
Editors' Suggestion
Unidirectional spin waves measured using propagating-spin-wave spectroscopy
G.Y. Thiancourt, S.M. Ngom, N. Bardou, and T. Devolder
Phys. Rev. Applied 22, 034040 (2024) – Published 16 September 2024

In some magnetic materials, spin-wave dispersion relations vary monotonically across the Brillouin zone, allowing wave packets with zero momentum to flow unidirectionally, which points to high-frequency spintronic applications. To get there, though, it is crucial to develop methods that can link a spin wave’s properties to experimentally accessible metrics. To this end, the authors use propagating-spin-wave spectroscopy to precisely measure the dispersion of unidirectional spin waves. Their method identifies the wave vector at a particular frequency, which was a limiting factor in previous studies. This metrological approach is sure to impact the study of thin-film magnetism.

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Directional emission of a readout resonator for qubit measurement
Alec Yen, Yufeng Ye, Kaidong Peng, Jennifer Wang, Gregory Cunningham, Michael Gingras, Bethany M. Niedzielski, Hannah Stickler, Kyle Serniak, Mollie E. Schwartz, and Kevin P. O’Brien
Phys. Rev. Applied 22, 034035 (2024) – Published 13 September 2024

Robust and scalable multiplexed qubit readout is essential for realizing a fault-tolerant quantum computer. Conventional approaches rely on intentional mismatch of the feedline to provide directionality to the readout signal, at the cost of increased variation in resonator linewidth, which ultimately degrades quantum error correction. The authors address this challenge by demonstrating high-fidelity qubit readout using a readout resonator that emits photons preferentially toward the output, across its full bandwidth. By maintaining directional decay of the readout signal without intentional mismatch, this work presents a path toward the design of reliable, modular quantum processors.

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Laser-frequency stabilization using light shift in compact atomic clocks
Claudio E. Calosso, Michele Gozzelino, Filippo Levi, and Salvatore Micalizio
Phys. Rev. Applied 22, 034033 (2024) – Published 12 September 2024

Fluctuations in laser frequency affect atomic clock stability (via the so-called light shift) and stabilization is required, typically entailing additional complicated gear. This study shows how to turn the light shift from a nuisance to an amazing resource for compact atomic frequency standards. Exploiting the dispersive behavior of the light shift, the authors stabilize the laser frequency to the same atoms that are involved in the clock’s operation, without the need for any external reference. This technique results in significant hardware simplification, which is quite advantageous for industrial and space applications, where compact and robust automatic laser-frequency stabilization is especially valuable.

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Magnetic induction sensor based on a dual-frequency atomic magnetometer
Hengyan Wang, Michael Zugenmaier, Kasper Jensen, Wenqiang Zheng, and Eugene S. Polzik
Phys. Rev. Applied 22, 034030 (2024) – Published 12 September 2024

Outstanding in the (magnetic) field: The authors demonstrate an alternative, self-stabilized radio-frequency atomic magnetometer (AM) for magnetic induction tomography. In contrast to traditional approaches that require extra devices for bias-field stabilization, this method employs a dual-frequency technique, enabling simultaneous measurement of static and oscillating magnetic fields through nonlinear Zeeman splitting, all with a single atomic sensor. Experimental results reveal marked improvements in sensitivity and stability for AM-based detection of eddy current.

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Editors' Suggestion
Trusted-source-noise model of discrete-modulated continuous-variable quantum key distribution
Mingze Wu, Junhui Li, Bingjie Xu, Song Yu, and Yichen Zhang
Phys. Rev. Applied 22, 034024 (2024) – Published 11 September 2024

The system’s source noise affects the practical performance of discrete-modulated continuous-variable quantum key distribution. The good news: This noise exists inside the system and cannot be exploited by eavesdroppers, so it can be trusted. However, a lack of appropriate modeling leaves a security-key-rate gap, omitting this trusted noise. The authors propose a model for trusted source noise in the discrete-modulated protocol, successfully mitigating the negative impact of an imperfect source on system performance while maintaining security of the protocol, and thus promoting practical deployment.

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Decoupling elasticity and electrical conductivity of carbon-black gels filled with insulating non-Brownian grains
Thomas Larsen, Jesper de C. Christiansen, John R. Royer, Fraser H.J. Laidlaw, Wilson C.K. Poon, Tom Larsen, and Søren J. Andreasen
Phys. Rev. Applied 22, 034023 (2024) – Published 10 September 2024

The interest in slurries formed by granular filler dispersed in colloidal gel is largely driven by the relevance to batteries, and the recent discovery of flow-switched bistability. This study extends previous investigations to make progress on elucidating the physics of such slurries. Surprisingly, the electrical and mechanical properties of the slurries can be either coupled or decoupled, depending on the conductive properties of the granular fillers. The different coordination numbers required for network rigidity and electrical percolation provide a key to understanding the decoupling, and important insight for optimizing the mixing and processing of industrial slurries.

