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76.087 Titel < 1825
1. Alcalá, Luisa Elena: Resumen: en ruta hacia la salvación : representando el ritual urbano en la ciudad de México durante la epidemia de 1727 / Luisa Elena Alcalá, Patricia Díaz Cayeros, Gabriela Sánchez Reyes, 2018 : Illustrationen
In: Miradas, ISSN 2363-8087. 4(2018), Seite 73-80
DOI: 10.11588/mira.2018.0.76072
Online-Ressource Zeitschriftenartikel 
2. Alcalá, Luisa Elena: On the path to good health : representing urban ritual in Mexico City during the epidemic of 1727 / Luisa Elena Alcalá, Patricia Díaz Cayeros, Gabriela Sánchez Reyes, 2018 : Illustrationen
In: Miradas, ISSN 2363-8087. 4(2018), Seite 51-72
DOI: 10.11588/mira.2018.0.76071
Online-Ressource Zeitschriftenartikel 
3. Bibliotheca elegans & utilis : A catalogue of the libraries of a noble peer, deceased, William Rutty, M. D. F. R. S. &c. With some Books imported from Abroad, ... In Various Languages, and in all Arts, Sciences and Polite Literature. Many in elegant Condition, on Royal Paper, and in Morocco Bindings. Among which are Rymeri Foedera, 20 vol. compleat. Biblia Polyglotta, 12 vol. ch. max. C. T. Biblia Polyglotta, Complut. 6 vol. C. T. Poetae Graeci Heroici, H. Steph. Aristophanes, Aeschylus, Euripides, Polybius, ... Du Fresne Glossarium Lat. 6 vol. Gesneri Thesaurus Lat. 4 vol. Nov. Test. Gr. Wetstenii, 2 vol. Hoffmanni Lexicon, 4 vol. ed. opt. Aristotelis & Theophrasti Opera, 6 vol. corio turcico, ap. Aldum. Calasio Concordantiae Heb. 4 vol. Plinius, Harduini, 3 vol. ch. max. & min. Plukenetii Opera Botanica, 4 vol. Hoffmanni Opera omnia, 6 vol. Aldrovandi Opera omnia, 10 vol. in 8. Rudbeckii Atlantica, 4 vol. cor. turc. Bartoloccii Biblioth. Rabbin. 5 vol. Flamstedii Hist. Coelestis, 3 vol. S. Bernard, 6 vol. ch. max. cor. turc. S. Chrysostom, 13 tom. edit. bened. Ger. Vossii Opera omnia, 6 vol. Seldeni Opera omnia, 6 vol. Mischna, Surenhusii, 6 vol. ... Pembroke Numismata, 4to. Dict. de Trevoux, 7 tom. meill. edit. Medailles de Louis le Grand, maroq. Pedrufis Medals, 10 vol. compleat. Catesby's Carolina, 2 vol. coloured. Mrs. Blackwell's Herbal, 2 vol. R. P. coloured. State Trials, 8 vol. compleat. Campbell's Virtruvius Britan. 3 vol. Montfaucon's Antiquities, 6 vol. ... Boyle, Bacon and Locke's Works. Taylor's Hebrew Concordance, 2 vol. Temple of Muses, Picart's cuts Religious Ceremonies, 6 vol. Sir Hans Sloane's Jamaica, 2 vol. Churchill's Voyages, 6 vol. Prynne's Records, 3 vol. L. P. Journals of H. of Commons, 23 vol. Thruloe's State Papers, 7 vol. R. & S.P. Albinus's Tables, compleat. Dugdale's Warwicksh. 2 vol. R. & S.P. Universal History, 10 vol. compleat. Rapin's Hist. and Continuation, 4 vol. Guthrie's Hist. 3 vol. Kennet's, 3 vol. Bp. Stillingslect's Works, 6 vol. Chambers's Dict. and Supplement, 4 vol. Ainsworth's Dict. 2 vol. Johnson's, 2 vol. Hill's Natural History, 3 vol. Ruins of Balbee, fine plates. James's Medicinal Dict. 3 vol. ... Old Plays, 60 vol. 4to, 8vo and 12mo. Also a choice Collection of Reports and other Law Books, which will be sold very cheap (the Price printed in the Catalogue) on Thursday, January 26, 1758, and continue on Sale till July next. By John Whiston and Benjamin White, Booksellers in Fleet-Street. -
[London]: s.n, [1758]. - Online-Ressource ([4],171,[1]p)
4. Ogilvy, David: A catalogue of several libraries of books : comprehending a capital variety in all languages, arts and sciences. Amongst others are Folio. Birch's Lives with Houbraken's Heads, v. p. proofs Hogarth's Works, by Sayer Ruins of Balbec Bacon's Abridgment, 5 vol. Biographia Britannica, 7 vol. Churchill's Voyages, 8 vol. Dugdale's Summonses Harris's Voyages, 2 vol. best edit. Duhalde's China, 2 vol. Kaempfer's Japan, 2 vol. Maitland's London, 2 vol. best edit. Rapin's England, 5 vol. Anderson's Commerce, 2 vol. Guillim's Heraldry, best edit. Bayle's Dictionary, 5 vol. best edit. Calmet's Dictionary, 3 vol. James's Dictionary, 3 vol. Postlethwayte's Dictionary, 2 vol. Johnson's Dictionary, 2 vol. Suidae Lexicon Kusteri, 3 tom. Scapulae Lexicon, Elz. Henry's Commentary, 5 vol. Baskerville's Bible, imperial Oxford Bible, royal folio Quarto. Addison, Baskerville, 4 vol. Bacon's