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Universitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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61 Titel < 1825
1. Nāgārjuna: Mettre fin aux controverses / Nāgārjuna ; introduction, traduction et notes par Michel Bitbol. -
Paris: Les éditions du Cerf, 2023. - 235 Seiten, ISBN 978-2-204-15556-4
(Sagesses d'Asie)
Buch/keine Angabe 
Signatur: rel 52 E 124/397
2. Nāgārjuna: Letter to a friend / Nagarjuna's classic text ; translation and oral commentary, Traleg Kyabgon ; foreword by Khenchen Th… . -
Victoria, Australia: Shogam Publications, 2018. - xxvii, 151 Seiten, ISBN 978-0-6481148-2-6
Buch/keine Angabe 
Signatur: rel 51 F 121/1815
3. Candrakīrti: Mūlamadhyamakakārikās (Mādhyamikasūtras) de Nāgārjuna avec la Prasannapadā / commentaire de Candrakīrti. Publ. par Louis de la Vallée Poussin. -
St.-Pétersbourg: Acad. Imperiale des Sciences, 1903/1913 [ersch.] 1913. - 658 S.
(Bibliotheca buddhica ; 4)
Buch/keine Angabe 
Signatur: G 1874-13-0
4. Nāgārjuna: Nāgārjuna's Reason sixty / transl. from the Tibetan with introd. study and annot. by Joseph John Loizzo; ed. by Robert A. F. Th… . -
New York, N.Y.: American Inst. of Buddhist Studies at Columbia Univ., 2007. - XXVII, 434 S.
(Treasury of the Buddhist sciences)
Buch/keine Angabe 
Signatur: rel 52 F 109/751
5. Nāgārjuna: Die Lehre von der Mitte : chinesisch-deutsch / Nagarjuna. Aus dem chines. Text des Kumarajiva übers. und mit einem Kommentar hrsg. von Lutz Geldset… . -
Hamburg: Meiner, 2010. - XVI, 200 S., ISBN 978-3-7873-2137-7
(Philosophische Bibliothek ; Bd. 610)
Buch/keine Angabe 
ausleihbar  3D-Plan
Signatur: 2010 A 1921
6. Nāgārjuna: Nāgārjuna on mindfulness of the Buddha / as translated into Chinese by Tripiṭaka Master Kumārajīva; annotated English translation by Bhikshu … . -
Seattle, Washington: Kalavinka Press, 2019. - 374 Seiten, ISBN 978-1-935413-15-8
(Kalavinka Buddhist classics)
Buch/keine Angabe 
Signatur: BQ1013.K35 2009::13
7. Bstan-vdzin-rgya-mtsho <Dalai Lama XIV.>: The Buddhism of Tibet / His Holiness the Dalai Lama; transl. and ed. by Jeffrey Hopkins. -
Ithaca, NY [u.a.]: Snow Lion Publ., 1987. - 219 Seiten
(The wisdom of Tibet series)
Buch/keine Angabe 
Signatur: rel 52 F 17/1228
8. Nāgārjuna: Mūla-Madhyamaka-Kārikā of Nāgārjuna
2. - Chapters VI & VII. Pt. 2 / with commentary of Candrakīrti. -
Calcutta: Mukhopadhyay, 1962. - 134 S.
Mehrteiliges Werk 
Signatur: rel 52 E 163/80::1-2
9. Nāgārjuna: Feuer und Brennstoff : ein Kapitel aus dem Mādhyāmika-śāstra des Nāgārjuna mit der vṛtti des Candrakīrti / Stanisław Schayer. -
Lwow: Nakl. Polskiego Tow. Orjentalistycznego z Zasilkiem Ministerstwa W.R.I.O.P, 1930. - 27 S.
Buch/keine Angabe 
Signatur: rel 52 E 187/1910 Kp
10. Nāgārjuna: Madhyamakaśāstra of Nāgārjuna : with the commentary: Prasannapadā by Candrakīrti / ed. by P. L. Vaidya. -
Darbhanga: Mithila Institute, 1960. - XXXI, 321 S.
