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Universitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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Treffer einschränken:

1. Akalank's what will be Delhi in 2021 : MPD- 2021 : Master Plan for Delhi 2021 : with the perspective for the year, 2021 : w.e.f. 7th February, 2007 / revised, updated and modified by Vinod Kumar Mantoo, Akalank Kumar Jain, Vidhi Jain. - 14th edn. (updated and modified). -
Delhi: Akalank Publications, April, 2019. - 464 Seiten in getrennten Zählungen : Karten, ISBN 978-81-7639-391-1
Buch/keine Angabe 
Signatur: 238 wiw 2008/2568 GF;;b
2. Mantoo, Vinod Kumar: Akalank's what will be Delhi in 2021 : MPD-2021; Master Plan for Delhi 2021 with the perspective for the year, 2021, w.e.f. 7th February, 2007 / revised, updated and modified by Vinod Kumar Mantoo and Akalank Kumar Jain. - 8. ed., rev., updated & modified. -
Delhi: Akalank Publications, 2013. - XXIV, 426 S. : Kt., ISBN 978-81-7639-332-4
Buch/keine Angabe 
Signatur: 238 wiw 2008/2568 GF;;a
3. Perspective plan of Bangladesh : 2010 - 2021; making vision 2021 a reality / General Economics Division, Planning Commission, Government of the People's Republic of Bangladesh. -
[Dacca]: General Economics Division, Planning Commission, Government of the People's Republic of Bangladesh, 2012. - XVI, 92 S.
Buch/keine Angabe 
Signatur: 292 wiw 2013/3568 Kp
4. Kumar, Rajiv: Many futures of India / Rajiv Kuma. [Illustrations by Jennifer Williams]. - 1. publ.. -
New Delhi: Academic Foundation, c2011. - 168 S. : Ill., ISBN 978-81-7188-874-0
Buch/keine Angabe 
Signatur: 219 wiw 2012/3606
5. Ghosha, Candana: Tomorrow's war : 21st century defence strategies / C. N. Ghosh. -
New Delhi, India: Manas Publ., 2007. - 320 S. : Ill., graph. Darst., Kt., ISBN 978-81-7049-305-1
Buch/keine Angabe 
Signatur: 219 mil 2007/4150
6. Akalank's what will be Delhi in 2021 : MPD-2021; Delhi master plan w.e.f. 7th February; alongwith modifications made by notifications issued upto 17.9.2007. - 2. ed.. -
Delhi: Akalank Publ., 2007. - 194 S. : Kt., ISBN 978-81-7639-253-2
Buch/keine Angabe 
Signatur: 238 wiw 2008/2568 GF
7. Master plan for Delhi : with the perspective for the year 2021 / [concept, design, maps and photographs by Vijay Singh]. -
New Delhi: Rupa & Co, 2007. - XVIII, 356 S. : Ill., Kt., ISBN 978-81-291-1202-6
Buch/keine Angabe 
Signatur: 238 wiw 2008/3944
8. Sweeney, Jacqueline: We can think but we can't do - a focus on the aspirations of young female college students in Coimbatore, Southern India, and societal constraints / Jacqueline Sweeney and Lucy Nash. -
Edinburgh: University of Edinburgh, School of Social and Political Studies, Centre for South Asian Studies, 2001. - Online-Ressource, ISBN 978-1-900795-15-9
(Edinburgh papers in South Asian studies ; 15)
9. Nabhi's commentary on master plan of Delhi 2021 : along with zonal development plans / [compiled and edited by Nabhi's Board of editors]. - 1. ed.. -
New Delhi: Nabhi Publications, 2009. - XLIX, 1488 S. : Kt., ISBN 978-81-7274-683-4
(A Nabhi publication)
Buch/keine Angabe 
Signatur: 238 wiw 2011/3423
10. Muthayya, Boppanda Cuttayya: Farmers and their aspirations : influence of socio-economic status and work-orientation / [by] B. C. Muthayya. -
Hyderabad [India]: National Institute of Community Development, 1971. - VIII, 113 S.
Buch/keine Angabe 
Signatur: 219 agr 74/817
11. Regional plan-2021 : National Capital Region; (approved in 28th meeting of the NCR Planning Board held 9th July 2005 and notified on 17th September 2005). -
New Delhi: National Capital Region Planning Board, Ministry of Urban Development, Gov. of India, 2006. - XI, 226 S. : Ill., Kt.
Buch/keine Angabe 
Signatur: 238 wiw 2006/2702 GF
12. Akalank's what will be Delhi in 2001 : Delhi master plan, August, 1990; alongwith introductory comments on Delhi master plan and national housing policy, May 1992, with comments. - 3. ed., (rev. & updated). -
Delhi: Akalank Publications, 1996. - 113, 13 S. : Ill., Kt., ISBN 978-81-85981-36-9
Buch/keine Angabe 
Signatur: 238 wiw 2008/2504 Kp
13. Blueprint for an apartheid city : Draft Delhi Master Plan 2021 / Hazards Centre. - 1. ed.. -
New Delhi: Hazards Centre, 2005. - 71 S.
Buch/keine Angabe 
Signatur: 238 wiw 2008/3203
14. Army 2020 : shape, size, structure and general doctrine for emerging challenges / edited by Vijay Oberoi. -
New Delhi: Published by Knowledge World, in association with Centre for Land Warfare Studies, 2005. - XX, 278 S., ISBN 978-81-87966-33-3
Buch/keine Angabe 
Signatur: 219 mil 2006/532
15. Scindia, Vijayaraje: Need for a modern outlook : (a paper presented to the National Executive of the B.J.P. on 24 April, 1981) / Vijaya Raje Scindia. -
New Delhi: [Bharatiya Janata Party], [1981]. - 8 Seiten
(A Bharatiya Janata Party publication)
Buch/keine Angabe 
Signatur: 219 pol 2016/1531 Kp
16. Water for food and rural development : approaches and initiatives in South Asia / ed. by Peter P. Mollinga. - 1. publ.. -
New Delhi [u.a.]: Sage, 2000. - 377 S., ISBN 978-0-7619-9484-8
Buch/keine Angabe 
Signatur: 200 agr 2002/945
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