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1.271 Titel < 1825
1. Materialy i issledovanija / Gosudarstvennyj Istoriko-Kulʹturnyj Muzej-Zapovednik Moskovskij Kremlʹ / Federalʹnoe Gosudarstvennoe Učreždenie Kulʹtury. -
Moskva: [Verlag nicht ermittelbar], 1993-. - Online-Ressource
9.1993 -
online verfügbar
2. A catalogue of a large and curious collection of books : Containing several libraries lately purchased, In all Languages and Faculties; Amongst great Numbers of valuable Articles are the following, viz. Folio Hollinshed's Chronicle, 3 vol. Rymer's Foedera, 20 tom. in 10 vol. Madox's Exchequer, 2 vol. l. p. Plott's Staffordshire, l. p. morocco Purchas's Pilgrims, 5 vol. Spelman's Glossary, best edit. H. Stephani Glossar. Gr. St. Chrysostom, 13 tom. Edit. Benedicti Nov. Test. Gr. cor. turc. R. Steph. Bacon's Abridgment, 5 vol. Year Books, 9 vol. Repertorium Juridicum Precedents in Chancery Bracton de Legibus, corio turt. Rhetores Graece, compleat Comment. in Aristotelis omnes Willoughby on Birds - on Fishes R. Stephani Thesaurus, 4 tom. cor. russ. Chronique de Monstrelet - de Froissart Plinii Hist. Naturalis, 3 tom. Tanner Biblioth. Britan. - Monasticon Constantini Lexicon A compleat and fine Sett of Philosophical Transactions to the present Time State Trials, 10 vol. Dugdale's Monasticon, 3 tom. - Warwickshire - Baronage - Origines Juridiciales Thoresby's Nottinghamshire Stukeley's Itinerary, Stone-Henge, and Abury, 4 vol. mariana's Hist. of Spain, l. p. Ancient and Mod. History, 24 vol. Norden's Travels, 2 vol. l. paper Harris's Voyages, 2 vol. Hakluyt's Voyages, 3 vol. Voyages par Le Bruyn, 3 tom. James's Dictionary, 3 vol. Bayle and Biograph. Brit. 12 vol. Vocab. della Crusca, 6 vol. Diccionar. Espanola, 6 tom. H. Stephani Thesaur. Gr. 5 tom. Hickes Thesaur. Ling. Septentrion. 3 tom. Meninski Thes. Linguar. Orient. 4 tom. Giggei Thesaur. Ling. Arab. 4 tom. Encyclopedie, 28 tom. Du Fresne Glossarium, 6 tom. Pindar - Oxon. Caesaris Comment. a Clarke Xenophon, Gr. - ap. Ald. Plutarchi Opera, 2 tom. Par. Diodorus Sicusus, 2 tom. Polybius, Casauboni Homer, 4 tom. ch. max. Glasg. Biblia Hebraica, a Houbegant, 4 tom. Montfaucon, 15 tom. gr. pap. Graevius & Gronovius, cum Suppl. 57 tom. Hayes's Birds, coloured Hippocratis & Galen, 9 tom. Sandrart Academ. Ars Pict. Ramelli's Machines Bieau's Atlas, 12 vol. De Liste's Atlas, l. paper And many others equally good, which will be sold, for Ready Money only, this Day, July 1779, and continue on Sale till all are sold, By Thomas Payne and Son, booksellers, Next the Mews Gate, in Castle Street, St. Martin's. Catalogues to be had, with Prices printed (price 6d) at Mr. Sewell's, Bookseller, Cornhill; Mr. Owen's, Bookseller, near Temple-Bar, Fleet-Street; Mr. Lewis, Bookseller, Russel Street, Covent Garden; Mr. Walter, Bookseller, at Charing Cross; Mr. Ridley, Bookseller, St. James's Street; Mr. Robson, Bookseller, New Bond Street; of the Booksellers at Oxford and Cambridge, and at the Place of Sale. Where may be had the full Value for any Library or Parcel of Books. -
[London]: s.n, [1779]. - Online-Ressource (iv,192p)
3. Robson, James: J. Robson's catalogue : 1775, Of a Valuable collection of books, In all Languages and Sciences, Many Capital books of Prints, and in Natural History, Finely Illuminated. A great Number upon Large Paper, in the most Elegant Bindings, and the whole in fine Condition: amongst which are, Merian's Surinam Insects, coloured, morocco Harris's Aurelian, coloured, Russia Knor Deliciae Naturae, 2 tom coloured, Russia Edward's Natural History, 7 vol col. morocco. Catesby's Carolina, 2 vol morocco, coloured Seba's Natural History, 4 vol. elegant Knor Deluvii Testes, 3 tom coloured Petiver's Natural history, 3 vol elegant Blackwell's Herbal, 2 vol finely coloured Sloane's Jamaica, 2 vol. fine copy Physica Sacra, 4 vol lar. & sm. pap. elegant Museum Florentinum, 11 tom extra. Russia Graevii & Gronovii Antiquit. &c. 33 tom Heads of illustrious Persons, l. p. first impres. Piranesi's Works, 11 vol fine set Clarke's Caesar, fine copy, Russia Ruins of Palmyra, Balbeck, Spalatto, Ionia, Grece, Athens, Paestum, &c. &c. Dart's Westminster, 2 vol. lar. pap. Cheseldon on the Bones, lar. pap. Russia Cowper on the Muscles, lar. pap. ditto Cowper's Anatomy, lar. pap. ditto. Edmondson's Peerage, 5 vol. lar. pap. extra. Passerii picturae Etruscor. 2 tom. fig depict Picart's Relig. ceremonies, 6 tom l. p. Rus. Pembroke's Medals, large paper, Russia Biographia Britan. & Bayle, 11 vol lar. pap. Strafford's Letters 2 vol l. p. Russ ditto sm. Arts & Metiers, 13 tom extra. Auteroche, Voyage en Siberie, 4 tom g. p. Worlidge's Gems, 2 tom mor. extra. Works of Captain Railie, fine impressions Dactyliotheca Smithiana, 2 tom fine cuts Galerie de Dresde, grand pap. Chevillard, Tableau D'honneur, illuminees Ridinger's Works, 3 vol first impres. Vernet's Works compleat, 2 vol elegant Gallerie de Versailles, grand pap. - de Boyer D'aguilles, gr. & p. pap. Vandermulen's Works, first impres. Hogarth's Works. Crozat's Collection, 2 vol. lar. pap. Views of Palace and Gardens of Versailles, 3 tom. morocco Claude Lorrain's Drawings, by Erlom, fine Various curious Missals, finely illuminated Bleau grand Atlas, 12 tom illuminees