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Escher, Katalin: Genèse et évolution du deuxième royaume burgonde (443 - 534) 1. - . - Oxford: Archaeopress, 2005. - 602 S. : Ill., Kt., ISBN 978-1-84171-842-2 (BAR : International series ; 1402)
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Nanji, Rukshana J.: Mariners and merchants : a study of the ceramics from Sanjan (Gujarat) / Rukshana J. Nanji. - Oxford [u.a.]: Archaeopress, 2011. - VIII, 241 S. : Ill., Kt., ISBN 978-1-4073-0793-0 (BAR international series ; 2231 ; 2231) (Sanjan reports ; v. 1)
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LRCW3 - late Roman coarse wares, cooking wares and amphorae in the Mediterranean 1. - . - Oxford: Archaeopress, 2010. - VIII, 538 S. : Ill., graph. Darst., Kt., ISBN 978-1-4073-0734-3 (BAR : International series ; 2185)
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Adams, William Yewdale: Kulubnarti 1. - The architectural remains / William Y. Adams. - Oxford: Archaeopress, 2011. - XVII, 162, [35] S. : Ill., graph. Darst., Kt., ISBN 978-1-4073-0805-0 (Sudan Archaeological Research Society publication ; no. 18) (BAR : International series ; 2241)
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Adams, William Yewdale: The churches of Nobadia 1. - . - Oxford: Archaeopress, 2009. - XVI, 279 S. : Ill., Kt., ISBN 978-1-4073-0534-9 (Publication / Sudan Archaeological Research Society ; 17) (BAR International Series ; 2000 (I))
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The first Neolithic sites in Central/South-East European transect 1. - Early Neolithic sites on the territory of Bulgaria / ed. by Ivan Gatsov .... - Oxford: Archaeopress, 2009. - 84 S. : Ill., graph. Darst., Kt., ISBN 978-1-4073-0624-7 (BAR International series ; 2048)
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Kleibrink, Marianne: Excavations at Francavilla Marittima 1991 - 1994 1. - Matt-painted pottery from the Timpone della Motta : the undulating bands style. - Oxford: Archaeopress, 2012. - 223 S. : zahlr. Ill., graph. Darst., Kt., ISBN 978-1-4073-1022-0 (British Archaeological Reports / International series ; 2423)
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Cavaliere, Maria Emilia: Dediche di Occidentali nel santuario di Apollo a Delfi (VI - IV a. C.) / Maria Emilia Cavaliere. - Oxford: Archaeopress, 2013. - VI, 117 S. : Ill., ISBN 978-1-4073-1091-6 (Young Lukanian archaeologists ; 1) (BAR : International series ; 2479)
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Cartron, Gael: L' architecture et les pratiques funéraires dans l'Égypte romaine 1. - Synthèse. - Oxford: Archaeopress, 2012. - VIII, 314 S. : Ill., graph. Darst., Kt., ISBN 978-1-4073-0991-0 (BAR : International series ; 2398 (1))
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LRCW 4 - late Roman coarse wares, cooking wares and amphorae in the Mediterranean 1. - . - Oxford: Archaeopress, 2014. - XII, 622 S. : Ill., graph. Darst., Kt., ISBN 978-1-4073-1249-1 (BAR : International series ; 2616,1)
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Adams, William Yewdale: The West Bank survey from Faras to Gemai 1. - Sites of Early Nubian, Middle Nubian and Pharaonic age / Hans-Åke Nordström. - London: Archaeopress, 2014. - XVIII, 178, 32 S. : Ill., graph. Darst., Kt., ISBN 978-1-4073-1289-7 (Sudan Archaeological Research Society ; Publication Number 21) (BAR : International Series ; 2650)
Mehrteiliges Werk
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The intellectual and spiritual expression of non-literate societies : (Florianópolis, 4 - 10 septembre 2011) ; proceedings of session 17 / ed. by Emmanuel Anati .... - Oxford [u.a.]: Archaeopress, 2012. - VIII, 107 S. : zahlr. Ill., Kt., ISBN 978-1-4073-0947-7 (BAR : International series ; 2360) (Proceedings of the ... world congress / International Union of Prehistoric and Protohistoric Sciences ; 16,1)
Buch/keine Angabe