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Lange, Perry: Das Nepal Temple Project: Archäologie eines Hindu-Tempels : der Anantaliṅgeśvara-Mahādeva-Tempel in Dhadhikoṭa, Bhaktapur / von Perry Lange. - Bonn: Verlag Dr. Rudolf Habelt GmbH, 2020. - 263 Seiten, 117 ungezählte Seiten mit 278 Tafeln : 92 Illustrationen, ISBN 978-3-7749-4281-3 (Universitätsforschungen zur prähistorischen Archäologie ; Band 355)
Book/no value
Shelfmark: 163 pha 2021/52
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Taneri, Aydın: Türkistanlı bir Türk boyu Kürtler : Kürtler'in kökeni - siyasî, sosyal ve kültürel hayatları; İbnü'l-Ezrak, Şeref Han ve Evliya Çelebi'nin eserlerinin değerlendirilmesi / Aydın Taneri. - Genişletilmiş 2. baskı. - Ankara: Türk Kültürünü Araştırma Enstitüsü, 1983. - XV, 187 S. (Türk Kültürünü Araştırma Enstitüsü yayınları ; [73])
Book/no value
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Gangopadhyay, Malaya: Ancient Indian grammar : a concise analysis / Malaya Gangopadhyaya. - First edition. - Delhi: Sri Satguru Publications, 2013. - 111 Seiten : Illustrationen, ISBN 978-81-7030-940-6 (Sri Garib Das Oriental series ; no. 355)
Book/no value
Shelfmark: ind 54 B 15/1441
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Yedukondalu, K.: Classical sanskrit prosody / general editor Prof. Harekrishna Satapathy ; author Dr. K. Yedukondalu. - Tirupati: Rashtriya Sanskrit Vidyapeetha, [2014]. - xx, 580 Seiten : Tabellen, ISBN 978-93-83934-81-2 (Rashtriya Sanskrit Vidyapeetha publication series ; 285)
Book/no value
Shelfmark: ind 51 D 619/724
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Die Erschließung Sibiriens und des Fernen Ostens : Geschichte, Konzeptionen, Ergebnisse, Vergleiche / hrsg. von V. V. Vorob'e͏̈v. - 1. Aufl.. - Gotha: Haack, 1987 [erschienen] 1988. - 215 S : graph. Darst., Kt, ISBN 978-3-7301-0756-0 (Petermanns geographische Mitteilungen : Ergänzungsheft ; 285)
Book/no value
Shelfmark: UBN/RQ 55559 V954
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Kōkulakkaṇṇaṉ: Kālamum nerupputtuṇṭaṅkaḷum / Kōkulakkaṇṇan̲. - 1. patippu. - Nākarkōvil: Kālaccuvaṭu Patippakam, 2010. - 207 S., ISBN 978-93-80240-08-4 (Kālaccuvaṭu Patippaka veḷiyīṭu ; 355)
Book/no value
Shelfmark: nsp 20.12 C 2011/4415
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Ibn-i-Ṣafī: Lāšōṉ kā bāzār / Ibn-i Ṣafī. - Dihlī: Kitāb Vālā, 2009. - 206 S., ISBN 978-81-89369-51-4 ([Ibn-i Ṣafī jāsūsī sīrīz silsilah-i mat̤būʿāt] ; 10) (Silsilah-i mat̤būʿāt ; 285)
Book/no value
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Weinreich, Matthias: "We are here to stay" : Pashtun migrants in the northern areas of Pakistan / Matthias Weinreich. Photographs by Silvia Delogu. - Erstausg., 1. Aufl.. - Berlin: Schwarz, 2009. - 119 S. : Ill., Kt., ISBN 978-3-87997-356-9 (Islamkundliche Untersuchungen ; 285)
Book/no value
Shelfmark: 284 soz 2012/4953
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Lopamudra: Arjuna's 12-year exile / editor, Anant Pai ; script, Lopamudra ; artworks: Dilip Kadam. - Bombay: H.G. Mirchandani for India Book House Pvt. Ltd., April 15, 1986. - 31 Seiten (Mahabharata / editor, Anant Pai ; 14) (Amar chitra katha ; no. 355)
Book/no value
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Resolutions adopted by the National Council of the Communist Party of India, New Delhi, 24 to 27 Aug. 1981. - New Delhi: Communist Party of India, 1981. - 64 S. (Communist Party publication ; 1981, 12 = C 355)
Book/no value
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Multi-part work
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Multi-part work
Shelfmark: G 1739-95-4::3
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Ḫāṇ, Ṣābir ʿAlī: Saʿādat Yār Ḫăṇ Rangīn / Ṣābir ʿAlī Ḫāṇ. - Karāčī: Anjuman Taraqqī-i Urdū Pākistān, 1956. - 522 S. (Silsila-i maṭbūʿāt-i Anjuman-i Taraqqī-i Urdū (Pākistan) ; 285)
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Balasundaram, F. J.: Dalits and Christian mission in the Tamil country : the dalit movement and Protestant christians in the Tamil speaking districts of Madras Presidency 1919-1939 with special reference to London Mission Society area in Salem, Attur, Coimbatore, and Erode / by Franklyn J. Balasundaram. - Bangalore: Asian Trading Corp., 1997. - XVI, 192 S., ISBN 978-81-7086-200-0 (ATC publications ; 285)
Book/no value
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Das, Sitanshu: The future for Indian democracy / Sitanshu Das. - London: Fabian Society, 1970. - 40 S., ISBN 978-0-7163-1285-7 (Fabian research series ; 285)
Book/no value
Shelfmark: 219 pol 90/3084 Kp
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Aṇṇāturai, C. N.: Aṟuvaṭai / Ci. Eṉ. Aṇṇāturai. - 1. patippu. - Ceṉṉai: Pūmpukār Patippakam, 1989. - 72 S. (Pūmpukār veḷiyīṭu ; 285)
Book/no value
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Siddhāntavāgīsa, Kāliśankara: Kroḍapattrasaṃgrahaḥ 2. - . - Benares: Vidya Vilas Press, 1924. - 366, 2 S. (Chowkhamba Sanskrit series ; [25,2 =] 285.293.309.324)
Multi-part work
Shelfmark: ind S 20::25,1/2
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Kṛṣi-parāśara : edited and translated by Girija Prasanna Majumdar and Sures Chandra Banerji. - Calcutta: Asiatic Society, 1960. - Getr. Seitenz. (Bibliotheca Indica ; 285)
Book/no value
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Lancaster, James: The voyages of Sir James Lancaster to Brazil and the East Indies 1591 - 1603 / ed. with introd. and notes by Sir William Foster. - Reprod. ... from the ed. orig. publ. ... in 1940. - Nendeln/Liechtenstein: Kraus Repr., 1967. - XXXVII, 178 S. (Works issued by the Hakluyt Society ; Ser. 2,85)
Book/no value
Shelfmark: 214 rei 67/728
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Warnk, Holger: [Rezension von: Gerry van Klinken, Minorities, modernity and the emerging nation - Christians in Indonesia, a biographical approach, Leiden, KITLV Press 2003, 285 S., (= Verhandelingen van het Koninklijk Instituut voor Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde 199)] / Holger Warnk, 2004 In: Asien, ISSN 2701-8431. 93(2004), Seite 109-112 DOI: 10.11588/asien.2004.93.14881
Online resource Journal article