Robert's Atlas, g. p. Campbell's Vitruvius Britannicus, 5 vol Kent's Inigo Jones, 2 vollar. pap. Dugda-'s Monasticon, 3 vol Russia Hollinshed's Cronicle, 2 vol Horsley's Britannia Romana King's Vale Royal. Rymer's Foedera, 20 vol State Tryals, 10 vol Stukeley's Itinerary and Aubery, 2 vol Tanneri Notitia monastica Dictionaries, all the best Editions, Eng. Lat. Fren. and Italian, &c. Corpus Byzantinae historiae, 23 tom Biblia Polyglotta, 8 tom Medicae Artis Principes Thuani Historia, 7 tom L'antiquitees par Montfaucon, 15 tom Corps diplomatique, 24 tom Ramusio, le navigazione, 3 tom Herrera Historia, 5 tom With many Others equally Valuable, Which will begin to be Sold this Day, 1775, and continue on Sale till all are Sold, By James Robson, Bookseller, in New Bond-Street, Who gives the full Value for any Library, or Parcel of Books. Catalogues to be had at Mr Dodsley's, Pall-Mall; Mr Cadell's, in the Strand; Mr Cater's, Holbour; Mr Law's Ave Mary-Lane; and Mess. Richardson and Urquhart, Royal-Exchange; Also, Mess. Merrill, Cambridge; Prince, and Fletcher, Oxford; and all the great Towns in England. -
[London]: s.n, [1775]. - Online-Ressource ([4],194p)
4. Faulder, Robert: A Catalogue of several valuable collections of books : lately purchased; The Whole forming a general Assortment of the best Authors in every Branch of Literature. Many of them in the most elegant Bindings. Amongst which are Estampes du Cabinet du Roy, 25 tom. Coypell's Works. Berghem's Works, mor. Salvator Rosa's Works, mor. Vandermeulin's Works, 3 vol. mor. Oeuvres de Redinger. Sacre de Louis XV. mor. Estampes de Caylus, mor. L'art de Verifier les Dates, sur Velin Tableau de Suisse, 2 tom. Walpole's Painters, 5 vol. Museum Florentinum, 10 tom. Fontaine Fables, 4 tom. grand. pap. Houbraken's Heads, L. P. Hunter's Gravid Uterus. Hamilton's School of Painting. The Luxembourg Gallerie. Montfaucon L'antiquite, 15 tom. La Gallerie de Dussledorff, 2 tom. Adams's Architecture. Wood's Palmyra and Balbec. Stuart's Athens. Cameron's Baths of the Romans. Adams's Dioclesian's Palace. Cleresseau Antiq. des Nismes, L.P. Sir W. Hamilton's Etruscan Antiquities, 2 vols. Hollingshed's Chronicle, l. p. 3 vols. Troyssart's Chronicle. Blomfield's Norfolk, 5 vol. Dugdale's Baronage. Dugdale's Warwickshire. Dugdale's Monasticon, 3 vol. Hutchins's Dorsetshire, 2 vol. Horsley's Britannia Romana. Tanner's Notitia Monasticon. Chauncy's Hertfordshire. Drake's York. Thorsbey's Leeds. Caesaris, per Clarke. Dionis Cassii Reimari, 2 tom. Diodorus Siculus Wesslingii, 2 tom Dionysius Halicarnass. Hudsoni, 2 tom. Oxon. Maittaire Corpus Poetarum, 2 tom. chart. max. Plinii Hist. Nat. Harduini, 3 tom. Platonis Serrani, 3 tom. Poetae Graeci Principes, 2 tom. Thucydidis Dukeri. Aeschylus Stanleii. Pindarus, per West Gale Scriptores, 3 tom. russia. Borlase's Cornwall, 2 vol. Miller's Plants, 2 vol. col. Blackwell's Herbal, 2 vol. col. Catesby's Carolina, 2 vol. col. Sloane's Jamaica, 2 vol. Thoroton's Nottinghamshire. Plott's Staffordshire. Ovid by Banier, 2 vols. Voyages by Harris, Hackluyt, Pocock, Purchase, &c. &c. Dictionaries by Johnson, Chambers Postlethwaite, Bayle, &c. Mininski Thesaurus, 5 tom. Stephani Thesaurus, Gr. 5 tom. Encyclopedie, 28 tom. Regenfuss Recueil de Coquillage, col. Merian's Insects, in Dutch, col. Hill's Eden, coloured. Hayes's Birds, coloured. Harris's Insects, coloured. Drury's Insects, coloured. Edwards's Birds, 7 vol. coloured. Albin's Birds and Insects, 4 vol. Philosophical Transactions at large, complete. Which will begin to be Sold This Day, 1785, By Robert Faulder, Bookseller to his Majesty. No. 42, New Bond-Street, the Corner of Maddox-Street, who gives the full Value for Libraries and Parcels of Books. N. B. Books Exchanged. Catalogues to be had at the Place of Sale; of Mr. Blamire, Strand; Mr. White, Fleet-Street; Mr. Law, Avemary-Lane; Mr. Sewel, Cornhill; Mr. Cater, Holborn; of the Booksellers of Oxford, Cambridge, and principal Towns in England. -
[London]: s.n, [1785]. - Online-Ressource ([4],287,[1]p)
5. Ignatov, Veselin: Pogrebalni kompleksi s koli v rimskata provincija Trakija (sredata na I-III v.) / Veselin Ivanov Ignatov. -
Sofija, 2018. - 1 Online-Ressource : Illustrationen
(Disertacii / Bălgarskata Akademija na Naukite, Nacionalen Archeologičeski Institut i Muzej ; tom 11)
6. Robson, James: A catalogue of upwards of twenty thousand volumes of books including the remaining part of the valuable library of His Grace the Duke of Newcastle : and the entire Collection of a Person of Distinction, lately deceased: With some very capital Books of Prints, just imported from France and Italy, and many large Parcels, lately purchased. The whole forming a Curious Variety of the best Books inall Languages, Arts and Sciences, in fine Condition, and many upon Royal Paper, in elegant Russia and Morocco Bindings. Amongst which are, Seba Thesaurus eorum nat. 4 tom. Rus. Deliciae nat. selectae, 2 tom. fig. col. Mor. Merian de Insectis Surinam, fig. col. M. Hill's Nat. Hist. Gard. & Herb. roy-pap. 5 vol. coloured, Russia Weinmani Phytantheza Iconograp. 