Jamdani was originally known as Dhakai ,named after the city of Dhaka, one of many ancient textile weaving centers in Bengal region.Under the Mughal Empire the Persian term Jamdani came to be in popular use, since it was the court language of the Mughals. Jamdanis are popularly known as Dhakai Jamdani or simply Dhakai. The earliest mention of jamdani and its development as an industry is found into Dhaka, Bangladesh. (Source: Wikipedia) Soft Dhakai Jamdani Sarees with all over body zari work and floral design on pallu.Very colorful and attractive collection Dhakai Saree, Textile Weaving, Dhakai Jamdani Saree, Mughal Empire, Dhaka Bangladesh, Jamdani Saree, Durga Puja, Zari Work, Saree Look