• Open Access

Proca balls with angular momentum or flux of electric field

Vladimir Dzhunushaliev and Vladimir Folomeev
Phys. Rev. D 105, 016022 – Published 25 January 2022


Within SU(2) Higgs-Proca theory, we obtain a family of nontopological static solutions describing localized, finite-energy configurations (Proca balls). The gauge symmetry of the theory is explicitly broken by introducing a vector Proca field whose components have different masses. Such solutions describe particlelike systems, the crucial feature of which is that they either possess a nonzero total angular momentum or have a flux of electric field through the plane of symmetry of such objects. It is shown that the angular momentum is provided by static crossed electric and magnetic fields. The existence of the solutions is caused by the fact that we circumvent the conditions of the no-go theorem, according to which there are no stationary and axially symmetric spinning excitations for the ’t Hooft-Polyakov monopoles, Julia-Zee dyons, sphalerons, and also vortices. The dependence of some integral physical quantities on the ratio of the Proca-field masses is studied. It is demonstrated that the inclusion of external sources (charges) enables one to obtain solutions with equal Proca-field masses. We also discuss the possibilities of using quarks as sources of the Proca field under investigation and for treating the Proca balls as glueballs in SU(2) Higgs-Proca theory.

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  • Received 21 December 2021
  • Accepted 10 January 2022


Published by the American Physical Society under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license. Further distribution of this work must maintain attribution to the author(s) and the published article’s title, journal citation, and DOI. Funded by SCOAP3.

Published by the American Physical Society

Physics Subject Headings (PhySH)

Particles & Fields

Authors & Affiliations

Vladimir Dzhunushaliev1,2,3,* and Vladimir Folomeev2,3,4,†

  • 1Department of Theoretical and Nuclear Physics, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Almaty 050040, Kazakhstan
  • 2Institute of Nuclear Physics, Almaty 050032, Kazakhstan
  • 3Academician J. Jeenbaev Institute of Physics of the NAS of the Kyrgyz Republic, 265 a, Chui Street, Bishkek 720071, Kyrgyzstan
  • 4Laboratory for Theoretical Cosmology, International Centre of Gravity and Cosmos, Tomsk State University of Control Systems and Radioelectronics (TUSUR), Tomsk 634050, Russia

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Vol. 105, Iss. 1 — 1 January 2022

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