4 tom. coloured Catesby's Carolina, 2 tom. Rus. col. Edward's Nat. Hist. 7 vol. Mor. col. Trew Hortus Nitidissimus, fig. colorat Physica Sacra, 8 tom. Ornithologie par Martinet, 3 v. fig. illu. Wilkes and Harris's Moths and Butterfl. coloured Pitture D'ercolano, 5 tom. Estampes de la Gallerie de Dresda, 2 tom. Vandermulen's capital Works, Mor. Oeuvres de Basan, 3 tom. - complet de Vernet, gr. pap. Statute Grece & Romane di S. Mar. R. Illustrious Heads, first Impressions, 1. pap. Fables, & Contes de Fontaine, bel. fig. Pitture di Pelligrino Works of Salvator Rosa - of Ostade. Estampes du Cabinet du Roy, Mor. fine. Halleri Icones Anatomicae, 2 tom. Voyages de Le Brun, 3 tom. General Dictionary, 10 vol. Vocabolario della Crusea, 6 tom. Flor. Dictionaries by Johnston, Chambers, Ainsworth, Bayle, James, Postlethwayte, Richlet, &c. &c. L'antique explique par Montfaucon, 15 tom. gr. pap. Views of the Palace and Gardens at Versailles, Mor. Teniers's Gallery, fine Impressions Stoch, Pierres Antiques par Picart, g. p. Ruins of Balbeck Palmyra-Dioclefian's Palace, de la Grece par le Roy, &c. &c. D. of Newcastle's Horsemanship, 2 v. Imp. paper; Morocco. Clarke's Caesar, Russia leather. Rymer's Foedera, 21 vol. Viner's Abridgment, 24 vol. Pembrochiae Numismata, ch. max. Robert and De L'isles Atlas, gr. pap. Piranesi Antichita Romane, 4 tom. Guichiardini & Davilla Istoria, ch. max. Clarendon's Rebellion, 4 vol. roy. pap. Inigo Jones's Designs, by Kent. Rapin's History, 2 vol. large pap. Mor. Norden and Pocock's travels, large pap. Strafford's Letters, by Knowler, 2 vol. large paper, Morocco. Diodorus Siculus Wesselingii, 2 vol. Demosthenis Wolfii. Homeyns, 4 tom. ch. max. Glasgow. Dionysius Halicarnasseus Hudson, 2 v. Euripides Barnesii. Pindarus, per West. Picart's Ovid, fine cuts. Missals, finely illuminated. Voyage en Siberie, 2 tom, Mor. With many Hundreds more, equally valuable. Which will begin to be Sold very reasonable, this Day, 1770, (for ready Money only) the Prices printed in the Catalogue, to continue on Sale till all are Sold, By James Robson, Bookseller at the Feathers in New-Bond-Street. Who gives the utmost Value for any Library or Parcel of Books. Catalogues (price 6d. to be allowed in the Purchase) to be had of Mr. Dodsley, Pall-Mall; Mr. Blamire, corner of Craven-Street, Strand; Mr. Cater, Holborn; Mr. Owen, Temple-Bar; Mr. Law, Ave-Mary-Lane; and Messrs. Richardson and Urquhart, at the Royal-Exchange; also of the Booksellers of Oxford, Cambridge, and all the great Towns in England. -
[London]: s.n, [1770]. - Online-Ressource ([6],14,13-176p)
7. Payne, Thomas: A catalogue of a large collection of the best books : in all parts of learning, in Greek, Latin, French, Italian and English; containing Several Curious Libraries, Lately purchased. Amongst which are the following: Folio. Buck's Views of Ruins, &c. 4 v. russia leather Journals of the H. of Commons, 27 vol. Teniers Gallery Patrick and Lowth, 4 vol. Bible, with cuts, in morocco. Another, large paper, by Basket James's Medicinal Dictionary, 3 vol. Dugdale's Baronage, 2 vol. Dugdale's Warwickshire, 2 vol. Hen. Stephani Thesaur. Ling. Gr. 5 tom. ch. max. Heads of Illust. Men, l. pap. 1st impress. Rushworth's Collections, 8 vol. Dugdale's Monasticon, 3 vol. Rapin and Tindal's Continuation, 4 vol. Gibson's Cambden, 2 vol. Temple's Works, 2 vol. l. paper Platonis Opera, Gr. Lat. Serrani, 3 vol. Polybius, Casauboni Euripides. Barnesii Plutarch. Xylandri, 2 tom. Demosthenes, Wolsii Josephus, Havercampi, 2 tom. Diodorus Siculus, Wesseling, 2 tom. Dion. Cassius, Reimari, 2 tom. Aristophanes, Kusteri Athenaeus, Casauboni Pausanias, Kuhnii Boyle's Works, 5 vol. Folio. Bacon's Works, 3 vol. Harris's Voyages, by Campbell, 2 vol. Norden's Travels, 2 vol. Pocock's Travels, 2 vol. russia leather Antiquit. par Montsaucon, 15 t. gr. pap. L'art de Guerre, par Puysegur, 2 t. Par. Davila Hist. Civil di Francia, 2 tom. Dictionaries, viz. Ainsworth, 2 v. Bayle, 5 vol. Chambers and Supplem. 4 vol. Postlethwayte, 2 vol. Johnson, 2 vol. Calmet, 3 vol. Miller's - Bailey, by Scott - Somner's Saxon - Davis's Welsh Du Fresne Glossar. Lat. 6 tom. Pitischi Lex Antiq. Roman. 2 tom. Hoffmanni. Lexicon, 4 tom. Dictionaire de Bayle, 5 tom. Par. Dictionaire de Moreri, 8 tom. rel. in russ. Dictionaire de Richelet, 3 tom. Dictionaire de Menage, 2 tom. Vocab[u]lario della Crusca. 6 tom. Clarke's Works, 4 vol. Cay's Statutes at Large, 6 vol. Cay's Abridgm. Statutes, 2 vol. Mac Dowal's Institutes, 3 vol. Peere Williams, 3 vol. Caresby's Carolina, 2 vol. Hippocrates & Galen, a Charterii, cum fig. 13 tom. Which will be sold (for Ready Money only) the Prices printed in the Catalogue, on Monday, July 14, 1760, and continue on Sale till all are sold. By Thomas Payne, Bookseller, Next the Mews-Gate, in Castle-Street, St. Martin's. Catalogues to be had (price 6 d.) at the following Booksellers, viz. Mr. Ward's, Cornhill; H. Payne, Pater-Noster Row; Lewis, in Russel-Street, Covent Garden; Owen, Temple-Bar; Robson (late Brindley's) New Bond-Street; Jackson, St. James's-Street; Walter, Charing-Cross; Mess. Merril and Matthews, at Cambridge; at Child's Coffee-House, St. Paul's Church-Yard; and at the Place of Sale. -
[London]: s.n, [1760]. - Online-Ressource ([4],131,[1]p)
