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+ Suchhistorie (1 Recherche)
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Treffer einschränken:

1. Rand, Edward Kennard: A survey of the manuscripts of Tours
1. - Text. -
Cambridge, Mass.: Mediaeval Acad. of America, 1929. - XXI, 244 S.
(Studies in the script of Tours ; 1)
(Publication / The Mediaeval Academy of America ; 3)
Mehrteiliges Werk 
2. Averroes: Commentarivm medivm in Porphyrii Isagogen et Aristotelis Categorias / Averrois Cordvbensis ; textvm hebraicvm recensvit et adnotationibvs illvstravit Herbert A. Davidson. -
Cambridge, Massachusetts: The Mediaeval Academy of America, 1969. - xxi, ix, 165 Seiten
(Corpvs commentariorvm Averrois in Aristotelem / consilio et avspiciis Academiae Americanae Mediaevalis adivvantibvs academiis consociatis ; ediderunt Henricvs Avstryn Wolfson, Shlomo Pines, Zeph Stewart : Versionum Hebraicarum ; volvmen 1,a (medium))
(Publication / The Mediaeval Academy of America ; no. 78)
(Corpvs philosophorvm medii aevi)
Buch/keine Angabe 
Signatur: D 2700-4-1::1
3. Mediaeval Greek bookhands
[1]. - Text. -
Cambridge, Mas.: Mediaeval Acad. of America, 1973. - 38 S.
(Publication / The Mediaeval Academy of America ; 81)
Mehrteiliges Werk 
4. The English government at work, 1327-1336
1. - Central and prerogative administration. -
Cambridge, Mass.: Mediaeval Acad. of America, 1940
(Publication / The Mediaeval Academy of America ; 37)
Mehrteiliges Werk 
5. Cooper, Lane: A concordance of Boethius : the five theological tractates and the consolation of philosophy / comp. by Lane Cooper. -
Cambridge, Mass.: Mediaev. Acad. of America, 1928. - XII, 467 S.
(Publication / The Mediaeval Academy of America ; 1)
Buch/keine Angabe 
6. Rand, Edward Kennard: A survey of the manuscripts of Tours
2. - Plates. -
Cambridge, Mass.: Mediaeval Acad. of America, 1929. - XII S., CC Bl.
(Studies in the script of Tours ; 1)
(Publication / The Mediaeval Academy of America ; 3)
Mehrteiliges Werk 
7. Mediaeval Greek bookhands
[2]. - Plates. -
Cambridge, Mas.: Mediaeval Acad. of America, 1972. - 88 S. : Ill.
(Publication / The Mediaeval Academy of America ; 81)
Mehrteiliges Werk 
8. The English government at work, 1327-1336
2. - Fiscal administration.. -
Cambridge, Mass.: Mediaeval Acad. of America, 1947
(Publication / The Mediaeval Academy of America ; 48)
Mehrteiliges Werk 
9. A concordance to the Historia Ecclesiastica of Bede / by Putnam Fennell Jones. -
Cambridge, Mass.: Mediaeval Acad. of America, 1929. - IX, 585 S.
(Publication / The Mediaeval Academy of America ; 2)
Buch/keine Angabe 
10. The English government at work, 1327-1336
3. - Local administration and justice. -
Cambridge, Mass.: Mediaeval Acad. of America, 1950
(Publication / The Mediaeval Academy of America ; 56)
Mehrteiliges Werk 
11. Landini, Francesco: The works of Francesco Landini / with textual collation by William A. MacLaughlin. - Nachdr. d. Ausg. v. 1945. -
New York: Kraus, 1970. - XLIII, 316 S.
(Studies and documents / The Mediaeval Academy of America ; 3 = 36 [d. Gesamtw.])
(Publication / The Mediaeval Academy of America ; 36)
12. Beardwood, Alice: Alien merchants in England 1350 to 1377 : their legal and economic position / Alice Beardwood. -
Cambridge, Mass.: Mediaeval Academy of America, 1931. - XII, 212 S.
