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The Egyptian red book. - Edinburgh [u.a.]: Blackwood & Sons, [ca. 1885]. - 30 S. : zahlr. Ill. DOI: 10.11588/diglit.26876
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Le rire: journal humoristique : „Nous sommes en pleine incohérence!“ (G. Clemenceau.)
Online-Ressource Bildliche Darstellung
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Punch : Magna Charta for France
Online-Ressource Bildliche Darstellung
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Punch : The three R's ; or, better late than never
Online-Ressource Bildliche Darstellung
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Punch : Banqueting as usual
Online-Ressource Bildliche Darstellung
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Punch : Privilege
Online-Ressource Bildliche Darstellung
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Punch : The political economist
Online-Ressource Bildliche Darstellung
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Le rire: journal humoristique : Mariage de raison
Online-Ressource Bildliche Darstellung
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Le rire: journal humoristique : Distribution de prix
Online-Ressource Bildliche Darstellung
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Punch : Essence of parliament
Online-Ressource Bildliche Darstellung
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Punch : Essence of parliament
Online-Ressource Bildliche Darstellung
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Punch : Essence of parliament
Online-Ressource Bildliche Darstellung
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Punch : Essence of parliament
Online-Ressource Bildliche Darstellung
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Punch : "Obstructives"
Online-Ressource Bildliche Darstellung
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Punch : Ready and waiting
Online-Ressource Bildliche Darstellung
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Punch : Essence of parliament
Online-Ressource Bildliche Darstellung
17. |
Punch : The shade of Masterman recalls happy memories to the inconsolable Worthington Evans;; "He did not want these adaptations of a German system which the Chancellor of the Exchequer seemed to have chosen." - Lord Hugh Cecil
Online-Ressource Bildliche Darstellung
18. |
Punch : First Politician. "Say, Bill, wot's this bloomin' mortuarium they be tarkin' so much about?"
Online-Ressource Bildliche Darstellung
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Punch : At "The Superfluity"
Online-Ressource Bildliche Darstellung
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Punch : "His foil was carefully buttoned." Mr. Asquith, 1915
Online-Ressource Bildliche Darstellung