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Universitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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+ Suchhistorie (1 Recherche)

Treffer einschränken:

1. Boyd, James: Ulrich Füetrer's Parzival : material and sources / by James Boyd. -
Oxford: Blackwell, 1936. - VII, 172 S.
(Medium aevum : Medium aevum monographs ; 1)
Buch/keine Angabe 
Signatur: G 4719-5
2. Des grantz Geanz : an Anglo-Norman poem / ed. by Georgine E. Brereton. -
Oxford: Soc. for the Study of Mediaeval Languages and Literature, 1937. - XXXVII, 58 S.
(Medium aevum : Medium aevum monographs ; 2)
Buch/keine Angabe 
3. Bonjour, Adrien: The digressions in Beowulf / Adrien Bonjour. - Nachdr. d. Ausg. 1950. -
Oxford: Blackwell, 1965. - XVI, 80 S., ISBN 978-0-631-03370-7
(Medium aevum : Medium aevum monographs ; 5)
Themen: Beowulf | Exkurs
Buch/keine Angabe 
4. Friedrichsen, George W.: Gothic studies / by G. W. S. Friedrichsen. -
Oxford: Blackwell, 1961. - 111 S.
(Medium aevum : Medium aevum monographs ; 6)
Buch/keine Angabe 
Signatur: 64 A 722
5. Benedikt <Montecassino, Abt, Heiliger>: The rule of St. Benedict : a norman prose version / Benedictus. Ed. by Ruth J. Dean .... -
Oxford: Blackwell, 1964. - XXX, 111 S.
(Medium aevum : Medium aevum monographs ; 7)
Buch/keine Angabe 
Signatur: 65 B 1551
6. Twycross, Meg: The medieval anadyomene : a study in Chaucer's mythography / Meg Twycross. -
Oxford: Blackwell, 1972. - V, 114 S. : graph. Darst.
(Medium aevum : Medium aevum monographs ; N.S., 1)
Buch/keine Angabe 
7. Wilson, Edward: A descriptive index of the English lyrics in John of Grimestone's Preaching book / Edward Wilson. -
Oxford: Blackwell, 1973. - XXIV, 73 S.
(Medium aevum : Medium aevum monographs ; N.S., 2)
Buch/keine Angabe 
8. Barnett, Monica: La bataille loquifer / by Monica Barnett [; Guillaume de Bapaume]. -
Oxford: Blackwell for the Society for the Study of Mediaeval Languages and Literature, 1975. - 194 S., ISBN 978-0-631-16670-2
(Medium aevum : Medium aevum monographs ; N.S., 6)
Buch/keine Angabe 
9. Nompar <de Coumont>: Le voyatge d'oultremer en Jherusalem de Nompar, Seigneur de Caumont / ed. by Peter S. Noble. -
Oxford: Blackwell, 1975. - 203 S., ISBN 978-0-631-16680-1
(Medium aevum : Medium aevum monographs ; N.S., 7)
Buch/keine Angabe 
10. Boitani, Piero: Chaucer and Boccaccio / by Piero Boitani. -
Oxford: Society for the Study of Medieval Languages and Literature, 1977. - 210 S, ISBN 978-0-9505955-1-1
(Medium aevum : Medium aevum monographs ; N.S., 8)
Buch/keine Angabe 
11. Clifton-Everest, John M.: The tragedy of knighthood : origins of the Tannhäuser-legend / by J. M. Clifton-Everest. -
Oxford: Society for the Study of Mediaeval Languages and Literature, 1979. - XIII, 181 S, ISBN 978-0-9505955-3-5
(Medium aevum : Medium aevum monographs ; N.S., 10)
Buch/keine Angabe 
 Inhaltsverzeichnis: 1, 2, 3
ausleihbar  3D-Plan
Signatur: 80 A 568
12. Levy, Brian J.: Nine verse sermons by Nicholas Bozon : the art of an Anglo-Norman poet and preacher / Brian J. Levy. -
Oxford: The Soc. for the Study of Mediaeval Languages and Literature, 1981. - 98 S., ISBN 978-0-907570-01-1