8. A catalogue of a valuable and extensive collection of books : Containing many rare and curious articles in the sinest preservation; including the libraries of the Rev. Mr. Spry, of Yardley, Herts; and Dr. Poole, of Lewes, Susse, deceased: and several other collections recently purchased.-among then are folios. Biblia Hebracia, a Kennicot, cor. russ. Nov. Test. Gr. Wetstenii, 2 tom. cor. russ. Diodorus siculus, Wisselingii, 2 tom. Herodotus, Gronovii, Gr. & Lat. Poetæ Græci principes, Stephani Pausanius, Kuhnii, Gr & Lat. Scriptores Historiæ Romanæ, 3 tom. Vitringæ comment. in Jesaim, 2 tom. Virgilii Opera, Burmanni, typis foulis histoire de France, par Mezeray, 3 tom. Museo Florentio con supplemento, 12 vol. Gruteri corpus inscriptionum, Græii, 2 tom. Plinii Historia Nat. Hardaini, 2 tom. Passerii picturæ etruscorum in vasculis stoschii gemmæ antiquæ, cum fig. Wolsangii Theatures universals, 2 tom. avantures de telemaque, aeec fig. Antiche Statue Greeche e Romani, cor. russ: Puteolanæ Antiquitates di pozzuoli morrisons's herbal, 2 tom. Plot's Oxfordshire, best edition, russia drake's york norden's egypt Atkin's Gloucestershire, l. p. russian Morton's history of northamptonshire Burton's leicestershire, russia extra philipot's kent, russia leigh's lancashire somner's antiq. of canterbury camden's britannia, by cough, 3 vol. Peck's stamford Peck's curioso, russia spencce's polymetis, sine impressions Ducarel's Norman antiquities Edmonson's Heraldry, l. p. russia Bayle'd dictioanry, 5 vol. russia Chamber's dictionary, 4 vol. russia Johnson'd dictionary, 2 vol. russia postlethwayte's dictionary, 2 vol. Galmet's dictionary, 3 vol. Richardson's persian dictioanry Gen. Dictionary, 10 vol. best edition James's medical dictioanry, 3 vol. russia Hoffmanni Lexicon, 4 tom, state trials, l. p. 11 m 6, russia tanner's notitia monastica whitlock's memorial, best edition Gullim's Heraldry, best edition ruins of balbeck, by wood Patrick, louth, and Whitby, 6 vol. new and elegant Bible, royal paper, printed by basker-ville, elegant, in russia blair's chronology brown's history of Jamaica, russia Hill's nat. hist. of animals, &c. russia Hill's herbal, plates coloured, russia temple of the muses, sine impression dugdale's warwick shire, russia dugdale's baronage of England Hackluyt's voyages, 3 vol. best edition Morant's history of Essex, l. p. russia Pocock's description of the east, 2 vol. Maitland's History of London Thoresby's leeds, russia Dodd's Bible, 3 vol. russia Quartos. Lucan, Strawberry-hill Russhead's statu's, 12 vol. elegant Boyle's works, russia extra Gibbon's Roman History, 6 vol. russia elegant Baskerville's addison, russia extra Bacon's works, russia Cooke's voyages Evelyn's Sylva, russia Pope's works, 5 vol. elegant Lock's works, 4 vol. elegant Blackstone's great charter, l. p. Drury's natural history, coloured ellis's natural history of coralines Harris's English insects, coloured Hume's history of England, plates Baskerville's classics, 7 vol. Virgillius edit. opt. Terentius Westerhovii, 2 tom]. T. Livius Drakenborch, 7 tom. Lucretiuis, Havercampi, 2 tom. Herbelot Bibliotheque Orientale, 4 tom. Encyclopedie, ou dictionnaire universel, 58 tom. avec les planches, coufu Which are selling very reasonable by shepperson and reynold bookselers and stationers, No. 137, Oxford-Street; who give the full value for libraries or parcels of books, or excl. -
[London]: s.n, [1793]. - Online-Ressource ([4],228p)
9. Gora Afon : obrazy Svjatoj Zemli ; [katalog vystavki ; iz sobranija Afonskogo fotoarchiva ; Gosudarstvennyj Istoričeskij Muzej, Moskva, 8 - 28 nojabrja 2011 goda] / red.-sost. Aleksej Lidov. -
Moskva: Indrik, 2011. - Online-Ressource
Гора Афон : Образы Святой Земли ; [Каталог выставки из собрания Афонского Фотоархива, Государственный Исторический Музей, Москва, 8 - 28 ноября 2011 года] / Ред.-сост. Алексей Лидов
10. Faulder, Robert: A Catalogue of a large and valuable collection of books, consisting of several thousand volumes lately purchased; the whole forming a general affortment of the best authors, in every branch of literature : Amongst which are Ashmole's Garter L.P. Turkey Dugdale's Baronage, 2 vol. Turkey Dugdale's Warwickshire 2 vol. Froysait's chronicle Harris's Kent Hutchin's Dorsetshire, 2 vol. Morton's Northamptonshire Rymer's Fœdra, 20 vol. Viner's abridgment, 23 vol. Wren's Parentalia Universly history, 25 vol. Harris's voyages Pocock's travel's, 3 vol L.P. morocco Anderson on commerce, 2 vol. Miller's plants, 2 vol. coloured Hill's herbal, coloured Harris's Aurelian, coloured Edward's Birds, 7vol. coloured Wilkes's moths. coloured Drury's insects, 2 vol. coloured Spence's polymeits, best edit. Biograghia Britannica, 7 vol. Dictionaries, by Ainsworth, Bayle, Chambers, Johnson, James, Postlethwayte, Moreri, &c. Aristotelis a duval, chart max. Aristophanis Kutheri Cæsaris per Clarke, Russico Dionis Caffius, 2tom. Diodorus Siculus, 2 tom. Euripidis barnesio Homeri opera eustathii Romæ Herodotus Weslingi Josephus Havercampi, 2 tom. Ptolomæi Geographia Bertii polybius Casauboni Poetæ Græci Heroicæ principes, 2 tom. Platonis Serrani, 3 tom. Strabonis, Casauboni, 2 tom. cha. max. Xenophontis Leunclavii, edit. opt. Besleri Hortus eystetensis seldent Opera, 6 tom. Thuani historia, 7 tom. Scheuchzeri physica Sacra, 4 tom. Oderi flora danica, 2 tom. Biblia Hebrea Kennicotti Erasmi opera clerici, 10 tom. Basilii opera a garnier, 3 tom. Fables dela fontaine, 4 tom, grand pap strange;s prints Houbraken's heads, L.P. Rusia pennant British Zoology, coloured Ruins of balbec, palmyra, athens, Greece, &c. Luxembourg Gallery, sune impress. Rogers's prints, 2 vol Authores Classici in a sum delpbirni 61 tom. paris. Which will begin to be sold his day, 1780, By Robert faulder, bookseller, No. 24, new bond street, the corner of maddon street, who give the full value for libraries, and parcels of books. Catalogues may be had at the place of sale; of Mr. Blomire in the strand; Mr. White, fleet street; Mr. Cater, Holborne; Mr. Law, ave mary-lane; Mr. Sewels cornhill; the booksellers at Oxford and cambridge; and all the principlal towns in England. -