(Bauddha-Saṃskṛta-granthāvalī ; 10)
Themen: Nāgārjuna
Buch/keine Angabe 
Signatur: rel S 10::10
11. Karma Thinley: The telescope of wisdom : a condensed interlinear commentary on the Great Master Nagarjuna's The letter to a friend / Karma Thinley Rinpoche; translated by Adrian O'Sullivan. - 1. publ.. -
Bristol: Ganesha Press, 2009. - X, 202 S. : Ill., ISBN 978-0-9509119-6-0
Buch/keine Angabe 
Signatur: rel 52 E 210/5689
12. Nāgārjuna: Letter to a friend : the root text ; with commentary / by Nagarjuna. - 1. paperback ed.. -
Itahaca, New York: Snow Lion, 2013. - 208 S. : Ill., ISBN 978-1-559-39415-4
Buch/keine Angabe 
Signatur: rel 52 F 114/46
13. Nāgārjuna: Les stances fondamentales de la voie médiane : Mūlamadhyamakakārikā / Nāgārjuna. Traduit par le Comité de traduction Padmakara. -
Saint-Léon-sur-Vézère: Padmakara, 2014. - 191 S., ISBN 978-2-916915-39-5
Buch/keine Angabe 
Signatur: rel 52 F 115/2005
14. Nāgārjuna: Bodhicittavivarana : Erläuterung des Erleuchtungsgeistes / Nagarjuna. -
Frankfurt am Main: Angkor, 2015. - 96 S., ISBN 978-3-943839-26-5
Buch/keine Angabe 
15. Varghese, Mathew: Exploring the structure of emptiness : philosophical hermeneutics of the text Catusstava of Nāgārjuna ; a translation and interpretation / Mathew Varghese. -
New Delhi: Sanctum Books, 2012. - XLVI, 367 S.
Buch/keine Angabe 
Signatur: rel 52 E 113/1869
16. Nāgārjuna: The Root stanzas of the Middle Way : the Mulamadhyamakakarika / translated from the Tibetan by the Padmakara Translation Group. - First Shambhala edition. -
Boulder: Shambhala, 2016. - xxi, 176 Seiten : Illustrationen, ISBN 978-1-61180-342-6
Buch/keine Angabe 
Signatur: rel 52 C 16/3732
17. Nāgārjuna: Nāgārjuna's Middle way : Mūlamadhyamakakārikā / Mark Siderits and Shōryū Katsura. -
Boston: Wisdom Publ., 2013. - X, 351 S., ISBN 978-1-61429-050-6
(Classics of Indian Buddhism)
Buch/keine Angabe 
Signatur: rel 52 E 113/2437
18. Nāgārjuna: The Tibetan corpse stories by Ācārya Nāgārjuna and King Gautamiputra / translated by Ryoshun Kajihama. - 1. ed.. -
Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass Publishers, 2014. - XII, 250 S. : Ill., ISBN 978-81-208-3631-0
Buch/keine Angabe 
Signatur: nsp 20.21 C 2014/3530
19. Tegchok, Jampa: Practical ethics and profound emptiness : a commentary on Nagarjuna's Precious Garland / Khensur Jampa Tegcok; translated by Bhikshu Steve Carlier; edited by Bhikshuni Thubten Chodron. -
Somerville, MA: Wisdom Publications, [2017]. - xii, 421 Seiten, ISBN 978-1-61429-324-8
Buch/keine Angabe 
Signatur: rel 52 C 17/2200
20. Nāgārjuna: Prajñādaṇḍa / translator and editor, Sanjib Kumar Das. -
Santiniketan: Department of Indo-Tibetan Studies, Visva-Bharati, in association with Buddhist World Press, Delhi, 2017. - xi, 204 Seiten, ISBN 978-93-80852-59-1
Buch/keine Angabe 
Signatur: rel 52 C 17/2120
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