
19 Pins
the breezy tee tunic | free sewing pattern
This easy to sew tunic pattern only has two pieces and is free in women's size L! Quick, easy sewing tutorial, perfect for spring.
✅ Super Amazing Sewing Secrets ⚘️ Only On My Channel New Idea Blouse 🍁 Very Useful DIY Blouse
✅ Super Amazing Sewing Secrets ⚘️ Only On My Channel New Idea Dresses 🍁 Very Useful DIY Dresses
Hong Kong Seam Finish – Part 1
Sewing tutorial : Hong Kong seam finish. If you've ever been wowed by the inside of a garment and wondered how that was sewn this diy is for you. This tutorial walks you through straight seams, armholes, and outside corners. If you want to give this a try but aren't ready to tackle an entire unlined garment this works well for pockets. #sewing #sew #sewingtutorial #tutorial #tips #itchtostitch #diy #howto #sewingtechnique