(Publication / The Mediaeval Academy of America ; 8)
(Monographs of the Mediaeval Academy of America ; 3)
Buch/keine Angabe 
Signatur: K 3547-33-60
13. LaMonte, John L.: Feudal monarchy in the Latin kingdom of Jerusalem : 1100 to 1291 / John L. LaMonte. -
Cambridge, Mass.: Mediaeval Acad. of America, 1932. - XXVIII, 293 S.
(Publication / The Mediaeval Academy of America ; 11)
(Monographs of the Mediaeval Academy of America ; 4)
Buch/keine Angabe 
Signatur: B 1840-16-1
14. Beeson, Charles Henry: Lupus of Ferrieres as scribe and text critic : a study of his autograph copy of Cicero's De oratore; with a facs. of the manuscript / Charles H. Beeson. -
Cambridge, Mass.: Mediaeval Academy of America, 1930. - 51 S., 109 Bl.
(Publication / The Mediaeval Academy of America ; 4)
Buch/keine Angabe 
Signatur: Q 7021-4-10
15. Averroes: Commentarivm medivm in Aristotelis De generatione et corrvptione libros / Averrois Cordvbensis ; recensuit Franciscvs Howard Fobes ; adivvante Samvele Kvrland. -
Cambridge, Massachusetts: The Mediaeval Academy of America, 1956. - 216 Seiten
(Corpvs commentariorvm Averrois in Aristotelem / consilio et avspiciis Academiae Americanae Mediaevalis adivvantibvs academiis consociatis ; ediderunt Henricvs Avstryn Wolfson, David Baneth, Franciscvs Howard Fobes : Versionum Latinarum ; volvmen 4,1)
(Publication / The Mediaeval Academy of America ; no. 65)
(Corpvs philosophorvm medii aevi)
Buch/keine Angabe 
Signatur: D 2700-4::4,1
16. Byrne, Eugene H.: Genoese shipping in the twelfth and thirteenth centuries / Eugene H. Byrne. -
Cambridge, Mass.: Mediaeval Acad. of America, 1930. - 159 S.
(Monographs of the Mediaeval Academy of America ; 1)
(Publication / The Mediaeval Academy of America ; 5)
Buch/keine Angabe 
Signatur: K 3132-246-10
17. Buridan, Johannes: Iohannis Buridani Quaestiones super libris quattuor de caelo et mundo / ed. by Ernest Addison Moody. - Nachdr. d. Ausg. Cambridge, Mass. 1942. -
New York: Kraus Reprint, 1970. - XXXV, 274 S.
(Studies and documents / The Mediaeval Academy of America ; 6 = 40 [d. Gesamtw.])
(Publication / The Mediaeval Academy of America ; 40)
Buch/keine Angabe 
Signatur: Q 1600-40
18. Hatch, William Henry Paine: Greek and Syrian miniatures in Jerusalem : with an introduction and a description of each of the seventy-one miniatures reproduced / William Henry Paine Hatch. -
Cambridge, Mass.: Mediaeval Academy of America, 1931. - XIII, 136 S., 72 Taf. : zahlr. Ill.
(Publication / The Mediaeval Academy of America ; 6)
Buch/keine Angabe 
Signatur: C 6876-65
19. Averroes: Compendia librorvm Aristotelis qvi parva natvralia vocantvr / Averrois Cordvbensis ; recensvit Aemilia Ledyard Shields ; adivvante Henrico Blumberg. -
Cambridge, Massachusetts: The Mediaeval Academy of America, 1949. - xxxii, 276 Seiten
(Corpvs commentariorvm Averrois in Aristotelem / consilio et avspiciis Academiae Americanae Mediaevalis adivvantibvs academiis consociatis ; ediderunt Henricvs Avstryn Wolfson, David Baneth, Franciscvs Howard Fobes : Versionem Latinarum ; volvmen 7)
(Publication / The Mediaeval Academy of America ; no. 54)
(Corpvs philosophorvm medii aevi)
Buch/keine Angabe 
Signatur: D 2700-4::7
20. Buckler, Francis W.: Harunu'l-Rashid and Charles the Great / F. W. Buckler. -
Cambridge, Mass.: Mediaeval Academy of America, 1931. - VII, 64 S.
(Monographs of the Mediaeval Academy of America ; 2)
(Publication / The Mediaeval Academy of America ; 7)
Buch/keine Angabe 
Signatur: B 4109-16-2
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