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Editors' Suggestion
Time-gated optical spectroscopy of field-effect-stimulated recombination via interfacial point defects in fully processed silicon carbide power MOSFETs
Maximilian W. Feil, Magdalena Weger, Hans Reisinger, Thomas Aichinger, André Kabakow, Dominic Waldhör, Andreas C. Jakowetz, Sven Prigann, Gregor Pobegen, Wolfgang Gustin, Michael Waltl, Michel Bockstedte, and Tibor Grasser
Phys. Rev. Applied 22, 024075 (2024) – Published 30 August 2024

Silicon carbide MOSFETs are transforming power electronics by enabling higher switching frequencies and lower losses than their silicon-only counterparts. This study uses time-gated optical spectroscopy to investigate defect-assisted recombination in fully processed devices, specifically addressing their well-known hysteresis. The inquiry identifies a local vibrational mode with a very energy of 220 meV, indicating the presence of a carbon-cluster-like defect. This approach to characterizing interface states in MOSFETs reveals possibilities for enhancing device reliability and performance.

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Editors' Suggestion
Multiaxis quantum noise spectroscopy robust to errors in state preparation and measurement
Muhammad Qasim Khan, Wenzheng Dong, Leigh M. Norris, and Lorenza Viola
Phys. Rev. Applied 22, 024074 (2024) – Published 29 August 2024

Quantum noise spectroscopy (QNS) is a powerful tool to characterize temporally correlated environmental noise, for noise-tailored control in noisy intermediate-scale quantum processors. However, QNS protocols have been limited by their vulnerability to state-preparation-and-measurement (SPAM) errors, and their inability to simultaneously characterize dephasing and relaxation effects. This work overcomes both of these challenges. The authors present a single-qubit QNS protocol utilizing continuous off-axis control for robust estimation of all multiaxis noise spectra, and show that SPAM errors can significantly alter or mask important features of the underlying native noise.

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Editors' Suggestion
Rearrangement of individual atoms in a 2000-site optical-tweezer array at cryogenic temperatures
Grégoire Pichard, Desiree Lim, Étienne Bloch, Julien Vaneecloo, Lilian Bourachot, Gert-Jan Both, Guillaume Mériaux, Sylvain Dutartre, Richard Hostein, Julien Paris, Bruno Ximenez, Adrien Signoles, Antoine Browaeys, Thierry Lahaye, and Davide Dreon
Phys. Rev. Applied 22, 024073 (2024) – Published 29 August 2024

Arrays of single atoms trapped in optical tweezers have become a leading platform for quantum science and technology. A challenge at the frontier of the field is to scale up the number of atoms into the thousands. In addition, combining these arrays with a cryogenic environment would come with significant gains in lifetime and fidelity of quantum operations. This study successfully combines large-scale atomic arrays with a cryogenic environment, at a temperature of 6 K. The authors demonstrate the rearrangement of more than 800 atoms within a 2000-site array and discuss possible improvements of the setup, in a key step toward better, larger atom arrays for quantum technologies.

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Editors' Suggestion
Spin-wave reservoir chips with short-term memory for high-speed estimation of external magnetic fields
Sho Nagase, Shoki Nezu, and Koji Sekiguchi
Phys. Rev. Applied 22, 024072 (2024) – Published 29 August 2024

Harnessing spin waves for high-speed computing: In this work an innovative spin-wave reservoir chip, utilizing ferromagnetic permalloy thin films, demonstrates exceptional capabilities. By strategically manipulating spin-wave interference, the authors achieve a multi-input–multi-output reservoir capable of memory retention, nonlinearity enhancement, and accurate magnetic field estimation. This spintronic hardware paves the way for high-speed applications in reservoir computing and signal processing.

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Editors' Suggestion
Overcoming noise limitations in quantum key distribution with quantum privacy amplification
Philipp Sohr, Sebastian Ecker, Lukas Bulla, Martin Bohmann, and Rupert Ursin
Phys. Rev. Applied 22, 024059 (2024) – Published 21 August 2024

High-quality, distributed entanglement forms the foundation for the unequaled level of security that can be assured in quantum key distribution (QKD), but its susceptibility to noise hinders practical implementations. This study experimentally demonstrates that enhancing quantum resources with quantum privacy amplification (QPA) increases the noise resilience of QKD beyond classical limits. Leveraging hyperentanglement in different field-tested degrees of freedom of a photon pair increases the efficiency of QPA, thereby unlocking its advantage for QKD. Here is a method to generate secure keys under noisy conditions, which was previously impossible, paving the way for robust QKD.