Works, 5 vol. Boyle's Works, 6 vol. Blair's Rhetoric, 2 vol. Locke's Works, 4 vol. Jarvis's Don Quixote, 2 vol. Newton's Milton, 3 vol. Thomson's Works, 2 vol. Gibbon's Roman History, 3 vol. Gross's Antiquities, 4 vol. Cook and Hawkesworth's Voyages, 5 vol. Orme's Indostan, 3 vol. Evelyn's Sylva Hawkins's History of Music, 5 vol. Doddridge's Expositor, 6 vol. Barnes's Homer, 2 vol. Octavo. Annual Register, 25 vol. Ancient and Modern History, 65 vol. Critical Review, 52 vol. Gentleman's Magazine, 52 vol. London Magazine, 51 vol. Johnson's Poets, 68 vol. Bell's Poets, 109 vol. Smollet's England, 16 vol. Swift's Works, 25 vol. royal 8vo. Melmoth's Works, 8 vol. Martin's Magazine, 14 vol. Fielding's Works, 10 vol. Bell's Theatre, 21 vol. Dodsley's Pearch and Mendez's Poems, 11 vol. Dodsley, Stevens and Hawkins's Old Plays, 17 vol. The Books are in fine Condition, unless where otherwise expressed, many of them bound in Russia and other splendid Bindings. They will begin selling at the Prices printed in the Catalogue, for Ready Money only, On Monday, February, 9, 1784, By David Ogilvy, No. 23, Middle-Row, Holborn. Catalogues (price Sixpence, to be returned in the Purchase) to be had of Mr. Vernor, St. Michael's Alley, Cornhill, and at the Place of Sale, where is given the full Value in Ready Money for Libraries and Parcels of Books. -
[London]: s.n, [1784]. - Online-Ressource ([4],152p)
5. Alcalá, Luisa Elena: Interview: Luisa Elena Alcalá in conversation with Pilar Diez del Corral Corredoira, 2019
In: Journal for art market studies, ISSN 2511-7602. 3(2019), 2, Seite 1-10
DOI: 10.23690/jams.v3i2.102
Online-Ressource Zeitschriftenartikel 
6. A catalogue of the library of Edward Barker, Esq. Baron of the Court of Exchequer, lately deceased. And of several other valuable Libraries lately purchased : Esq. Baron of the Court of Exchequer, lately deceased. Containing A choice Collection of many of the most Capital as well as most useful and curious Books in all Languages, Arts, Sciences, and Branches of Literature. Many of the Books are on Royal Paper, and in Morocco, Russia, and other Elegant Bindings. Among them are Philosoph. Transact. 42 vol.410, compleat Catesby's Carolina, 2 vol. coloured Miller's Plants, coloured Vitruvius Britan. 3 vol. R. P. & S. P. Inigo Jones's Designs, by Kent Prynne's Records, 3 vol. russia Newcastle's Horsemanship, 2 v. R. P. S. P. Norden's Travels, 2 vol. fine plates Churchill's and Harleian Voyages, 8 vol. General Dictionary, 10 vol. Universal History, 10 vol. neat Religious Ceremonies, 6 mol. cuts Montfaucon's Antiq. 6 vol. L.P. & S.P Horsley's Britan. Rom. R. P. & S. P. Rushworth's Collect. 8 vol. R.P. & S.P. Buck's Views, 9 parts State Trials, 8 vol. compleat Patrick, Lowth, Arnald and Whitby, 7 vol. Basket's Imperial Bible, 2 vol. turkey Journals of the H. of Commons, 20 vol. Houbraken's Heads of illustrious Men Bacon's, Boyle's, and Locke's Words Johnson's, James's, Miller's, Postle-th wayt's and Ainsworth'sdictionaries Chambers's Dict. Andsupplement, 4 vol. Cowper's Anatomy, by Albinus Biographia Britannica, 4 vol. Cay's Statutes at Large, 6 vol. Sir Hans Sloane's Jamaica, 2 vol. Carte's, Gthrie's and Rapin's Hist. Dugdale's Baronage, 2 vol. Sir T. Hanmer's Shakespear, 6 vol. 4 to. Politieal State of G. Britain, 55 vol. 8vo Delphin Classics, 4to, Par. 54 vol. uniform Overbeke Reliquiae Romae Antiquae Hortus Eystettensis, Besleri Hortus Elthamensis, Dillenii, 2 vol. Hortus Cliffortianus, Linnaei Bilia Polyglotta, 12 vol. cb.max.cor.turc. Biblia Polyglotta & Castelli Lex. 8 vol. Criticisaeri & Thes. Theolog. 13 vol. Vitringa in Jesaiam, 2 vol. edit. opt. Andersoni Numismata Scotiae Spanhemii Numism. 2 v. cb.maxi. & min. Rudbeckii Atlantica, 4 vol. corio turc. Corpus Byzantinae Historiae, 23 vol. S. Chrysostom, 13 vol. Edit, Benedicto Hoffmanni Opera Mediea, 6 vol. Thuani Historia, Bucleleii, 7 vol. Plukenetii Opera Botanica, 4 vol. H. Stephani Thesaurus, Gr. 4 vol. Goltzii Opera omnia, 5 vol. Medieae Artis Principes, 2 vol. Ger. Vossii Opera, 6 vol. cb. max. Blutcau's Portug.