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Advanced studies on the archaeology and history of hunting. - Turnhout, Belgium: Brepols, 2023-. - Bände, ISSN 2511-8285 1-
Buch/keine Angabe
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Bear and Human: Facets of a Multi-Layered Relationship <Veranstaltung, 2019, Dalarna>: Bear and human : facets of a multi-layered relationship from past to recent times, with emphasis on Northern Europe / edited by Oliver Grimm, in cooperation with Daniel Groß, Alexandra Pesch, Olof Sundqvist, and Andrea… . - Turnhout: Brepols, [2023], ISBN 978-2-503-60611-8 (Advanced studies on the archaeology and history of hunting ; volume 3) (The archaeology of Northern Europe ; volume 3)
Mehrteiliges Werk
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The archaeology of Northern Europe. - Turnhout, Belgium: Brepols, [2020]-, ISSN 2736-7436 Volume 1-
Buch/keine Angabe