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Editors' Suggestion
Antiferromagnetic coupling across nonmagnetic transition-metal films alloyed with ferromagnetic elements
Kevin Winther, Zachary R. Nunn, Juliana Lisik, Sergiu Arapan, Dominik Legut, Frank Schulz, Eberhard Goering, Tommy Mckinnon, Spencer Myrtle, and Erol Girt
Phys. Rev. Applied 22, 024058 (2024) – Published 21 August 2024

Interlayer exchange coupling (IEC) has been incorporated into almost all magnetic thin-film devices in the form of synthetic antiferromagnets, yet how such coupling is affected by the mixing of magnetic atoms into the nonmagnetic spacer layer is often overlooked. The authors show that antiferromagnetic IEC can be achieved and enhanced by spacer layers containing over 60 at.% of magnetic atoms, leading to huge antiferromagnetic bilinear coupling strength in multilayers deposited by magnetron sputtering. The magnetic atoms in these spacers exhibit a large magnetic moment, highlighting not only the importance of free electrons but also the role of magnetic moments in governing IEC.

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Editors' Suggestion
Determining strain components in a diamond waveguide from zero-field optically detected magnetic resonance spectra of negatively charged nitrogen-vacancy-center ensembles
M. Sahnawaz Alam, Federico Gorrini, Michał Gawełczyk, Daniel Wigger, Giulio Coccia, Yanzhao Guo, Sajedeh Shahbazi, Vibhav Bharadwaj, Alexander Kubanek, Roberta Ramponi, Paul E. Barclay, Anthony J. Bennett, John P. Hadden, Angelo Bifone, Shane M. Eaton, and Paweł Machnikowski
Phys. Rev. Applied 22, 024055 (2024) – Published 21 August 2024

Laser-written optical waveguides in diamonds are a key technology to enhance coupling between defect centers and light, boosting applications in nanoscale sensing and quantum information processing. However, laser writing of photonic structures produces strain in the diamond lattice, modifying the properties of defect centers in poorly understood ways. This study demonstrates that optically detected magnetic resonance spectroscopy provides sufficient information to fully characterize the spatial distribution of strain in such a device, even without a constant magnetic field. The work yields an accessible tool that could be very useful for advancing diamond-based quantum technologies.

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Editors' Suggestion
Semiconducting triferroic multiferroics in van der Waals bilayer lattice
Shuyan Chai, Qian Wu, Ting Zhang, Guangping Zhang, Ying Dai, Baibiao Huang, and Yandong Ma
Phys. Rev. Applied 22, 024052 (2024) – Published 20 August 2024

Triferroic multiferroicity, with ferroelectricity, ferromagnetism, and ferroelasticity coexisting in a single phase, is an intriguing phenomenon with promising device applications. Despite their great fundamental and technological importance, triferroic multiferroics remain substantially unexplored—especially those of semiconducting character. This computational study predicts semiconducting triferroic multiferroicity in the layered van der Waals material T-TiBr2, with ferroelastic control of magnetization orientation and ferroelectric control of the absolute values of spin-polarization-density distributions, which is quite exciting.

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Editors' Suggestion
Aluminum nuclear-demagnetization refrigerator for powerful continuous cooling
Matthias Raba, Sébastien Triqueneaux, James Butterworth, David Schmoranzer, Emilio Barria, Jérôme Debray, Guillaume Donnier-Valentin, Thibaut Gandit, Anne Gerardin, Johannes Goupy, Olivier Tissot, Eddy Collin, and Andrew Fefferman
Phys. Rev. Applied 22, 024027 (2024) – Published 9 August 2024

Nanomechanical resonators, nanoelectronic systems, amorphous solids, and dark matter searches have each been the subject of recent or proposed experiments at or below 1 mK, but achieving such low cryostat temperatures is challenging. The authors report the performance of an aluminum nuclear demagnetization refrigerator designed to facilitate access to microkelvin temperatures. They found the aluminum refrigerant is well-suited to continuous nuclear demagnetization refrigeration when its natural oxide layer is effectively removed in selected regions. These results will broaden the field of microkelvin physics, accelerating the rate of discovery and increasing its technological potential.

