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Universitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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Treffer einschränken:

1. Morris, Ellen Fowles: Famine and feast in Ancient Egypt / Ellen Morris. -
Cambridge ; New York, NY ; Port Melbourne ; New Delhi ; Singapore: Cambridge University Press, 2023. - 85 Seiten : Illustrationen, Karten, ISBN 978-1-009-07458-2
(Cambridge elements : Ancient Egypt in context)
Buch/keine Angabe 
Signatur: 2023 C 2494
2. Alexandria and the north-western delta : joint conference proceedings of Alexandria: city and harbour (Oxford 2004) and the trade and topography of Egypt's north-west delta, 8th century bc to 8th century ad (Berlin 2006) / ed. by Damian Robinson and Andrew Wilson. -
Oxford: School of Archaeology, Univ. of Oxford, 2010. - XVIII, 282 S. : Ill., graph. Darst., Kt., ISBN 978-1-905905-14-0
(Monograph / Oxford Centre for Maritime Archaeology ; 5)
Buch/keine Angabe 
Signatur: 2011 D 2254
3. International Conference on Predynastic and Early Dynastic Egypt <7., 2022, Paris>: Egypt at its origins 7 : proceedings of the seventh International Conference 'Origin of the State. Predynastic and Early Dynastic Egypt', Paris, 19th-23rd September 2022 / edited by Yann Tristant, Julie Villaeys and Ellen M. Ryan. -
Leuven ; Paris ; Bristol, CT: Peeters, 2024. - XX, 822 Seiten : Illustrationen, ISBN 978-90-429-5222-5
(Orientalia Lovaniensia analecta ; 323)
Buch/keine Angabe 
Signatur: 2025 C 136
4. Morris, Ellen Fowles: Ancient Egyptian imperialism / Ellen Morris. -
Hoboken, NJ: Wiley Blackwell, 2018. - xi, 308 Seiten : Illustrationen, ISBN 978-1-4051-3678-5
Buch/keine Angabe 
Signatur: 2018 C 2727
5. Swift, Ellen: A social archaeology of Roman and late antique Egypt : artefacts of everyday life / Ellen Swift, Jo Stoner and April Pudsey. - First edition. -
Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2022. - xiii, 455 Seiten : Illustrationen, Diagramme, ISBN 978-0-19-886734-0
Buch/keine Angabe 
Signatur: 2022 C 147
6. Cosson, Anthony de: Mareotis : being a short account of the history and ancient monuments of the north-western desert of Egypt and of Lake Mareotis / by Anthony de Cosson. -
London: Country Life Ltd., 1935. - 219 Seiten : Illustrationen, graphische Darstellungen
Buch/keine Angabe 
ausleihbar  3D-Plan
Signatur: 77 A 1562
7. Cosson, Anthony de: Mareotis : being a short account of the history and ancient monuments of the north-western desert of Egypt and of Lake Mareotis / by Anthony de Cosson. -
London: Country Life, 1935. - IX S., S. 11-219 : Ill.
online verfügbar
8. Szafrański, Zbigniew Eugeniusz: Observations on stratigraphy : Northwestern part or Area I/E-F (former Pit I/E-F) / Zbigniew E. Szafrański. -
Warsaw: Polish Centre of Mediterranean Archaeology, 1999 : Illustrationen
In: Polish archaeology in the mediterranean, ISSN 1234-5415. 10(1998), Seite 91-96
DOI: 10.11588/diglit.41273.18
Online-Ressource Zeitschriftenartikel 
9. Daszewski, Wiktor Andrzej: Note on an archaeological site near el Dab'a : on the Northwestern coast of Egypt / Wiktor A. Daszewski, Grzegorz Majcherek, Abdel Latif el-Wakil, Iwona Zych. -
Warsaw: Polish Centre of Mediterranean Archaeology, 2001 : Illustrationen
In: Polish archaeology in the mediterranean, ISSN 1234-5415. 12(2000), Seite 77-83
DOI: 10.11588/diglit.41368.13
Online-Ressource Zeitschriftenartikel 
10. Naville, Edouard: The temple of Deir el Bahari
1. - The north-western end of the upper platform. -