&lat. Dict. 10 vol. Davila Gutrre Civile di Francia, 2 vol. Medailles de Louis le Grand, maroquin Dictionaire de Martimere, xo tom. Montfoucon Antiq. expliquee, 15 Dictionaire de Bayle, 5 tom. Paric Dictionaire de Mortri, 8 tom. meill. ed. Pedrusi Museo Farnesiano, 10 vol. Du Halde Descript. de Lachine, 4 vol. Oeuvres de Molicre, 6 vol. 4to. Parit Daniel Hisloire de France, 17 tom. 4to. Hist. del' Acad. des Sciences, 94 tom.12mo With an exceeeding good Collection of Law-Books, Reports, &c. Which will be sold very cheap, (the Prices printed in the Catalogue) on Tuesday, January 22, 1760, and Continue on Sale to Midsummer, By John Whiston and Benj. White, Booksellers, in Fleet-Street. Catatogues may be had of Messrs. Dodsley, in Pall-Mall; Chapelle, in Grosvenor-street; Robson, late Brindley's, in New Bond-Street; Walter, at Charinge Cross; Millar, inthe Strand; Henderson, at the Royal-Exchange; Merril, at Cambridge;fletcher and Prince, at Oxford; the Booksellers inthe principal Towns of England; and at the Place of Sale. Price Six-Pence. Where may he had the full Value for any Library or Parcel of Books. -
[London]: s.n, [1760]. - Online-Ressource ([4],174,[2]p)
7. Miradas : Zeitschrift für Kunst- und Kulturgeschichte der Amérikas und der iberischen Halbinsel : Revista de Historia del Arte y la Cultura de las Américas y la Península Ibérica : Revista de História da Arte e a Cultura das Américas e da Península Ibérica : Journal for the Arts and Culture of the Américas and the Iberian peninsulano. -
Heidelberg: Inst. für Europäische Kunstgeschichte, 2014-. - Online-Ressource, ISSN 2363-8087
1.2014 -
Online-Ressource Zeitschrift 
online verfügbar
8. Revista ibérica de exlibris. -
Barcelona: [Verlag nicht ermittelbar], 1903-1906. - Online-Ressource, ISSN 1698-2126
1.1903 - 4.1906,4[?]
Online-Ressource Zeitschrift 
9. Davis, Lockyer: A catalogue of a large and fine collection of books, comprehending above thirty thousand volumes, ancient and modern, in most languages, including the libraries of the Reverend Edward Southwell, rector of Asterby, in Lincolnshire, of William Jones, M.D. and several others : Among other valuable and scarce books, are Hortus Malabaricus, 12 vol. Aristoteles, Du val, 2 vol. Plutarchus, Rualdi, 2 vol. Plato, Ficini Plato, Serrani, 3 vol. Galei Scriptores, 3 vol. Poetæ Græci, H. Steph. Aristophanes, Edit. Princeps Arstophanes, Kusteri, Idem Liber, Charta Magna Dio Cassius, Reimari, 2 vol. Plutarehus, -Edit. rara, 1478 Plinius, Harduini, 3 vol. Polybius, Casauboni, Paris Strabo, Casauboni, 2 vol. Scriptores Romanæ, Klettenberg, 3 vol. Thucidides, Dukeri Biblia Polyglotta, 8 vol. Dugdale's Monasticon Angl. 3 vol. Grævius & Gronovius, 25 vol. Idem, 48 vol. Verelii Harvarar Saga Hickesii thesaurus, 3 vol. Raii Hist. Plantar. 3vol. Spelmanni Glossarium, Cb.Mag. H. Steph. Thes.-Linguæ Gr. 5 vol. Bartolloccii Biblioth. Rabbin. 5 vol. Gesneri thesaurus Ling. Lat. 4 vol. Rymer's Fœdera, 20 vol. General dictionary, 10 vol. Anderson on commerce Dart's Westminster, 2 vol. R.P. Rapin and Tindal, 5 vol. Miller's sexual system, 3 vol. Campbell's vitruvius, R.P. 3 vol. Votes, 42 vol. State trials, 10 vol. Dugdale's baronage - origines - summons - monasticon and continuation by Stephens, 3 vol. - Warwickshire Camden, 2 vol. Royal paper Stukeley's stone henge and abury, 2 vol. Many of the scarce counties Horsley's Britannia Romana Rushworth's collections, 8 vol, L.P. Tanner's Notitia monastica Religious ceremonies, 6 vol. Sloane's Jamaica, 2 vol. Universal history, 23 vol. Chambers's dictionary, 4 vol. Locke, Bacon, Boyle, Selden, &c. Philosophical transactions, 68 vol. Lord Sommers's tracts, 16 vol. Encyclopedie, 50 vol. The books are in good condition, and will begin to be sold, for ready money only, January 1, 1782. By Lockyer Davis, in Holborn; and will continue on sale till all are sold. Catalogues (Price Six-Pence, to be returned in the purchase) may be had of Messrs. Dodsley, Pall-Mall; Robson; in New Bond Street; Debret, Piccadilly; Walter, Charing-Cross; Ridley, St. James's Street; Owen, Temple Bar; Sewell, in Cornbill; and at the place of sale, where ready money may be had for any Library or parcel of books. -
[London]: s.n, [1781]. - Online-Ressource ([2],303,[1]p)
10. Archaeologia Iberica : an international journal. -