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Featured in Physics Editors' Suggestion
Nanocryotron ripple counter integrated with a superconducting nanowire single-photon detector for megapixel arrays
Matteo Castellani, Owen Medeiros, Reed A. Foster, Alessandro Buzzi, Marco Colangelo, Joshua C. Bienfang, Alessandro Restelli, and Karl K. Berggren
Phys. Rev. Applied 22, 024020 (2024) – Published 8 August 2024
Physics logo: Superconducting Nanowires Enable Cooler Photon-Counting Electronics

Scaling up cryogenic systems, like arrays of superconducting nanowire single-photon detectors (SNSPDs), requires developing cryogenic coprocessors to minimize the number of cables exiting the cryostat. This work addresses this challenge by demonstrating the ability to read out, process, encode, and store data from SNSPDs using integrated nanowire electronics. The authors design a digital counter based on nanocryotrons—three-terminal nanowire devices—to perform signal processing and digitization at low temperatures. These results suggest that nanowire coprocessors could be developed, which would benefit the application of SNSPD arrays and other superconducting platforms.

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Editors' Suggestion
Stroboscopic x-ray diffraction microscopy of dynamic strain in diamond thin-film bulk acoustic resonators for quantum control of nitrogen-vacancy centers
Anthony D’Addario, Johnathan Kuan, Noah F. Opondo, Ozan Erturk, Tao Zhou, Sunil A. Bhave, Martin V. Holt, and Gregory D. Fuchs
Phys. Rev. Applied 22, 024016 (2024) – Published 7 August 2024

Bulk acoustic wave (BAW) resonators that generate dynamic lattice strain are important for applications such as filters, sensors, and quantum control, but there is a lack of measurements available to quantify the strain directly. This study uses stroboscopic X-ray diffraction microscopy with correlated optical measurements on an ensemble of nitrogen-vacancy center defects to measure the dynamic strain in a diamond BAW resonator. This unique approach allows for directly imaging BAW resonator strain to improve fabrication and performance and for directly measuring important parameters of quantum defects to improve quantum control.

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Editors' Suggestion
Distinguishing carrier transport and interfacial recombination at perovskite/transport-layer interfaces using ultrafast spectroscopy and numerical simulation
Edward Butler-Caddle, K.D.G. Imalka Jayawardena, Anjana Wijesekara, Rebecca L. Milot, and James Lloyd-Hughes
Phys. Rev. Applied 22, 024013 (2024) – Published 6 August 2024

Perovskite solar cell performance is affected by the rate of charge-carrier transfer into the charge transport layers (CTLs) and interfacial recombination, but these are difficult to distinguish. This study distinguishes them using ultrafast spectroscopy combined with a charge-carrier dynamics model that includes the Coulombic forces arising from the selective extraction of charge carriers. The authors obtain extraction and interface recombination rate constants for three common CTLs and determine the perovskite’s ambipolar diffusivity. These results identify the performance-limiting properties, and could inform the design of superior materials that can be characterized with this method.

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Editors' Suggestion
All-electrical cooling of an optically levitated nanoparticle
Oscar Kremer, Igor Califrer, Daniel Tandeitnik, Jean Pierre von der Weid, Guilherme Temporão, and Thiago Guerreiro
Phys. Rev. Applied 22, 024010 (2024) – Published 5 August 2024

The cooling of levitated nanoparticles is a major step in optomechanics, aiming at both fundamental physics experiments and sensing applications, but using nonlinear cooling schemes and electro-optic modulation devices can significantly elevate the cost and complexity of the experiment. The authors implement a practical all-electrical controller capable of cooling the center-of-mass motion of a levitated nanoparticle to sub-Kelvin temperatures. When combined with improved vacuum and detection, this method can provide a simple and direct platform for three-dimensional near-ground-state cooling of the nanoparticle’s motional state.

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Editors' Suggestion
Symmetry and planar chirality measured with a log-polar transformation in a transmission electron microscope
A.H. Tavabi, P. Rosi, R.B.G. Ravelli, A. Gijsbers, E. Rotunno, T. Guner, Y. Zhang, A. Roncaglia, L. Belsito, G. Pozzi, T. Denneulin, G.C. Gazzadi, M. Ghosh, R. Nijland, S. Frabboni, P.J. Peters, E. Karimi, P. Tiemeijer, R.E. Dunin-Borkowski, and V. Grillo
Phys. Rev. Applied 22, 014083 (2024) – Published 31 July 2024

Chirality can appear at many length scales in nature. In this study the authors introduce planar chirality as a quantitative geometric measure of chirality for two-dimensional objects. They apply this measure to evaluate the chirality of nanometer-sized structures with an electron microscope. They employ an innovative electron-optics device, the orbital-angular-momentum sorter, which applies a log-polar conformal mapping to the electron wave function and reaches near-optimal resolution in orbital angular momentum.

