Cleaning tips

153 Pins
Sabores y Remedios on Instagram: "¡Consejo para doblar toallas! 🧺🥰 Video original de @lojasgbrasil"
Anastasiia Veriasova on Instagram: "Fingerprint resistant cleaning spray! Here’s the recipe: • 1 cup WARM water • 2 tosp white vinegar • 2 tbsp rinse aid • 2 tbsp dawn dish soap You can use this mixture on stainless steel, glass, and cabinets (matte cabinets to prevent tingerprints! Make sure to give it a good shake every time before using. #cleaning #cleantok #cleaninghacks #cleaningcompany #cleaningspray #diy #fingerprintresistant"
📍Recetas fitss 🍒🍍 on Instagram: "✨ ¡Consejos que facilitan tu vida! 🧄🍖 Desde descongelar carne en 5 minutos hasta cortar pastel y sellar alimentos de la forma correcta, aquí tienes trucos increíbles que quizá no conocías. 🚀 ¿Cuál de estos ya sabías? ¡Cuéntamelo en los comentarios! 💬 Y si te gustó, no olvides seguirme y compartir con quien necesite estas ideas en su día a día #ensalada #receta #comersano #recetasaludables #adelgazar #alimentaciosaludable #recetatradicionale #comidaparadelgazar #quieroperdergrasa #ensaladasfit #recetasfitnes #cocinasana #recetasdecocina #recetasfitness #recetascaseras #saludableyrico #recetadeldía #aderezo #comidarecomendable #deliciosoysaludable #comesinculpa"
26K views · 10K reactions | You've been washing your comforters all wrong. The simple fold prevents the machine from getting unbalanced, makes sure the comforter doesn't get tangled, and ensures it is fully washed and rinsed. 🤯 | Kallie | That Practical Mom
26K views · 10K reactions | You've been washing your comforters all wrong. The simple fold prevents the machine from getting unbalanced, makes sure the comforter doesn't get tangled, and ensures it is fully washed and rinsed. 🤯 | Kallie | That Practical Mom
HOME ORGANIZATION on Instagram: "DIY Fingerprint Resistant Cleaning Spray!😍🧹 😊Did you know how to do this, or did you know this tip?👇 - No copyright infringement intended, please DM for correction/removal. - Credit: simplecleanfit_whit #cleaninghacks #organization #organizedhome #homeorganization #organizingideas #homeorganizing #homeorganization #amazonorganization #homeideas #remove #tips #2025tips #hacks #diy"
Puerto Rican Dishes & Recipes | Use whatever cleaner you want | Facebook
Puerto Rican Dishes & Recipes | Use whatever cleaner you want | Facebook
Heather Rhodes on Instagram: "Follow for more home cleaning tips - it’s that TIME! Let’s make our favorite bottle of dust repellent spray. No, it doesn’t take away the dust, dust is inevitable, BUT it prevents the dust from sticking to your surfaces making to fall to the ground for easy vacuuming. 2 cups water 1/4 cup CLEANING vinegar 1 tsp olive oil 1 drop Dawn Dish Soap SHAKE & spray! IT WORKS!"
Courtney | Cleaning Tips & Hacks | Easy DIY on Instagram: "Out of sight, out of mind? Not anymore! Time to tackle grime between the glass on your oven door! Here’s how to do it: -use duct tape to hold inside, handle and front together -unscrew the two bolts (mine were star shaped so I used my drill) -place towel or blanket underneath just in case -carefully lift off duct tap from the inside part (it will spring up! So be prepared!!) -clean inside •used my steamer to loosen gunk •sprayed @thepinkstuff.usa all purpose cleaner •wipe with a paper towel or disposable cleaning brush (you’re going to want to throw whatever you use away!) •clean glass with @spraywayclean and wipe with microfiber cloth -gently put pieces back together (it should already be lined up because of the tape!) -sc
2.9K views · 422 reactions | Laundry hacks to save time! #laundry #home #hacks #lifehacks #hometips #laundryday | Caroline Solomon
2.9K views · 422 reactions | Laundry hacks to save time! #laundry #home #hacks #lifehacks #hometips #laundryday | Caroline Solomon
HOME ORGANIZATION on Instagram: "How To Have a Dust Free Home!😁💖 🤩Tag someone here who will love these dust prevention tips! • No copyright infringement intended, please DM for correction/removal. • Credit: woah.heather.rhodes #cleaninghacks #organization #organizedhome #homeorganization #organizingideas #homeorganizing #homeorganization #amazonorganization #homeideas"
Home organization&decor ideas on Instagram: "How to fold a fitted sheet IN SLOW MOTION 💕 By effectivespaces @e.f.f.e.c.t.i.v.e.s.p.a.c.e.s . #folding #foldinghacks #foldingclothes #foldingtutorial #foldingtips"
6.8K reactions · 48 shares | You need to try this magic multipurpose scrubbing paste 🫧🧼 you already have all the ingredients to make it and you can use it all around your home - including your glass stovetop, sink, shower glass and even clothing stains 🙌 Will you try this one? #cleaninghacks #cleaningtips #tipsandtricks #homehacks #hometips #homesweethome #cleaningmotivation | Chantel Mila - Home Tips
6.8K reactions · 48 shares | You need to try this magic multipurpose scrubbing paste 🫧🧼 you already have all the ingredients to make it and you can use it all around your home - including your glass stovetop, sink, shower glass and even clothing stains 🙌 Will you try this one? #cleaninghacks #cleaningtips #tipsandtricks #homehacks #hometips #homesweethome #cleaningmotivation | Chantel Mila - Home Tips
277K views · 647 reactions | My mom taught me this #reels #cleaning | Jennie and Nick's Brainteasers
277K views · 647 reactions | My mom taught me this #reels #cleaning | Jennie and Nick's Brainteasers
19K views · 1.6K reactions | Comment the word SCRUBBER and I’ll send you the link to the scrubber… because you and I both know you need the scrubber!😉 This deep cleaning task is definitely no.1 on my list. 🤗 • • • • #scrubber #deepcleaning #amazon lifehacks #cleaninghacks #homehacks #momhacks #laundryhacks #organize #organization #fypシ #fyp #foryou #foryoupage #mom #momlife #sahm #share #like #selfcare #parati #cleaning #cleaningmotivation #clean #cleaningtips #cleanwithme #cleaningmotivation #cleanhome #laundry #laundryhacks #asmr | Caridad Colón aka Cleantok Cary
19K views · 1.6K reactions | Comment the word SCRUBBER and I’ll send you the link to the scrubber… because you and I both know you need the scrubber!😉 This deep cleaning task is definitely no.1 on my list. 🤗 • • • • #scrubber #deepcleaning #amazon lifehacks #cleaninghacks #homehacks #momhacks #laundryhacks #organize #organization #fypシ #fyp #foryou #foryoupage #mom #momlife #sahm #share #like #selfcare #parati #cleaning #cleaningmotivation #clean #cleaningtips #cleanwithme #cleaningmotivation #cleanhome #laundry #laundryhacks #asmr | Caridad Colón aka Cleantok Cary