(Medium aevum : Medium aevum monographs ; N.S., 11)
Buch/keine Angabe 
13. Lewis, Robert E.: A descriptive guide to the manuscripts of the Prick of conscience / Robert E. Lewis and Angus McIntosh. -
Oxford: Society for the Study of Mediaeval Languages and Literature, 1982. - XVI, 173 S. : 2 Kt., ISBN 978-0-907570-02-8
(Medium aevum : Medium aevum monographs ; N.S., 12)
Buch/keine Angabe 
14. McTurk, Rory: Studies in Ragnars saga loðbrókar and its major Scandinavian analogues / Rory McTurk. -
Oxford: Society for the Study of Mediaeval Languages and Literature, 1991. - XI, 275 S : Ill., graph. Darst., ISBN 978-0-907570-08-0
(Medium aevum : Medium aevum monographs ; N.S., 15)
Buch/keine Angabe 
ausleihbar  3D-Plan
Signatur: 93 A 10548
15. Two Late Medieval Love Treatises : Heloise's "Art d'Amour" and a collection of "Demandes d'Amour" / ed. with introd., notes and glossary from British Library Royal MS 16 F II Leslie C. Brook. -
Oxford: Soc. for the Study of Mediaeval Languages and Literature, 1993. - X, 107 S. : Ill., ISBN 978-0-907570-09-7
(Medium aevum : Medium aevum monographs ; N.S., 16)
Buch/keine Angabe 
ausleihbar  3D-Plan
Signatur: 95 A 7841
16. Sherwood-Smith, Maria C.: Studies in the reception of the Historia scholastica of Peter Comestor : the Schwarzwälder Predigten, the Weltchronik of Rudolf von Ems, the Scolastica of Jacob van Maerlant and the Historiebijbel van 1360 / Maria C. Sherwood-Smith. -
Oxford: The Soc. for the Study of Medieval Languages and Literature, 2000. - VI, 181 S : graph. Darst, ISBN 978-0-907570-13-4
(Medium aevum : Medium aevum monographs ; N.S., 20)
Buch/keine Angabe 
ausleihbar  3D-Plan
Signatur: 2004 A 6080
17. Three receptaria from medieval England : the languages of medicine in the fourteenth century / edited by Tony Hunt with the collaboration of Michael Benskin. -
Oxford: The Society for the Study of Medieval Languages and Literature, 2001. - VIII, 263 S : Kt, ISBN 978-0-907570-14-1
(Medium aevum : Medium aevum monographs ; N.S., 21)
Buch/keine Angabe 
18. Three Anglo-Norman treatises on falconry / ed. by Tony Hunt. The Society for the Study of Medieval Languages and Literature. -
Oxford: Society for the Study of Medieval Languages and Literature, 2009. - 179 S, ISBN 978-0-907570-19-6
(Medium Aevum monographs. New series ; N.S., 26)
Buch/keine Angabe 
19. Linde, Cornelia: How to correct the Sacra scriptura? : textual criticism of the latin bible between the Twelfth and Fifteenth Century / Cornelia Linde. -
Oxford: Society for the Study of Medieval Languages and Literature, 2012. - IX, 309 S., ISBN 978-0-907570-22-6
(Medium aevum monographs ; [N.S.], 29)
Buch/keine Angabe 
ausleihbar  3D-Plan
Signatur: 2015 A 8950
20. Boscolo, Claudia: L'entrée d'Espagne : context and authorship at the origins of the Italian chivalric epic / Claudia Boscolo. -
Oxford: The Society for the Study of Medieval Languages and Literature, 2017, ISBN 978-0-907570-34-9
(Medium aevum monographs ; [N.S.], 34)
Buch/keine Angabe 
ausleihbar  3D-Plan
Signatur: 2020 A 13497
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