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Reconfigurable classifier based on spin-torque-driven magnetization switching in electrically connected magnetic tunnel junctions
A. López, J.D. Costa, T. Böhnert, P.P. Freitas, R. Ferreira, I. Barbero, J. Camarero, C. León, J. Grollier, and M. Romera
Phys. Rev. Applied 22, 014082 (2024) – Published 31 July 2024

A promising branch of neuromorphic computing aims to perform cognitive operations in hardware, leveraging the physics of efficient and well-established nanodevices. This work presents a reconfigurable classifier, based on a network of magnetic tunnel junctions, that can learn to classify spoken vowels. In this task the hardware network surpasses multilayered software neural networks with the same number of trained parameters. These results, obtained using the same devices and working principle employed in industrial spin-transfer-torque magnetic random-access memory, constitute an important step toward the development of large-scale neuromorphic networks based on established technology.

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Remote sensing of a levitated superconductor with a flux-tunable microwave cavity
Philip Schmidt, Remi Claessen, Gerard Higgins, Joachim Hofer, Jannek J. Hansen, Peter Asenbaum, Martin Zemlicka, Kevin Uhl, Reinhold Kleiner, Rudolf Gross, Hans Huebl, Michael Trupke, and Markus Aspelmeyer
Phys. Rev. Applied 22, 014078 (2024) – Published 30 July 2024

The authors implement a scheme for sensing magnetic fields using a remotely located dc SQUID embedded in a microwave resonator. This configuration provides a path toward quantum-limited detection of microwave photons. The detector is used to resolve precisely the motion of a magnetically levitated superconducting microsphere. In addition to advancing magnetic field sensing at ultralow temperatures, this innovative platform has the potential to generate and measure nonclassical mechanical states of microgram-scale masses.

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Measurement-driven Langevin modeling of superparamagnetic tunnel junctions
Liam A. Pocher, Temitayo N. Adeyeye, Sidra Gibeault, Philippe Talatchian, Ursula Ebels, Daniel P. Lathrop, Jabez J. McClelland, Mark D. Stiles, Advait Madhavan, and Matthew W. Daniels
Phys. Rev. Applied 22, 014057 (2024) – Published 23 July 2024

Superparamagnetic tunnel junctions (SMTJs) are fundamental elements of many proposed probabilistic computers, but models often fail to capture important statistical features of experimental devices. In particular, the most probable states of real devices are often not the fully magnetized states. The authors develop an efficient, measurement-driven model that agrees with measurements that were not used in the modeling process, including the power-law behavior of dwell-time distributions at subnanosecond timescales. These results open avenues to tackle challenges in modeling high-speed SMTJ circuitry.

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Vortex matching at 6 T in YBa2Cu3O7δ thin films by imprinting a 20-nm periodic pinning array with a focused helium-ion beam
Max Karrer, Bernd Aichner, Katja Wurster, César Magén, Christoph Schmid, Robin Hutt, Barbora Budinská, Oleksandr V. Dobrovolskiy, Reinhold Kleiner, Wolfgang Lang, Edward Goldobin, and Dieter Koelle
Phys. Rev. Applied 22, 014043 (2024) – Published 17 July 2024

Controlled engineering of vortex-pinning sites in cuprate superconductors is a pivotal goal in manufacturing devices based on magnetic flux quanta. This study employs focused helium-ion beams to create ultradense hexagonal arrays of defects in YBa2Cu3O7δ thin films, achieving lattice spacings as small as 20 nm. Efficient pinning by a remarkably high matching field of 6 T is observed from the critical temperature down to 2 K. This research expands the range of temperatures and magnetic fields for exploring vortex matter using regular artificial vortex-pinning landscapes.

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Physics-informed tracking of qubit fluctuations
Fabrizio Berritta, Jan A. Krzywda, Jacob Benestad, Joost van der Heijden, Federico Fedele, Saeed Fallahi, Geoffrey C. Gardner, Michael J. Manfra, Evert van Nieuwenburg, Jeroen Danon, Anasua Chatterjee, and Ferdinand Kuemmeth
Phys. Rev. Applied 22, 014033 (2024) – Published 15 July 2024

In quantum information science, online Hamiltonian learning emerges as a promising tool to compensate for uncontrolled environmental effects, thereby enhancing qubit quality factors. Several estimation schemes have been proposed to boost learning efficiency, but experimental implementation has been hindered by hardware limitations. Here the authors perform physics-informed, adaptive Bayesian Hamiltonian estimation for a singlet-triplet spin qubit, using a quantum controller powered by a field-programmable gate array. These techniques allow for significantly faster and more accurate real-time tracking of low-frequency noise in solid-state qubits.

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