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Universitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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20 Titel < 1826
1. Swiss medical weekly : SMW ; the European journal of medical sciences ; formerly Schweizerische medizinische Wochenschrift ; supported by the Swiss Academy of Medical Sciences (SAMS), the FMH (Swiss Medical Association) and by Schwabe AG ... ; the official journal of the Swiss Society of Infectious Diseases, the Swiss Society of Internal Medicine and the Swiss Respiratory Society. Supplementum. -
Basel: EMH Swiss Med. Publ., 2008-. - Online-Ressource
Nachgewiesen 162.2008 -
Online-Ressource Zeitschrift 
2. Swiss medical weekly : SMW ; the European journal of medical sciences ; formerly Schweizerische medizinische Wochenschrift ; supported by the Swiss Academy of Medical Sciences (SAMS), the FMH (Swiss Medical Association) and by Schwabe AG ... ; the official journal of the Swiss Society of Infectious Diseases, the Swiss Society of Internal Medicine and the Swiss Respiratory Society. Supplementum. -
Basel: EMH Swiss Med. Publ., 2008-. - Online-Ressource
Nachgewiesen 162.2008 -
Online-Ressource Zeitschrift 
online verfügbar
3. Monographische Reihe der Sammlung Prinzhorn / hrsg. v. Inge Jádi und Bettina Brand-Claussen. -
Heidelberg: Verl. Das Wunderhorn, 19XX-
Buch/keine Angabe 
4. Development and psychopathology : D&P. -
Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press, 1989-. - Online-Ressource, ISSN 1469-2198
1.1989 -
Online-Ressource Zeitschrift 
5. Adolf Wölfli / Adolf Wölfli-Stiftung, Kunstmuseum Bern. -
Bern: Adolf Wölfli-Stiftung ; Kunstmuseum. - Online-Ressource
Nachgewiesen 2006 -
Online-Ressource Zeitschrift 
online verfügbar
6. Psychopathology : international journal of descriptive and experimental psychopathology, phenomenology and clinical diagnostics. -
Basel: Karger, 1968-. - Online-Ressource, ISSN 1423-033X
1.1968 -
Online-Ressource Zeitschrift 
7. Antworten / Sammlung Prinzhorn. -
Heidelberg: Sammlung Prinzhorn, 19XX-
Buch/keine Angabe 
8. Zeitschrift für klinische Psychologie, Psychopathologie und Psychotherapie / im Auftr. d. Görres-Gesellschaft hrsg. -
Paderborn: Schöningh, 1983-1995, ISSN 0723-6557
31.1983 - 43.1995
9. Psychiatric research & clinical practice / American Psychiatric Association. -
Hoboken, NJ: Wiley, [2019]-. - Online-Ressource, ISSN 2575-5609
Vol. 1, nr. 1 (April 2019)-
Online-Ressource Zeitschrift 
10. Journal of abnormal psychology / publ. by the American Psychological Association. -
Washington, DC: Assoc., 1906-[2021], ISSN 0021-843X
1.1906/07 - 19.1924/25; 70.1965-Volume 130, Number 8 (November 2021)
11. Zeitschrift für pädagogische Psychologie und Jugendkunde. -
Leipzig: Quelle & Meyer, 1899-1944, ISSN 0935-3585
1.1899 - 45.1944,2; damit Ersch. eingest.
12. Swiss medical weekly / Suppl : official journal of the Swiss Society of Infectious Diseases, The Swiss Society of Internal Medicine, The Swiss Respiratory Society. Suppl.. -
Basel: EMH Swiss Med. Publ., ISSN 1424-7860
126.2001 - 196.2012
13. Swiss medical weekly : official journal of the Swiss Society of Infectious Diseases, the Swiss Society of Internal Medicine, the Swiss Society of Pneumology. -
Basel: EMH Schweizerischer Ärzteverl., 1996-. - Online-Ressource, ISSN 1424-3997
Nachgewiesen 1996,40 -
Online-Ressource Zeitung 
online verfügbar
14. Swiss medical weekly : official journal of the Swiss Society of Infectious Diseases, the Swiss Society of Internal Medicine, the Swiss Society of Pneumology. -
Basel: EMH Schweizerischer Ärzteverl., 1996-. - Online-Ressource, ISSN 1424-3997
Nachgewiesen 1996,40 -
Online-Ressource Zeitung 
15. Journal of abnormal and social psychology / American Psychological Association. -
Albany, NY ; Lancaster, Pa. [u.a.]: American Psychological Assoc., 1925-1964, ISSN 0096-851X
20.1925/26 - 69.1964
16. Swiss Bulletin für angewandte Geologie / VSP ; SFIG. -
Bern: VSP, 2009-. - Online-Ressource
14.2009 -
Online-Ressource Zeitschrift 
online verfügbar
17. Journal of child and adolescent psychiatric nursing : official publication of the Association of Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Nurses. -
Philadelphia, Pa.: Nursecom, 1988-. - Online-Ressource, ISSN 1744-6171
1.1988 -
DOI: 10.1111/(ISSN)1744-6171
Online-Ressource Zeitschrift 
18. Indian journal of psychiatric nursing : official publication of Indian Society of Psychiatric Nurses. -
Mumbai, India: Wolters Kluwer - Medknow Publications, [2013]-. - Online-Ressource, ISSN 2666-528X
Volume 5, issue 1 (january 2013) [?]-
Online-Ressource Zeitschrift 
online verfügbar
19. Psychiatria clinica. -
Basel ; München [u.a.]: Karger, 1968-1983
(Anfangs: Psychiatria et neurologia : Sectio A), ISSN 0033-264X
1.1968 - 16.1983
20. Psychopathology : international journal of descriptive psychopathology, phenomenology and clinical diagnostics. -
Basel ; Freiburg [u.a.]: Karger, 1984-, ISSN 0254-4962
17.1984 -
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