[London?]: Catalogues may be had at the place of sale; of Mr. Blomire; Mr White; Mr. Cater; Mr. Law; Mr. Sewel; the booksellers at Oxford and Cambridge; and all the principal towns in England, [1780]. - Online-Ressource ([4],204p)
11. Dnepr večernij : dneprovskij vypusk. -
Dnepr: OOO "Juridičeskaja firma Pravoved", [2019?]-. - Online-Ressource
Днепр вечерний : днепровский выпуск
2019, no 1 (3 janvarja) [?]- = 13350 [?]-
Online-Ressource Zeitung 
12. Payne, Thomas: A catalogue of the libraries of the late Nicholas Munckley : Esq; of Hampstead, and several other gentlemen: Containing upwards of twenty thousand volumes of valuable books, and in fine Condition, many of them elegantly bound in Morocco, with a large Collection of modern French Books, and a good Collection of Law. Amongst which are the following, Folio. Rapin and Tindal's Continuat. 5 vol. with all the cuts Sir James Ware's Works, 2 vol. Whitlock's Memorials, best edit. State Tryals, 6 vol. Rushworth's Collections, 8 vol. Journals H. Commons, with Indexes, 31 vol. Clarendon's Hist. and Continuat. 4 vol. Dugdale's Baronage, 2 vol. l. p. - Warwickshire, 2 vol. Mortan's Northamptonshire, l. pap. Thoresby's Leeds, l. pap. - small paper, in russia leather Religious Ceremonies. 6 vol. Antient and modern Hist. 23 vol. Le Brun's Voyages, 3 vol. Wheeler and Spon's Travels, Hackluyt's Voyages, 3 vol. Voyages de Norden, 2 tom. - de Thevenot, 2 tom. Locke, 3 vol. Bacon, 3 vol. Boyle, 5 vol. Picart's Ovid, fine cuts, large and sm. pap. Dictionaries, viz. Ainsworth, 2 vol. Bayle, 5 vol. General, 10 vol. Chambers and Supplem. 4 vol. Collier, 4 vol. Miller's Postlethwayte, 2 vol. Portuguese and English Dict. Bible, l pap. by Buck and Daniel - with fine cuts, in turkey leather, printed by Watson, - - Edinb. Patrick, Lowth and Whitby, 6 vol. Bp. Stillingfleet's Works, 6 vol. Dr. Clarke's Works, 4 vol. Cay's Statutes at large, 6 vol. Viner's Abridgment, 24 vol. Cases in the House of Lords, 18 vol. Coke's Institute, 2, 3, 4, last edit. Reports, by Croke, 3 vol. Raymond, 2 vol. Leonard, Bulstdoe, Shower, 2 vol. Siderfin, Hardress, Ventris, Vernon, &c. Bracton de Legibus Selden's Works, 6 vol. Le Grand Coustumier de Normandie Plinius Harduini, 3 tom. Diod. Siculus, 2 tom. Diod. Siculus, 2 tom. Herodotus Wesselingius Thucidides Duckeri Strabo, 2 tom. Thuanus, 7 tom. Gale Scriptores Ang. 3 tom. Twysden, Script. Ang. Anderson Diplomat. Scotiae Kircheri Oedip-Aegypt. 4 tom. Hill's Nat. Hist. 3 vol. coloured - Fossils, l. p. coloured Hortus Elthamens, 2 tom. Gualtieri Index Testac. Hippocrates & Galeni Opera a Chartatis, 9 tom. cum fig. Wood's Palmyra and Balbec Stuart's Athens Rossi's Statues Campbell's Vitruvius Brit. 3 tom. l. pap. Vitruve, par Perrault L'ediffices de Rome, par Desgodeta With many Hundreds more equally good. Which will begin to be sold (for Ready Money only) the Prices printed in the Catalogue, on August 5th, 1765. and continue on Sale till all are sold, By Thomas Payne, Bookseller, Next the Mews-Gate, in Castle-Street, St. Martin's. Catalogues to be had (price 6d) Mr. Brotherton's Cornhill; at Child's Coffee House, St. Paul's Church-Yard; Owen's, Temple-Bar; Lewis, in Russel-Street, Covent Garden; Walter, Charing-Cross; Ridley, St. James's-Street; Shropshire, New Band-Street; Mr. Merrie, at Cambridge; and at the Place of Sale. -
[London]: s.n, [1765]. - Online-Ressource (iv,136p)
13. Robson, James: A catalogue of upwards of twenty thousand volumes, of the most Valuable books in all Languages and Sciences; comprehending The most Capital and Curious Collections of Prints, Books of Natural History, Antiquities, &c. in fine Condition. Amongst which are Raffell's Gallery at the Vatican, finely illuminated Flores Holsteni, elegantis. depict. Enevclopedie par Diderot. &c. 28 tom. P. Eugene & Marlborough's Battles, 4 vol. l p. Antichita D'ercolano, 7 tom. Shakespeare's Works, 1623, Russia Bucho, Centurie des Planches de L'hist. Nat. enluminees - Fleurs Chineses. enluminees Bartolozzi's Works, 5 vol. 400 prints Piranesi's Works, 12 vol. Russia Sir W. Hamilton's Etruic. Antiq. 