Pisa ; Roma: Fabrizio Serra editore, 2023-. - Online-Ressource, ISSN 2975-1160
1 (2023)-
Online-Ressource Zeitschrift 
11. A catalogue of several libraries lately purchased : Particularly of The Right Hon. Countess Dowager of Portland, George Proctor, Esq; Counsellor at Law. The Rev. Squire Payne, M. A. Archdeacon of Stowe, and Mr. Josiah Holder, of the Navy-Office. Containing above Twelve Thousand Volumes of Choice and curious books in various Languages, and in all Branches of useful and polite Learning. Many of them on Royal Paper, and in elegant Condition. Among which are Folio. Rymer's Foedera &c. 17 vol Journals of the H. of Commons 10 vol Calendars to the Lords Journals Statutes at Large 7 vol best edit. Madox's Hist. of the Exchequer Prynne's Records 3 vol Roy. Paper Dr. Hill's Nat. Hist. 2 vol Roy. Pap. col Cheselden on the Bones Roy. Pap. Cowper on the Muscles Roy. Pap. Relig. Ceremonies. Picarts Cuts 6 vol Montfaucon's Antiquities 6 vol Churchill's Voyages 4 vol Harris's Voyages 2 vol System of Geography 2 vol. Campbell's Vitruvius Britan. 3 vol Chambers's Dictionary 2 vol Collier's Dictionary 4 vol Purchas's Pilgrims 5 vol Mr. Boyles Works 5 vol Mr. Locke's Works 3 vol Ld. Bacon's Works 4 vol Basket's Imperial Bible 2 vol ruled and finely bound, blue Turkey. Patrick Lowth and Whitby 6 vol Dr. Clarke's Works 4 vol Bp. Stillingfleets Works 6 vol Philosoph. Transact. abridg. 9 vol 4 to Histoire Romaine 20 vol 4 to Vies de Plutarque 9 vol 4 to gr. pap. Rapin Hist. x vol Gr. Pap. Lord Somers's Tracts 12 vol 4 to Graevii Antiq. Italiae & Siciliae 45 tom Hist. Byzant Scriptores 30 vol Erasmi Opera 11 vol Ger. Vossii Opera 6 vol Calasii Concord. Hebraea 4 vol Hortus Malabaricus 12 vol Dr. Clark's Caesar a fine Copy Aristophanes, Kusteri Ch. max. Herodotus Gronovii Ch. max. Plato Serrani 3 vol Cicero Manuccii 4 vol Aeschylus Stanleii H. Stephani Thes. Ling. Gr. 5 vol Dictionaire de Trevoux 6 vol. Antiquite de Montfaucon 15 vol Calmet sur la Bible 9 vol Hist. de Chine 4 vol Grand Pap. Thuani Hist. par Buckley 7 vol Ruysch Theatrum Animal. 2 vol Flamstead Atias & Hist. Caelest. 4 vol A Compleat Sett of the Philosoph. Transactions from No. 1 to 1744 in 31 vols Quarto. Cambridge Classics 5 vol Roy. Pap. Fleury Hist. Eccles. 20 vol Grand Papier. A great many of the Classics ad usum Delphini, Paris editions. A large Number of the Variorum Classics And a very good Collection of Law Books. Which will be sold very cheap, (the Price Printed in the Catalogue) on Monday August 26th, 1751. and continue till all are Sold. By John Whiston and Benj. White, Booksellers in Fleetstreet. Catalogues may be had (pr. 6d.) of Mr. Merrill at Cambridge, Mr. J. Fletcher at Oxford, Mr. Dodsley, Pall-Mall, Mr. Strahan in Cornhill; and at all the principal Booksellers in England, Mr. Kincaid, at Edinburgh, and Messrs. Ewing, at Dublin. -
[London]: s.n, [1751]. - Online-Ressource ([4],170,[2]p)
12. Payne, Thomas: A catalogue of the libraries of the late Nicholas Munckley : Esq; of Hampstead, and several other gentlemen: Containing upwards of twenty thousand volumes of valuable books, and in fine Condition, many of them elegantly bound in Morocco, with a large Collection of modern French Books, and a good Collection of Law. Amongst which are the following, Folio. Rapin and Tindal's Continuat. 5 vol. with all the cuts Sir James Ware's Works, 2 vol. Whitlock's Memorials, best edit. State Tryals, 6 vol. Rushworth's Collections, 8 vol. Journals H. Commons, with Indexes, 31 vol. Clarendon's Hist. and Continuat. 4 vol. Dugdale's Baronage, 2 vol. l. p. - Warwickshire, 2 vol. Mortan's Northamptonshire, l. pap. Thoresby's Leeds, l. pap. - small paper, in russia leather Religious Ceremonies. 6 vol. Antient and modern Hist. 23 vol. Le Brun's Voyages, 3 vol. Wheeler and Spon's Travels, Hackluyt's Voyages, 3 vol. Voyages de Norden, 2 tom. - de Thevenot, 2 tom. Locke, 3 vol. Bacon, 3 vol. Boyle, 5 vol. Picart's Ovid, fine cuts, large and sm. pap. Dictionaries, viz. Ainsworth, 2 vol. Bayle, 5 vol. General, 10 vol. Chambers and Supplem. 