jerusalem biblical studies ; 5)
Book/no value 
for reference only
6. Ṭalshir, Tsiporah: The alternative story of the division of the kingdom : 3 Kingdoms 12:24a - z / Zipora Talshir. -
Jerusalem: Simor, 1993. - 318 S, ISBN 978-965-242-006-0
(Jerusalem biblical studies ; 6)
Book/no value 
for reference only
7. Bendor, Shunia: The social structure of ancient Israel : the institution of the family (Beitʾab) from the settlement to the end of the monarchy / S. Bendor. -
Jerusalem: Simor, 5756 [1996]. - 348 S.
(Jerusalem biblical studies ; 7)
Book/no value 
for reference only
8. Tov, ʿEmanuʾel: The text-critical use of the septuagint in biblical research / Emanuel Tov. - 2. ed., rev. and enl.. -
Jerusalem: Simor, 1997. - XXXV, 289 S.
(Jerusalem biblical studies ; 8)
Themen: Bibel | Textkritik
Book/no value 
for reference only
9. Rofe, Aleksander: Introduction to the literature of the Hebrew Bible / Alexander Rofé. -
Jerusalem: Simor, 2009. - XII, 660 S.
(Jerusalem biblical studies ; 9)
Book/no value 
for reference only
10. Joosten, Jan: The verbal system of Biblical Hebrew : a new synthesis elaborated on the basis of classical prose / Jan Joosten. -
Jerusalem: Simor, 2012. - VIII, 513 S., ISBN 978-965-242-011-4
(Jerusalem biblical studies ; 10)
Themen: Hebräisch | Verb
Book/no value 
for reference only
Library holdings published up to 1961 see also DigiKat.
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