4 v. Rus. Capt. Baillie's Works, in Mor. Proofs King of Denmark's Shells, painted extra Miller's Linnean System, 2 vol. coloured Pennant's British Zoology, coloured, eleg. Norden's Travels, 2 vol. royal paper Teliemaque, belles fig. Marmora Oxoniensis Spence's Polymetis, first impression, Russia Claude Lorraine's Landscapes Miller's Plants, 2 vol. coloured, Russia St. Chrysostom, 13 tom. eleg. Robert and de L'Isle's Atlas, gr. pap. Hamilton's School of Painting Hunter's Anatomical Plates Ceremonies Religieuses, 7 tom. Strange's Works, complete Buck's Views, 4 vol. Fables de Fontaine, 4 tom. Plato Serrani, 3 tom. Harris's Aurelian, coloured, Russia Knor Deliciae Naturae, 2 tom. coloured, Russia Edward's Natural History, 7 vol. col. Mor. Catesby's Carolina, 2 vol. Morocco, coloured. Knor Deluvii Testes, 3 tom. coloured Blackwell's Herbal, 2 vol. finely coloured Sloane's Jamaica, 2 vol. fine copy Physica Sacra, 4 vol. elegant Museum Florentinum, 12 tom. Graevii et Gronovii Antiquit. &c. 33 tom. Heads of illustrious Persons, l. p first impres. Clarke's Caesar, fine copy, Russia Ruins of Palmyra, Balbeck, Spalatro, Ionia, Greece, Athens, Paestum, &c. &c. Cowper on the Muscles, large paper, Rus. Cowper's Anatomy, large paper, ditto Edmondson's Peerage, 5 vol. large pap. extra Passerii Picturae Etruscor. 2 tom. fig. depict. Pembroke's Medals, large pap. -
[London]: s.n, [1780]. - Online-Ressource ([8],200p)
14. Payne, Thomas: A catalogue of near twenty thousand volumes, of the best books in all parts of learning, in Greek, Latin, French, Italian and English: Containing several curious libraries, lately purchased. Amongst which are the following: Folio. Clarendon's Hist. and Life, 4 vol. L. P. Heads of illust. Men, L. P. 1st Impress. State Tryals, 8 vol. Whitlocke's Memorials, best edit. Madoxe's Exchequer and Index, 2 v. Turkey Rushworth's Collections, 8 vol. Dugdale's Monasticon, 3 vol. Hogarth's Works, compleat. Rapin and Tindal's Continuation, 4 vol. Gibson's Cambden, 2 vol. Horseley's Britannia Romana Stukeley's Itinerary Temple's Works, 2 vol. l. paper Chauncy's Hertfordshire Platonis Opera, Gr. Lat. Serrani, 3 t. Polybius Casauboni Euripides, Barnesii Plutarch, Xylandri, 2 tom. Demosthenes, Wolsii Josephus Havercampi, 2 tom. Diodor. Siculus, Wesseling. 2 tom. Dion Cassius, Reimari, 2 tom. Aristophanes, Kusteri Athenaeus, Casauboni Pausanias, Khunii Louvre Classics, 4 vol. Turkey Boyle's Works, 5 vol. Bacon's Works, 3 vol. L. P. in Russia Harris's Voyages, by Campbell, 2 vol. Churchill's Voyages, 6 vol. Norden's Travels, 2 vol. Pocock's Travels, 2 vol. Russia Folio. Antiquit. par Montsaucon, 15 t. gr. pap. L'art de Gueire, par Puysegur, 2 t. Par. Davila Hist Civil di Francia, 2 t. Dictionaries, viz Ainsworth, 2 v. Bayle, 5 v -General, 10 v -Postlethwayte, 2 v. -Chambers and Suppl 4 vol. -Johnson, 2 v -Calmet, 3 vol. - Miller's-Bailey by Scott-Somner's Saxon-Davis's Welch. Golii Lex Arab Du Fresne Glossar. Lat. 6 t. Cor. Russ. Pitischi Lex Antiq Roman. 2 t. Hoffmanni Lexic 4 tom. Dictionnaire de Bayle, 5 tom. Par. -de Morreri, 8 tom. ... Russ. -de Richelet, 3 tom. - de Menage, 2 tom. Diccionar Castellena, 6 tom. Vocabolario della Crusea, 6 tom. Clarke's Works, 4 vol L. P. Russia The same, 4 vol. sin. pap. Taylor's Heb. Concordance, 2 vol. Cay's Statutes at Large, 6 vol. - Abridg. Statutes, 2 vol. Mac Dowal's Institutes. 3 vol. Coke's Institutes, 2 vol. best Peere Williams, 3 vol. Catesby's Carolina, 2 vol. Hill's Nat. History. -
[London]: s.n, [1760]. - Online-Ressource ([4],180p)
15. Payne, Thomas: A catalogue of the libraries of the late Sir John Barnard, Knt : Late Vicar of St. George's in the East, Dr. Mid Dleton of Bristol, and Dr. Ross, deceased; Containing upwards of twenty thousand volumes of valuable books, and in fine Condition, many of them elegantly bound in Morocco, with a large Collection of modern French Books, and a good Collection of Law. Amongst which are the following: Folio. Journals House of Commons, 31 vol. ... Monasticon & Stevens's Contin. 3 v. Thornton's Nottingshamshire Philipot's Kent Antiquities of Palmyra - Balbec - Spalatro - Athens Religious Ceremonies, l. pap. 6 vol. russia Universal Hist and Supplement, 8 vol. Norden's Travels, 2 vol. russia leather Voyages par Le Brun, 3 tom. - de Norden, 2 tom. Bacon's Works, 3 vol. Dictionaries, viz. Miller's, Chamber's, 4 vol. Ainsworth, Johnson, Postlethwayte, Collier, Bayle, 5 vol. Biog. Brit. 6 vol. General, 10 vol. Portuguese, Gesneri Thesaur. 4 tom. H. Stephani Thesaur. Graece, 5 tom. ch. max. Hoffmanni Lexicon, 4 tom. Appendix ad H.Stephani Thesaur. 2 tom. Golii Lexicon Arabicum Assemanni Biblio, Orient. 4 tom. ... Calmet sur la Bible, 9 tom. Musaeum Florentinum, 10 tom. corio russ. Statue Antiche, di Rossi Antiq. de Rom. par Desgodetz Medailles de Louis XIV. relie en maroquin Blackwell's Herbal, 2 vol. l. p. coloured Hill on Fossils, l. paper, coloured Herbarum Amboinens. 7 tom. ... Ornithologie, par Brisson, grand nomb. des fig. 6 tom. grande pap. in turkey leather With many Hundreds more equally good. Which will begin to be sold (for Ready Money only) the Prices printed in the Catalogue, on March 18, 1765. and continue on Sale till all are sold, By Thomas Payne, Bookseller, Next the Mews-Gate, in Castle-Street, St. Martin's. Catalogues to be had (price 6d) Mr. Brotherton's Cornhill; at Child's Coffee House, St. Paul's Church-Yard; Owen's, Temple-Bar; Lewis, in Russel-Street, Covent Garden; Walter, Charing-Cross; Ridley, St. James's-Street; Shropshire, New Band-Street; Mess. Merril, and Matthews, at Cambridge; and at the Place of Sale. Where is given the full Value for any Library, or Parcel of Books. -