4 vol. Collier, 4 vol. Miller's Postlethwayte, 2 vol. Portuguese and English Dict. Bible, l pap. by Buck and Daniel - with fine cuts, in turkey leather, printed by Watson, - - Edinb. Patrick, Lowth and Whitby, 6 vol. Bp. Stillingfleet's Works, 6 vol. Dr. Clarke's Works, 4 vol. Cay's Statutes at large, 6 vol. Viner's Abridgment, 24 vol. Cases in the House of Lords, 18 vol. Coke's Institute, 2, 3, 4, last edit. Reports, by Croke, 3 vol. Raymond, 2 vol. Leonard, Bulstdoe, Shower, 2 vol. Siderfin, Hardress, Ventris, Vernon, &c. Bracton de Legibus Selden's Works, 6 vol. Le Grand Coustumier de Normandie Plinius Harduini, 3 tom. Diod. Siculus, 2 tom. Diod. Siculus, 2 tom. Herodotus Wesselingius Thucidides Duckeri Strabo, 2 tom. Thuanus, 7 tom. Gale Scriptores Ang. 3 tom. Twysden, Script. Ang. Anderson Diplomat. Scotiae Kircheri Oedip-Aegypt. 4 tom. Hill's Nat. Hist. 3 vol. coloured - Fossils, l. p. coloured Hortus Elthamens, 2 tom. Gualtieri Index Testac. Hippocrates & Galeni Opera a Chartatis, 9 tom. cum fig. Wood's Palmyra and Balbec Stuart's Athens Rossi's Statues Campbell's Vitruvius Brit. 3 tom. l. pap. Vitruve, par Perrault L'ediffices de Rome, par Desgodeta With many Hundreds more equally good. Which will begin to be sold (for Ready Money only) the Prices printed in the Catalogue, on August 5th, 1765. and continue on Sale till all are sold, By Thomas Payne, Bookseller, Next the Mews-Gate, in Castle-Street, St. Martin's. Catalogues to be had (price 6d) Mr. Brotherton's Cornhill; at Child's Coffee House, St. Paul's Church-Yard; Owen's, Temple-Bar; Lewis, in Russel-Street, Covent Garden; Walter, Charing-Cross; Ridley, St. James's-Street; Shropshire, New Band-Street; Mr. Merrie, at Cambridge; and at the Place of Sale. -
[London]: s.n, [1765]. - Online-Ressource (iv,136p)
13. Otridge, William: A catalogue of above fifteen thousand volumes : In which are included the libraries of John Parsons, of Merton-College, Oxford, and of the Rev. Mr. Gray, of Southwicke, in Sussex, with several other large parcels of law, mathematicks, divinity, and English history, of gentlemen, deceased, &c. The whole making a large assortment of valuable books in most languages, arts, and sciences, and in general are in very good condition. Among which are the following. Rapin, and Tindal's Contin. 5 vol. in rus. Holingshed's Chronicle, 2 vol. best edit. Camden's Britannia, 2 vol. I. p. Morant's Essex, 2 vol. 1. p. eleg. in rus. Atkyns's Gloucestershire, 1. p. in rus. Stukeley's Abury, elegant Borlase's Cornwall Thurloe's State papers, 7 vol. Dart's Westminster-Abbey, 2 vol. Carte's Hist. of England, 4 vol. in rus. Rights of elections determined by the House, MSS. Harrington's works, best, elegant Calenter of the H. of Lords, 3 vol. MSS. Burnet's reformation and own time, 5 vol. elegant, in rus. Guthrie's, 5 vol. Eachard's Oldmixon's 3 vol. Robinson's and Tyrrel's History of England Strype's Annals of the reformation, 4 vol. Clarke's works, 4 vol. l. p. Balkerville's Bible, in Morocco Patrick, Lowth, and Whitby, 6 vol. stackhouse, 2 vol. and blome on the Bible Bunyan's, 2 vol. Barrow's, 3 vol. and Tillotson's works, 3 vol. Montsaucon's Antiquities and supplementt; 10 vol. 1. p. in rus. bound in 5 Churchill's Voyages, 3 vol. in rus. Harris's voyages, 2 vol. eleg. Rycaut's commentaries of Peru Pocock's Travels, 2 vol. in rus. Universal history, 8 vol. half bound Duncan's Cæsar, eleg. in rus. Whiston's Josephus, 2 vol. fine p. eleg. Atkyn's Reports, 3 vol. Barnardiston's Reports, 3 vol. Peere Williams's Reports, 3 vol. Lord Raymond's Reports, 2 vol. Strange's Reports, 2 vol. Mosely's reports Levinz's reports, 2 vol. Pollexsen's Reports, 1. p. Freeman's Reports Fortescue's Reports Bacon's Abridgment, 5 vol. Hale's Pleas of the crown, 2 vol. Horseman's Conveyancer, 2 vol. Domat's Civil law, 2 vol. best Bayle's dictionary, 5 vol. Scapula's lexicon, eleg. in rus. edit. opt. Chambers's, 4 vol. Johnson's, 2 vol. James's, 3 vol. Ainsworth's, 2 vol. Postlethwayt's, 2 vol. Bailey's, Delpino's, Chambaud's, and Miller's Dict. all elegant in rus. Biographia Britannica, 7 vol. in rus. Barrow's Dictionary and supplement Grotius on war and peace, best, in rus. Barlow's ^DAesop, fine copy Salmon's Herbal, 2 vol. fine p. Parkinson's Herbal Chambers's View of Kew-Gardens Visher's Fine cuts to the Bible Hill's History of animals, 1. p. Urry's Chaucer, 