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University library of Heidelberg
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1. Movements : Journal für kritische Migrations- und Grenzregimeforschung. -
[Bielefeld]: transcript, [2016-2018]. - Bände, ISSN 2509-8322
Jg. 2, Heft 1 (2016)-Jg. 4, Heft 2 (2018) ; damit Erscheinen eingestellt
2. L' Illustrazione italiana : rivista settimanale degli avvenimenti e personaggi contemporanei, sopra la storia del giorno, la vita pubblica e sociale, .... -
Milano, [1875-1962?]
3.1875 - 72.1945,[1]; N.S. [72.]1945,[2] - [73.]1946; 74.1947 - 89.1962[?]
3. Military year-book. -
New Delhi: Guide Publ., 1965-1991, ISSN 0076-8782
1.1965 - 23.1991/92(1991)
4. Strategic survey for Israel / INSS, Institute for National Security Studies. -
Tel Aviv: INSS, 2009-. - Online-Ressource
Nachgewiesen 2009 -
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Library holdings published up to 1961 see also DigiKat.
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