[London]: s.n, [1765]. - Online-Ressource (iv,112,105-115,114-118,121-134,137-190p)
16. Payne, Thomas: A catalogue of a very large and valuable collection of books : in all Branches of Learning; amongst which are included the Libraries of George Bagnall, Esq; and the Rev. Dr Croxall, both lately deceased. The Books are in fine Condition. Amongst which are the following, Folio. Journals of the H. of Com. 23 vol. Rapin, Guthrie, and Ralph's Hist. of England. Gibson's Cambden, 2 vol. Clarendon's Hist. 3 vol. lar. Pap. Moreton's Northamptonsh. lar. Pap. Speed's Maps, large Paper Dugdale's Baronage, 2 vol. - Monasticon, by Stevens, - Warwickshire, 2 vol. ... Ainsworth, 2 vol. Postlethwayte, 2 vol. Somner's Saxon Diction. Portuguese Dictionary H. Stephani Thesaur. Ling. Gr. cha. max. 5 tom. corio Russico Idem, 5 tom. cha. min. cor. Russico Du Fresne Glossar. Lat. 6 tom. Dict. de Morrei, 8 tom. - de Richelet, 3 tom. - de Bayle, 4 tom. - D'herbelot, &c. Antonio Biblioth. Hispan. Vetus & Nova, 4 tom. Plutarchi Opera, 2 tom. ... Cooper's Anatomy, Oxf. State Trials, 6 vol. Cay's Abridgment of Statutes, 2 v. Royal Proclamations from latter End of Q. Eliz. to 32d Charles II. Septuaginta, Gr. cor. Ture. Romae Idem, Gr. ap. Ald. Nov. Test. Gr. Millii, cha. max. 2 t. Calasio Concordantiae, 4 tom. L'abbe & Cossartii Concilia, 18 tom. ... - Tillotson, 3 vol. - Barrow, 2 vol. - Scott, 2 vol. - Burnet, 3 vol. - Patrick & Lowth, 4 vol. - Stackhouse, 2 vol. - Whitby, 2 vol. ... Tho. Hearne's Pieces, 66 vol. 8vo Political State, 60 vol. 8vo. Which will begin to be Sold very cheap, for Ready Money only, on Monday, August 16th, 1756, and continue till all are Sold, Bookseller, In Castle Street, next the Upper Mews Gate, near St Martin's Church. Catalogues, with the Prices printed, Price 6d. to be had of the following Booksellers; viz. Mr Strahan, Cornhill; Mr Payne, Pater-Noster Row; Mr Owen, Temple-Bar; Mr Lewis, Covent-Garden; Mr Brindley; New Bond-Street; Mr Jackson, St James's-Street; Mr Matthews, at Cambridge; and at the Place of Sale. Where may be had the full Value for any Library or Parcel of Books. -
[London]: s.n, [1756]. - Online-Ressource ([2],206p)
17. Payne, Thomas: A catalogue of a curious collection of books : containing Ten Thousand Volumes, in all Branches of Learning, of the best Authors, In Divinity, History, the Greek and Roman Historians, Poets, Orators, &c. Poetry, Painting, Medicine, Surgery, Philosophy, Mathematicks, &c. in Greek, Latin, French, Italian, Spanish and English. The Books are in elegant Condition. Amongst which are the following, General Dictionary, 10 vol. Dict. de Bayle, 5 tom. Par. Dict. de Trevaux, 5 tom. Dict. de Moreri, 6 tom. H. Stephani Thesaur. cum Glossar. 5 tom. Char. min. Suidae Lexic. 3 tom. Ch. max. & min. Constantini Lexicon, Edit. opt. Doleti Comment. Ling. Lat. 2 tom. Plutarchi Opera, Gr. Lat. 2 t. Par. Plinii Harduini, 3 t. Ch. max. & min. Aristophanes Kissteri, Gr. & Lat. Lucian Bourdeletius - Polybius Casauboni - Zenoph. Leunelavii Dion. Halicarnassus, Hudsoni, 2 tom. Diod. Siculus Rhodomanni Gale's Herodotus-Paufanias Khunii Pindar, Gr. Lat. Ox. - Strabo 1707 Buckley's Thuanus, 7 tom. Septuaginta, Graece, Romae Com. Prayer of Edward VI. 1st Edit. Critici Sacri, 9 tom. Picart's Ovid, fine Cuts Works of Tillotson, 3 vol. - Barrow. 2 vol. - Jackson, 3 vol. - Bingham, 2 vol. - Prideaux, 2 vol. -Clarke, 4 vol. - Beveridge, 2 vol. &c. New System of Geography, 2 vol. Universal History, 8 vol. Moreton's Northamptonshire, large and small Paper, and several of the Counties. State Trials, 8 vol. Dugdale's Baronage, 2 vol. Spence's Polymetis, fine Cuts Salmon's Modern History, 3 vol. Giannone's Naples, 2 vol. Locke's Works, 3 vol. Hawkins's Scatutes, 6 vol. and 7 vol. of Acts Anstis's Regist. of the Garter, 2 vol. Cooper's Anarom and on the Muscles Blackwell's Herbal, 2 vol. coloured Wallis Opera omnia, 3 tom. Hooke's Micrographia. With many Hundreds more in Folio, Quarto and Octavo, equally good, which will be Sold (very cheap) the Prices printed in the Catalogue, on Monday the 15th of May 1749, and continue on Sale till all are sold, By Thomas Payne, Bookseller, In Round Court in the Strand, against York-Buildings. Catalogues to be had Gratis at the following Booksellers, viz. Mr. Strahan's, Cornhill; Mr. Osborne's, Pater-Noster-Row; Mr. Lewis's, in Russel-Street, Covent-Garden; Mr. Brindley's, in New-Bond-Street, Mr. Jackson's, in St. James's street; Mr. Owen's, next the Devil Tavern, Fleet-Street; and at the Place of Sale: Where may be had the full Value for any Library or Parcel of Books. -
[London]: s.n, [1749]. - Online-Ressource ([2],134p)