1. p. Leonis Palladio, by Inigo Jones Dion Cassius Reimari, 2 tom. eleg. Ciceronis Opera Stephani, 2 tom. Clement. Alexand. Opera, per potter, 2 tom. 1. Cæsari in metal. Dal pedrufi, 10 tom. Which will be sold very cheap (for ready money only) the lowest price in the catalogue, on Thursday the 24th of August, 1769, and continue daily on sale, by William Otridge, bookseller opposite the north-side of the New Church in the Strand; where most money is given for any library or parcel of books, of books exchanged. Catalogues to be had of the following booksellers; Mr. Robson, of New Bond Street; Mr. Ridley, St. James'-street; Mr. Walter, Charing-cross; Mess Curtis, Fleet-Street; Mr. Harris, St. Paul's Church-Yard; Mr. Cooke, at the Royal Exchange; Mr. Merrill and Mr. Woodyes, at Cambridge; Mr. Fletcher and Mr. Prince, of Oxford; Mr. Blackman, at Reading; Mess. Palmer and Bucket, at Bristol; and at the place of sale. -
[London]: s.n, [1769]. - Online-Ressource (iv,128p)
14. Baynes, William: W. Baynes's catalogue, for 1799, of an extensive and valuable collection of ancient & modern books, in various languages, and upon every branch of literature, including part of the curious library of the late Hon. Aug. Butler Danvers, of Switzerland-Hall, Leicestershire, and John Gibbon, Esq. deceased : Among others equally valuable, are---Folio. Stukeley's Abury Montfaucon's Antiquities, 7 vol. Horfus [sic] Sanitatis, a great number of curious Wood Cuts Gerard's Herbal, by Johnson Sloane's Jamaica, 2 vol. Stubb's Anatomy of the Horse Marton's perspective, with appendix Churchill and the Harleian voyages, 8 vol. Doomsday book, 2 vol. Edmondson's Heraldry, 2 vol. Fullers Worthies Socimit Creihi; &c. opera, 9 vol. Hutchin's Dorset, 2 vol. Quarto. Antiquarian Repertory, 4 vol. Bentham's Ely Boyle's works, in Russia, 6 vol. Desagulier's Philosophy, best, 2 vol. Henry's Great Britain, 6 vol. Long's Jamaica, 3 vol. Bryant's mythology, 3 vol. Locke's works, 4 vol. Sir Wm. Jones's works, 6 vol. Smollett's Don Quixote, 2 vol. Shaw's Travels Willis's Buckingham Ciceronis Opera, 10 vol. Xenophonisa Hutchinson, 2 vol. Octavo. Dodsley's Annual Register, 36 vol. New Annual Register, 16 vol. Analytical Review, 25 vol. European Magazine, 30 vol. Gentleman's Magazines Monthly Review; &c. 142 vol. Critical Review, 89 vol. Collins's Peerage, 9 vol. Jeffrey of Monmouth, L.P. Lavater, by Holcroft, 3 vol. Novelist's Magazine, 23 vol. Swift's works, 27 vol. Sinclair's Scotland, 18 vol. Duodecimo. Voltaire's works, complete, 24 vol. Dodsley's Old Plays, 12 vol. extra Lettres de Sevigne, 6 tom. Rollin Histoire Romaine, 16 tom. Sermons de Bourdaloue, 15 tom. Which are now selling, remarkably cheap, by W. Baynes, no. 54, Paternoster-row, London, who gives the utmost value for libraries or parcels of books, and exchanges books on the most liberal plan. -
[London]: s.n, [1799]. - Online-Ressource (220p)
15. El país. -
Madrid: El País, 1976-. - Online-Ressource
1976,1(4.Mai) -
Online-Ressource Zeitung 
16. Todd, John: A catalogue of a curious, scarce, and useful collection of books, containing upwards of fifty thousand volumes : To which is added a select collection of prints. Amongst this extensive variety in every class of ancient and modern literature, are to be found the following valuable articles: Drake's York, large and small paper Thoroton's Nortinghamshire Fuller's worthies of England Gough's sepulcharl monuments, 3 vol. Halfpenny's Gothic ornaments Norden's Egypt, atlas folio Macklin's edition of the Bible Dart's Westminster, 2 vol. Frisch's birds, 3 vol. coloured Edward's birds, 7 vol. coloured Roesel's insects, 4 vol. coloured Curtis's Flora-Londinensis, 5 vol. colured. Ellis's zoophytes, coloured Campbell's vitruvius, 5 vol. in 3 Mollinshed's Chronicle, 3 vol. in 2 Grose's antiquities, 10 vol. Walpole's anecdotes, 5 vol. Strawb. Hill Ionian antiquities, 2 vol. Philosophical transactions, 55 vol. Statutes at Large, 17 vol. Sir William Jones's works, 6 vol. Encyclopædia Britannica, 18 vol. Unique Cabinet Bible 3 vol. quarto Hill's vegetable system, 26 vol. Hill's British herbal, L.P. coloured. Buffon et Cepede, Hist. Naturelle, 38 tom. Pinaches enluminees de buffon, 5 tom. Encyclopedia methodique, 103 tom. Codex Eezæ, edit, kipling, 2 vol. Palladio, fabbriche e i disegni, 4 vol. Vetusta monumenta, 3 vol. Salastio por Don Gabriel - Maaric Sebæ thesaurus, 4 vol. Hortus cliffortiano. Flora Danica, 7 vol. Livii opera, draken borch, 7 vol. Taciti opera, brotier, 4 vol. Bodoni's parma classics, 10 vol. Metaisasio, opera di, 12 vol. Ariosto, Orlando Furioso, 4 vol. Plutarchi Vitæ, Gr. Lat. 5 vol. Salerne, histoire naturelle, coloured Bibliotheca topographica Britan,. 