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Universitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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10 Titel < 1825
1. Diabetes und Sport : Jahrbuch ; offizielles Organ der International Diabetic Athletes Association (IDAA), Sektion Deutschland und der Arbeitsgemeinschaft Diabetes und Sport (IDS) der DDG. -
Mainz: Kirchheim, 2004-, ISSN 1613-7108
2. Baltic journal of sports and health sciences / Baltic Sport Science Society, Lithuanian sports university, Latvian Academy of Sport Education, Univ… . -
Kaunas: Lithuanian Sports University, 2014-. - Online-Ressource, ISSN 2351-6496
2014, 1 = 92-
Online-Ressource Zeitschrift 
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3. International journal of sport nutrition and exercise metabolism : IJSNEM ; research exploring sport nutrition and exercise metabolism. -
Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics Publ., 1991-, ISSN 1543-2742
1.1991 -
Online-Ressource Zeitschrift 
4. Journal of sport & exercise psychology : JSEP / North American Society for the Psychology of Sport and Physical Activity. -
Champaign, Ill.: Human Kinetics Publishers, 1979-. - Online-Ressource, ISSN 1543-2904
1.1979 -
Online-Ressource Zeitschrift 
5. True sport : a publication dedicated to providing timely and accurate information for Olympic, Pan Am, and Paralympic Athletes / USADA, United States Anti-Doping Agency. -
Colorado Springs, Col.: Ass., 2004-2005. - Online-Ressource
Nachgewiesen 4.2004 - 5.2005,3(Juli/Sep.)
Online-Ressource Zeitschrift 
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6. International review of sport sociology : irss ; a quarterly edited on behalf of the International Sociology of Sport Association (ISSA). -
London [u.a.]: SAGE Publ., 1966-1983. - Online-Ressource
Volume 1, No. 1 (March 1966)-volume 18, no. 4 (December 1983)
Online-Ressource Zeitschrift 
7. International review for the sociology of sport : irss ; a quarterly edited on behalf of the International Sociology of Sport Association (ISSA). -
London [u.a.]: SAGE Publ., 1984-. - Online-Ressource, ISSN 1461-7218
Volume 19, No 1 (March 1984)-
Online-Ressource Zeitschrift 
8. Journal of applied sport and exercise psychology. -
Göttingen: Hogrefe, 2024-, ISSN 2941-7600
Volume 31, number 1 (2024)-
Online-Ressource Zeitschrift 
9. Sport si societate : revista de educatie fizica, sport si stiinte conexe. -
Iasi: [Verlag nicht ermittelbar], 2007-. - Online-Ressource, ISSN 2344-3693
Nachgewiesen 7.2007 -
Online-Ressource Zeitschrift 
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10. Madrid-sport. -
Madrid: [Verlag nicht ermittelbar], 1916-1924. - Online-Ressource, ISSN 1696-8492
1.1916,5.Okt. - 10.1924,25.Dez. = Nr. 1-430[?]
Online-Ressource Zeitung 
11. Polish journal of sport and tourism : quarterly / The Josef Pilsudski University of Physical Education in Warsaw, Faculty of Physical Education and Sp… . -
Biala Podlaska: AWF, 2008-. - Online-Ressource, ISSN 2082-8799
15.2008 -
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12. Sport & EU review : the review of the Association for the Study of Sport & the European Union. -
[Erscheinungsort nicht ermittelbar]: Ass., 2009-. - Online-Ressource, ISSN 2040-5847
1.2009 -
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13. Zdorov’â, sport, reabìlìtacìâ. -
Kharkiv: H.S. Skovoroda Kharkiv National Pedagogical University, [2008]-. - Online-Ressource, ISSN 2520-2685
No. 1 (2008) - no. 4 (2011); vol. 1, no. 1 (2015) -
Online-Ressource Zeitschrift 
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14. Sports orthopaedics and traumatology. -
München: Elsevier, Urban & Fischer, 1995-, ISSN 0949-328X
11.1995 -
15. Journal of sport and health science / Shanghai University of Sport. -
Amsterdam [u.a.]: Elsevier, 2012-. - Online-Ressource, ISSN 2213-2961
1.2012 -
Online-Ressource Zeitschrift 
16. BMJ Open Sport & Exercise Medicine / official journal of the British Association of Sport and Exercise Medicine (BASEM). -
London: BMJ Publishing Group, 2015-. - Online-Ressource, ISSN 2055-7647
1.2015 -
Online-Ressource Zeitschrift 
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17. Exercise and sport sciences reviews / American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM). -
Hagerstown, Md.: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 1973-. - Online-Ressource, ISSN 1538-3008
1.1973 -
Online-Ressource Zeitschrift 
18. Reihe Körperbildung und Sport. -
Schorndorf: Hofmann-Verlag, [2018]-. - Bände, ISSN 2627-0811
Band 20-
Buch/keine Angabe 
19. Journal of human sport and exercise : JHSE / Faculty of Education, University of Alicante. -
Alicante: Univ., 2006-. - Online-Ressource, ISSN 1988-5202
1.2006 -
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20. Activities in physical education and sport : international journal of scientific and professional issues in physical education and sport / Federation of the Sports Pedagogues of the Republic of Macedonia. -
Skopje: Fed., 2011-. - Online-Ressource, ISSN 1857-7687
1.2011 -
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