18. Bathoe, William: A catalogue of the valuable library of the learned James Thompson, esq; deceased; with a collection of a gentleman lately gone abroad: consisting of scarce and valuable books, in most languages and faculties, in the Greek, Latin, Italian, French and English Languages, most of them neatly Bound and Gilt, or Letter'd. Amongst many others are the following: Folio. General System of Horsemanship, 2 V. Salmasii in Plinianae, 2 T. Ch. Max. Roma Sotterania di Bosio. Military History, 2 Vol. History of China, 2 Vol. Camden's Britannia, by Gibson, 2 V. Golii Lexicon, Arab. - Latinum. Chauncy's Hertfordshire. Thoroton's Nottinghamshire. Raii Historia Plantarum, 3 Tom. Tillotson's Works, 3 Vol. Locke's Works, 3 Vol. Willoughby of Birds. Xenophontis Opera, Gr. Lat. Paris State Tryals, 6 Vol. Scriptores Decem, 2 Tom. Burnet's own Times, 2 Vol. Flamsteed's Atlas Coelestis. Bundy's Roman History, 6 Vol. Quarto. Perspective des Jesuites, 3 Tom. Ruyschii Opera, 2 Tom. Hoffman Medicina Rationalis, 8 Tom. Petronii Arbitri Notis varior. Panegyrici Veteres usum Delph. Aristidis Opera, 2 Tom. Juvenalis & Persius varior. 2 Tom. Wagenseilii Sota. Tournefort's Voyages, 2 Vol. Pomet on Drugs. Boerhaave's Chemistry, by Shaw. Ridolfi Vite Pittori, 2 Tom. Horatius Bentleii. Terentius Bentleii. Atlas Geographus, 5 Vol. Marianae Historiae Hispaniae. Mauriceau Maladies des Femmes, 2 T. Diogenes Laertius, Gr. Lat. 2 Tom. Wolfii Bibliotheca Hebraica, 4 Tom. Which will be sold very Cheap, the lowest Price of each Book being marked in the Catalogue, by William Bathoe, bookseller, In Church Lane, near St. Martin's Church in the Strand, almost opposite York Buildings. Catalogues to be had gratis at Mr. Lewis's Russel Street, Covent Garden, at St. Paul's coffee-house, Paul's Church-Yard, Mr. Owen's next the Devil Tavern, Fleet-Street, Mr. Merril at Cambridge; and at the place of sale. Where may be had Money for any Library, or Parcel of Books. -
[London]: s.n, [1749?]. - Online-Ressource ([2],37,[1]p)
19. Balfour, John: A catalogue of a very valuable collection of books : Consisting of many thousand volumes, most of them lately imported from abroad, containing the fullest assortment of French authors, of different kinds, that ever appeared in this country, the best editions new, and elegantly bound. Also a very large collection of the best editions of the Greek and Latin classics, in fine condition. Likewise a great variety of histories, both civil and ecclesiastick, law, divinity, miscellanies, and the best English authors both in prose and verse; Which begins to be sold by auction, for ready money, at the auction-house in the east-wing of the Exchange, on Monday the 26th of November, at four o'clock afternoon, and to continue every day at the same hour till all are sold off. Catalogues to be had at the Shop of John Balfour, who will execute commissions for gentlemen in the country, or for such as cannot attend, so as to give them intire satisfaction. The common rules of auction will be observed. Amongst the books in this catalogue are those following: folio. Dictionnaire de Martiniere, 10 tom. - de Breton - de Chauspie, 4 tom. - de Marchand, 2 tom. - de Savary, 3 tom. - de Richelet, 3 tom. - de Moreri, 10 tom. - de Furetiere, 4 tom. Dictionnaire canonique, &c. 5 tom. Dict. de la langue Celtique, 3 tom. Chamber's dict. and supplem. 4 vols dict. of trade and commerce, 2 vs Johnson's English dictionary, 2 vs Harris's lexicon technicum, 2 vols Hoffmanni lexicon univers. 4 vols Martini lexicon philologicum, 2 vs Vocabulario della crusea, 5 tom. Gesneri thes. linguæ Lat. 4 vols Stephani thes. linguæ Lat. 4 vols Du Cange glossarium, 6 vols Pitisei lexicon, 3 vols vide next pate. -
Edinburgh, Printed in the year M,DCC,LXIV. [1764]. - Online-Ressource ([2],73,[1]p)
20. Payne, Thomas: [A] catalogue of a very neat and valubale collection of books, in Greek, Latin, French, Spanish, Italian, and English, many of them are bound in Turkey leather, and other elegant bindings : Amongst which are the following, folio. Dicticnnaire de Bayle, 5 tom. Paris diction de commerce, 3 tom. 1741 Viturve, par Perrault - - 1684 Sir T. Roe's Negotiations, in Turkey leather Tanner's notitia, in Turkey leather Sir H. Sloane's Jamaica, 2 vol in Turkey leather Petty's maps of Ireland plans of all the cities, forts, &c. of Canadia, finely drawn T. Livius ap. Aldun, corin Turcico Ju. Pollux, ch. max. corio Turcico Horseman's converyancing, 3 vol Hale's pleas of the crown, 2 vol. voffii opera omn. 6 10m. Milton, 2 vol. Lock, 3 v. &c. works Quarto. Don Quixote, in Spaish, 4 vo. with sine cuts - - Lond. ^DAelian de natura animal. 2 tom, chria Turcio de moivie of chances, lst fait. Transactions abridg'd, 8 vol. Historie de France par Daniel, 10 tom. - - - - Paris Barman's Quintillian, 2 tom. Histoire des Finances, 3 tom. Dictionnaire de Richelert, 2 tom. 1732 Jugements de seavans, p ar bailler, s tom. grand pap.. Voyage de Tournesort, 2 tom. Par. Histure de Turneue, 2 tom. Par. With may more in Flio, Quarto, and Octavo, equally good, which will be sold (very cheap) the prices printed in the catalogue, on Monday the 6th of June, 1748, and continue daily till all are sold, By Thomas Payne, bookseller, in Old Round Court, in the Strand, against york-buildings. Catalogues to be liad cratis at the following booksellers, viz. Mr. Strahan's Cornhill; Mr. Osborne's, Pater noster-Row; Mr. Lewis's, in Russet street, Covint Garden; Mr. Brindly's in New-Bond-street; Mr. Jackson's, in St. James's street; Mr. Orven's, next the Devil Tavern, Fleet-street; and at the place of sale: where may be had the full value for any library or parcel of books. -
[London]: s.n, [1748]. - Online-Ressource ([2],38p)
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