8 vol. Hasted's Kent, 4 vol. Hearne and Byrne's antiquities Whalley's Ben Jonson, 7 vol. Bell's poets of Great Britain, 109 vol. Horse racing calendars, 73 vol. Monthly review, 114 vol. Gentleman's magazine, 88 vol. * *The books in general are in good condition, several of them in elegant bindings, and the whole will begin to be sold, on Thursday the 31st of July, 1800, for ready money only, and continue on sale till midsummer next, By John Todd, bookseller, stationer, and printseller, in Stonegate, York, who gives the full value for libraries and parcels of books. -
[York]: (Printed by G. Peacock, York.), [1800]. - Online-Ressource ([2],354p)
17. White, Benjamin: A catalogue of the library of Alexander Thistlethwayte, Esq : Late Knight of the Shire for the County of Hants; and of Various other valuable Collections of Books. Among which are the following Articles: Aristoteles & Theophrastus, 6 vol. Aldi Eustathius in Homerum, 4 vol. Romae Pindar, Oxon. - Euripides Barnesii-Dionysius Halicarn. Hudsoni, 2 vol. Ciceronis Opera, Victorii, 4 vol. ap Juntas Romanae Historiae Scriptores, 3 vol. Graevius, Gronovius, Sallengre, Polenus, &c. &c. 74 vol. velom Assemanni Biblioth. Orientalis, 4 vol. Critici Sacri, & Thes. Philolog. 13 vol. Majemonidis Manus Fortis, 4 vol. S. Augustini Opera, 12 vol. Edit. Bened. Biblia Polyglotta & Castelli Lex. 8 vol. Churchill's Voyages and Suppl. 8 vol. Ancient and Mod. Hist. 24 vol. elegant Le Bruyn's Travels, 3 vol. compleat Dugdale's Baronage, 2 vol. - Monasticon, Engl. 3 vol. L. P. - Warwickshire, 2 vol. best edit. Bp. Nicolson's Historical Libraries Bp. Tanner's Notitia Monastica Horseley's Britannia Romana Borlase's Cornwall, 2 vol. Atkyns's Gloucestershire, 1st edit. Rushworth's Collections, 8 vol. Biographia Britannica, 7 vol. General Dictionary, 10 vol. Moreri, Dictionnaire, 10 tom. Martiniere, Dictionnaire, 10 tom. Chambers and Supplement, 4 vol. Calmet's Dictionary, 3 vol. Ditto - French, 4 tom. Bayle, Dictionnaire, 5 tom. Les Habits du Levant, colorees Blair's Chronol. Tables and Maps, L. P. Atlas de M. Robert, Gr. & petit. pap. Le Cabinet du Roy de France, 26 tom. Ridinger's Works, compleat, 3 vol. Regenfuss's Book of Shells, coloured Clerck's Book of Insects, coloured Harris's Book of Insects, coloured Wilkes's Moths and Butterflies, coloured Catesby's Carolina, 2 vol. cuts, coloured Edwards's Birds and Gleanings, 7 vol. col. British Zoology, 132 plates, coloured Albin's Birds and Insects, 4 vol. coloured Miller's 300 Plates of Plants, 2 v. coloured Works of Nat. Hist. by the Nuremberg Artists, 38 vol. coloured Sebae Thes. Rerum Naturalium, 4 vol. Rumphii Herbarium Amboin. 7 vol. Gualtieri Index Conchyliorum Morison's Hist. Plantarum, 2 vol. Commelini Hortus Amstelodam. 2 vol. Scheuchzer's Nat. Hist. of Bible, 8 vol. Aldrovandi Opera, 12 vol. cor. Russ. Willoughby on Birds, by Ray Buffon, Histoire Naturelle, 15 tom. 4to. Statue Venezianze, 2 vol. Campbell's Vitruvius Brit. 3 vol. L. P. Houbraken's Heads, L. P. Major's Book of Prints and Poestum, 2 v. Opere di Piranesi, 8 vol. Smith's Metzotintos, 3 large vol. Antichita D'ercolano, 6 vol. Rossi, Statue Antichi e Moderni Adam's Ruins at Spalatro Le Roy, Ruines de la Grece, 2 tom. Inigo Jones's Designs, by Kent Chambers's Works of Architect. 2 vol. Montfaucon, Antiquite, 15 tom. gr. pap. Anderson's Diplomata Scotiae The lowest Prices are marked in the Catalogue, and in the first Leaf of each Book; and the Sale begins in August, 1772. By Benjamin White, At Horace's Head, in Fleet-Street, London. -
[London]: s.n, [1772]. - Online-Ressource ([4],184p)
