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A member registered Sep 24, 2021

Recent community posts

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Respond Dev @Vendena.

If there's any updates you posted on Discord or Patreon, then you should post as well on F95.

Where is this?

What will happen to this game then?

This game can have further reach if there's an English translation.

What happened to this game? The first two updates are really good then we get this???? What??? The hell's with this sudden change?

Also, what is with that asshole shit MC did with Mia? That's a really bad prank, what the hell. That's a big minus points to this game.

Your game just got better with the map navigation but it somehow got worse with that minigame when working. Remove that minigame, that is just a waste of time and big turn off to those who'll be playing this game.

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No I can't get out, I keep paying but this screen keeps on coming back right after I pay.

It keep on looping in here and I can't continue the day.

How to get out of this screen? I keep paying and this screen just comes back again and again.

Its stuck in here, moreover, you still haven't fixed the bug that always repeats main events that are done?

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I recommend you to go to the thread in F95Zone. I've heard of some things revealed in there that are big red flags to me, meaning the kind of games that should be avoided at all costs.

(f(9)*5) (z(o)ne). (to/ threads /(bitter)-harvest-a-revengeful-heart-prologue-kalvarist.174051/)

People have questions in there.

Remove parenthesis, spaces, and asterisk in the link.

I encourage you to go to F95zone, there's so much more people talking about and curious about the game than in here. Many have been curious on so many things in there. It would be nice for you to answer them.

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I'm not exactly sure what happened but my latest save seems already fine with it. There's no more weird stuff happening except if I load that save again from the previous update.

Saving on the new version seems to fixed things. As for the Event Menu, I simply clicked Return on the menu to back out of pause and to make the button come back. Seems inconvenient though I can deal with it just fine, but hoping this could get fixed for the future updates.


No scratch that weird pause bug seem to occur whenever the Event Menu button is present, but just as I said from the strikethrough text above its just something to do with Relationship menu. I just need to make the Event Menu disappear (by not clicking Return while inside the Relationship Menu) and play the game as normal and only clicking Return when I need to look at the list.

Again, inconvenient and cumbersome but I can deal with it. Hoping this gets fixed for the next update though.

Another one, Willow's birthday event just repeated when I talk to her again on Orchestra class.

I don't know what the hell happened with this update but there's this weird stuff that keeps happening whenever I click on something while paused (pressing Esc). It just un-pauses itself but not really, its some weird suspended state that its actually unpaused but not at all, its making me need to press Esc again to bring back to the menu and again, to actually resume the game. Example of things I've pressed is the Event Menu, the next page of the save slots, and there may be some others I've failed to notice. As I don't want to dabble on those too much.

Oh yeah, for some reason after all those bugs occurred, the button for the Event Menu just disappeared on its entirety. The Relationships menu still seems fine but the Event Menu button is just gone.

June 8 already? When's the next update then?

I'm more of a numbers guy, the stats screen shows me numbers but that is just the whole stats of the mech right? Can you release the individual stats on each of the body parts, weapons, etc.? I want to do some number crunching and see what machine I'll make from there.

When's next update?

People on F95 still updates the game whenever a new update gets released, moreover people still discuss things too. This series of thread posts have been interesting because no one seemed to question the contents of your game early as its really successful (to me at least, though there are stuff I don't like like others here). But because of dev's continued absence on the forums, no one seemed to bother asking for future plans and specifics regarding to some of the game's features. Enquiries and suggestions like this start to spout, and in need of answers. Even I didn't seem to think to ask those early on too, when you're still active. The fact people still update this game in there meant that there is still a sizable amount of players in there interested. But the dev seems just gone. I really recommend you come back in there.

If you please, answer this directly to F95.

You still come back on F95? Some discussion of the game's content is being discussed in there. Hoping for your insights and clarification for concerns in there. Been a long time since I've seen you commenting there.

fix the grammar, lessen the grind (seriously, this is a bit too much), lastly, i dunno why its Japanese president not prime minister but you do you

music just randomly stops sometimes, have a better playlist too

try to lessen on how many clicks are needed to do stuff and sandbox, add a feature that easily skip days

too many exceptions that's been appearing, many things on greece headquarters triggers this, the apple scroll, seika graduation keeps on repeating, travel from japan triggers so many fatal bugs it even boots me out to main menu

abandoned? when will you release 0.3.5 public?

there's no animation still though?

this needs a walkthrough, what choices to get the best outcome you want

the latest other perspective memories doesn't appear at all, how to make it appear? i finish this update already.

diversification? are they avoidable?

thanks for answering.

alright thank you for that

the teacher though? ive seen some clips of her on the game, is she gonna be romantically involved with the mc? get past her voyeurism and have relations with him too?

yeah, i just found the term, is it polyamory or harem?

moreover, are there avoidable stuff too? like if i dont want lesbian scenes to happen, can i prevent it.

yes, your going for slice-of-life vibe, but the manners of the teacher alone might start to destroy that. the mc himself may not do corruption stuff as you have planned but what about the teacher? hence on the question on what her role on most scenes, observer you say but will she be the MCs part of harem?

please clarify as per my first question, on what loose harem means here. thank you

i played the game, are their avoidable tags, what tags are we expecting. lastly, is this a harem for the mc? i want to play a game that a harem for the mc, not to anyone, even the teacher

te teacher will become part of harem? or is this one of those games that say they're harem but really arent?

Many have been referred to this topic time and time again. Is there any update in regards to multiple tag exclusions? The original post is from 4 years ago.

Thanks for the response, and well... as much I would want to see something I play be something I would actually like, then... I guess I'll keep on playing until I find some unpleasant thing I found about the game and immediately quit. Yeah, even with all of my preference and dislikes, I still enjoyed so many parts of the game as is.

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I don't know what the hell you're planning with Kaylyn, but there needs to have a redemption for what she does. And I need to know... is this game gonna be a harem? With all that talk with Jayd and choosing the one and only, makes me think this game will not be a harem game.

Moreover, if this game is actually a harem game then, I hope it'll be an actual harem for the MC. It's sickening to see polyamory games call themselves harem games, even though they are really not. I'm hoping this game won't be another copy of Lessons in Love, with all the heartbreaking events with the lesbians stuff. For once, I want to see a normal school setting of a game, without it being a copy of LiL.

A notice, there's a bug with Willow's relationship points. I don't know at what point this occurred, but the number eventually changed to "True" then right after adding another point, the entire count restarts once again from 1.

Lastly, that blueballing with Aly though... I think the MC deserves some sex after all the decent time he has stayed in school. That feature about the onsen though, hoping that can come soon.

That's all for now, I think.

bruh. alright thanks for that.

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Bug? Trying to raise my School Authority.

Education level is Pretty Good, but it's still not quite good enough.

Thanks for that.