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Loyola intellectual property & high technology law quarterly. - Buffalo, NY: HeinOnline, 1996-1999. - Online-Ressource 1.1996 - 3.1999
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Texas intellectual property law journal : TIPLJ / State Bar of Texas Intellectual Property Law Section. - Austin, Tex.: The State Bar, 1992-, ISSN 1068-1000 1.1992/93 -
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Intellectual property and technology forum at Boston College Law School : IPTF. - Newton, Mass.: [Verlag nicht ermittelbar], 1997-. - Online-Ressource Nachgewiesen 1997,April -
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The Columbia journal of law & the arts : a quarterly journal of law and the arts, entertainment, communications and intellectual property. - Buffalo, NY: HeinOnline, 2001-. - Online-Ressource 25.2001/02 -
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Tulane journal of technology and intellectual property / Tulane University, School of Law. - Buffalo, NY: HeinOnline, 1999-. - Online-Ressource 1.1999 -
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Northwestern journal of technology and intellectual property / Northwestern University School of Law. - Chicago, Ill.: Northwestern University School of Law, 2003-. - Online-Ressource 1.2003 -
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John Marshall Review of Intellectual Property Law / John Marshall Law School. - Buffalo, NY: HeinOnline, 2001-. - Online-Ressource 1.2001 -
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Buffalo intellectual property law journal. - Buffalo, NY: HeinOnline, 2001-. - Online-Ressource 1.2001 -
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Journal of intellectual property law. - Buffalo, NY: HeinOnline, 1993-. - Online-Ressource 1.1993 -
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Wake Forest intellectual property law journal / Wake Forest College, School of Law. - Winston-Salem, NC: [Verlag nicht ermittelbar], 2006-2010. - Online-Ressource Nachgewiesen 6.2006; 7.2006/07 - 10.2009/10
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Zeitschrift für Wohnungseigentumsrecht : ZWE ; Begründung, Verwaltung, Vermietung, Steuern, Verfahren / Evangelisches Siedlungswerk in Deutschland e.V., ESWiD. - München ; Frankfurt, Main: Beck, 2000-. - Online-Ressource (Beck-online), ISSN 1611-8650 1.2000 - 3.2002; [4.]2003,1(Mai) - [6.]2005; 7.2006 -
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Economic approaches to law. - Cheltenham [u.a.]: Elgar, 2006- Nr. 1.2006 -
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Sammlung Kommentare zu landwirtschaftlichen Gesetzen. - Butjadingen-Stollhamm: Agricola-Verl., 1954-, ISSN 0487-1057 1.1954 -
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Entscheidungen des Reichserbhofgerichts, REHG / hrsg. von den beamteten Mitgliedern des Gerichtshofs. - Berlin: Vahlen, 1935-1943 1.1934/35(1935) - 9.1942/43; damit Ersch. eingest.