18. A catalogue of books : Including the libraries of the following gentlemen, lately deceased, viz. Francis Hiorne, Esq; F. A. S. of Warwick; The Reverend Thomas Osborne, D. D. Rector of Clifton, Bedfordshire. Henry Brooker. Esq; late Keeper of the Records in the Augmentation Office; Marmaduke Overend, Esq; of Chiswick; The Collection of Books of Architecture of Kenton Couse, Esq; late of the Board of Works; And the Medical Library of a Physician, who has left Practice: Also a singular Assemblage of Old English Poetry and Plays. Amongst others equally valuable are Military and Religious Orders, 800 Drawings, in colours, 8 vol. Morocco Antichita D'ercolano, 8 vol. Russ. Hodges's Views in India, on silk paper Piranesi's Works, 17 vol. Russ. Vitrovius Britannicus, 5 vol. large paper Atlantic Neptune, by Des Barres, 4 vol. Merian's Views, 11 vol. Graevius, Gronovius, & Burmann. 70 vol. Hill's Vegetable System, 26 vol. Seba Thesaur. Rer. Natur. 4 vol. Russ. Catesby's Carolina, 2 vol. coloured Weinman's Flowers and Fruits, 8 vol. do. Merian's Surinam Insects, ditto. Merian's European Insects, 3 vol. coloured by the Author Martyn, Born and Knott's Shells, ditto. Cramer, Ernst, Wilkes and Harris's Moths and Flies, ditto Sepp, Rosell, and Stoll's Insects, ditto Edwards, Lewin, Seligman and Brown's Birds, ditto Scheffer's Birds, Insects, &c. 12 vol. ditto Miller and Plenck's Plants, 4 vol. ditto Knott's Petrifactions, 4 vol. ditto Petiveri Opera, 3 vol. Moracco Morisoni Hist. Plant. 2 vol. ditto Salvianus de Piscibus Cowper, Albinus, Hunter and Smellie Biblia Polyglotta Waltoni, 8 vol. Russ. Biblia Polyglotta, Montani, 8 vol. Kennicol's Bible, and Woide's Test. 3 vol. Erasmi Opera, 11 vol. Lactantius, 1468-T. Aquinas, 1469 V. Max. Spira, 1471-Plinius Jenson, 1472 Herodotus, 1474-Diog. Laertius, 1475 Astronomi Veteres, ap. Aldum Breydenback Peregrinationes - 1486 Caesaris Comment. Clarkii, Morocco Platonis Opera, Serrani, 3 vol. ditto Doleti Comment. Ling. Lat. 2 vol. Russ. Stephani Thesaur. Gr. 6 vol. - Ducange & Carpentier Gloss. 10 vol. Meninski, Golii & Giggaei Lexicon Encyclopedie, 33 tom. - Paris Moutfaucon, & Supplem. 15 t. gr. papier. Fables de la Fontaine, 4 tom. ditto Polyphih Hypnerotomachia - Ald. Speculum Salvationis, MS. Domesday Book, 2 vol. Russia State Trials, 11 vol. large paper, Russ. Froissart and Hollinshed's Chronicles, ib. Drake's York, and Harris's Kent. l. paper Stukeley's Stonehenge and Abury, 2 vol. Edmondson's Peerage, 6 vol. Nisbet's System of Heraldry, 2 vol. Various Heraldical Manuscripts Purchas and Hackluyt's Voyages Montfaucon in English, 7 vol. large paper Shakspeare, 1st, 2d and 3d edit. Caxton's History of Troy Boke of Faytes and Armes, Caxton The Book of St. Albons, MS. Spectator, Tatler and Guardian, 6 vol. orig. edit. Prevost, Recueil des Voyages, 26 tom. Harding's Bandello, 3 vol. large paper Tacitus, Brotier, 4 vol. cb. max. Aristides, a Jebb, 2 vol. ditto Silius Italicus, Drakenborch, ditto Ovidius Burmanni, 4 vol. ditto Horatius Bentleii, ditto Elziver Classics, 93-vol. Morocco Painter's Palace of Pleasure, 2 vol. Political State of Great Britain, 60 vol. Parliamentary Debates, &c. 136 vol. which are now selling, 1791 (for ready Money) By Thomas and John Egerton, (successors to Mr. Millan) at the Military Library, Whitehall. - The full Value given for Libraries. -
[London]: s.n, [1791]. - Online-Ressource (iv,177,184-264,275-467,[1]p)
19. Hemmersbach, Lars: Synthesis of bifunctional Lipoxin-derived Enzyme-Triggered CO-Releasing Molecules (LipET-CORMs) / Lars Hemmersbach, Ruth Adam, Christina Plevnali, Xinmiao Zhang, Benito Yard, Hans-Günther Schmalz, March 1, 2023. - 6 S. : Illustrationen
In: European journal of organic chemistry, ISSN 1099-0690. 26(2023), 9, Artikel-ID e202201424, Seite 1-6
DOI: 10.1002/ejoc.202201424
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20. González-Aróstegui, Luis G.: Changes of the salivary and serum proteome in canine hypothyroidism / L.G. González-Arostegui, A. Muñoz-Prieto, C.P. Rubio, J.J. Cerón, L. Bernal, I. Rubić, V. Mrljak, J.… , January 2024. - 9 S. : Illustrationen
In: Domestic animal endocrinology, ISSN 1879-0054. 86(2024) vom: Jan., Artikel-ID 106825, Seite 1-9
DOI: 10.1016/j.domaniend.2023.106825
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