Salon merchandising

13 Pins
Industrial Chic
This could be a mobile food buffet, retail sales transaction counter, or reception station. It is made from reclaimed wood & tin. Nice industrial chic look!!
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The Secret Kitchen ~ Gourmet Food Store - these open ended shelves really help the product pop
10 Tips to Become a Visual Merchandising Expert
10 Tips to Become a Visual Merchandising Expert | Visual Merchandising Blog
Science of making your floor space sell more dollars per square foot. Underhill's original book on why we buy and the science of retail anthropology is still the best source to begin learning why visual merchandising is so important.
【櫥窗賞析】關乎於一間店的門面 | 大人物 - 86419
如果說,關乎於一個人最基礎的門面是「面容」與「衣著」等,那麼對於一間「店」而言「櫥窗」與「開放式的展示空間」便是屬於它第一時間吸引人注目與焦點的「相」吧! 有特色的門面與櫥窗,不僅能為店面增添話題性...