London: Egypt Exploration Fund [u.a.], 1895. - 15 S., Plates I - XXIV
(Memoir of the Egypt Exploration Fund ; 13)
DOI: 10.11588/diglit.4142
Online-Ressource Mehrteiliges Werk 
11. Naville, Edouard: The temple of Deir el Bahari
1. - The north-western end of the upper platform. -
London: Egypt Exploration Fund, 1895. - 15 S., Plates I - XXIV
(Memoir of the Egypt Exploration Fund ; 13)
Mehrteiliges Werk 
Signatur: C 2637-4 Gross::13
12. Scientific Papyri from Ancient Egypt in Cross-Cultural Perspective <1., 2018, Kopenhagen>: Scientific traditions in the ancient Mediterranean and Near East : joint proceedings of the 1st and 2nd Scientific Papyri from Ancient Egypt, international conferences, May 2018, Copenhagen, and September 2019 New York / edited by Sofie Schiødt, Amber Jacob, and Kim Ryholt. -
New York: Institute for the Study of the Ancient World/New York University Press, 2023. - viii, 450 Seiten : Illustrationen, ISBN 978-1-4798-2313-0
Buch/keine Angabe 
 Inhaltsverzeichnis: 1, 2
ausleihbar  3D-Plan
Signatur: 2024 B 218
13. Williams, Ellen Reeder: The archaeological collection of the Johns Hopkins University / Ellen Reeder Williams. -
Baltimore [u.a.]: Johns Hopkins University Press, c1984. - XII, 211 S : Ill, ISBN 978-0-8018-3050-1
Buch/keine Angabe 
ausleihbar  3D-Plan
Signatur: 85 B 693
14. Doetsch-Amberger, Ellen: Ägyptische Sammlung : [Rautenstrauch-Joest-Museum] / Ellen Doetsch-Amberger. -
Köln: Bachem, 1987-
Mehrteiliges Werk 
15. Morris, Ellen Fowles: The architecture of imperialism : military bases and the evolution of foreign policy in Egypt's New Kingdom / by Ellen Fowles Morris. -
Leiden [u.a.]: Brill, 2005. - XVII, 891 S : Ill., Kt, ISBN 978-90-04-14036-3
(Probleme der Ägyptologie ; 22)
Buch/keine Angabe 
Signatur: 2005 C 1363
16. Meskell, Lynn: Private life in New Kingdom Egypt / Lynn Meskell. - 1. print.. -
Princeton, NJ [u.a.]: Princeton Univ. Press, 2002. - XVI, 238 S. : Ill., Kt., ISBN 978-0-691-00448-8
Buch/keine Angabe 
Signatur: 2002 C 1142
17. Die Musik des Altertums : mit 11 Tab. / Albrecht Riethmüller; Frieder Zaminer (Hg.). Unter Mitarb. von Ellen Hickmann .... -
Laaber: Laaber-Verl., 1989. - X, 358 S. : Ill., graph. Darst., Notenbeisp., ISBN 978-3-89007-031-5
(Neues Handbuch der Musikwissenschaft / hrsg. von Carl Dahlhaus. Fortgef. von Hermann Danuser ; 1)
Themen: Antike | Musik
Buch/keine Angabe 
ausleihbar  3D-Plan
Signatur: LA-M 11-7148::1;; 3
18. Macquarie University / Museum of Ancient Cultures: Death is only the beginning : Egyptian funerary customs at the Macquarie Museum of Ancient Cultures / edited by Yann Tristant and Ellen M. Ryan; photographs by Effy Alexakis; with contributions by Susan… . -
Oxford: Aris and Phillips, [2017]. - x, 318 Seiten : Illustrationen, Faksimiles, Karten, ISBN 978-0-85668-852-2
(Studies / Australian Centre for Egyptology ; 11)
Buch/keine Angabe 
Signatur: 2018 D 1529
19. Meskell, Lynn: Archaeologies of social life : age, sex, class et cetera in ancient Egypt / Lynn Meskell. -
Malden, Mass. [u.a.]: Blackwell, 1999. - XI, 260 S. : Ill., graph. Darst., ISBN 978-0-631-21298-0
(Social archaeology)
Buch/keine Angabe 
Signatur: 2000 C 2201
20. Meskell, Lynn: Object worlds in ancient Egypt : material biographies past and present / Lynn Meskell. - 1. publ.. -
Oxford [u.a.]: Berg, 2004. - XII, 248 S. : Ill., ISBN 978-1-85973-867-2
(Materializing culture)
Buch/keine Angabe 
Signatur: 2004 C 2242
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