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A member registered May 06, 2021 · View creator page →

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(1 edit)


This is really neat! Simple and effective. The collection of minigames are just the right amount of intensive against the time limit to be challenging, but not impossible. I like the variety too, with different inputs, such as dragging, typing, and clicking. The domestic chores theme unites all the little minigames together in a coherent way, which makes sense, and makes them all feel quite connected.  


Obviously the art is nothing wildly sophisticated, but I think it has a charm of its own. And it completely stands to reason that a game from the perspective of a kid doing chores is presented in such a way! Kind of a neat coincidence. 



First timer

Made a first game on for this jam


Just a minute!

Made a game with gameplay lasting one minute


Stop the clock!

Made a one minute game with a countdown mechanic

Thanks for submitting a game to the ‘One Minute Jam’!

- FSV          

Here you go!

Here you go!

Here you go!

Post your game link in this thread and as mentioned, when I'm able, I'll use it to generate a late submission link, which you can use to fix the problem :)


Hey, no worries! Don't panic!

When I get home this afternoon, I'll use this link to generate a late submission link in this thread. You can use this link to submit your game. 


Hey, no worries! Don't panic!

When I get home this afternoon, I'll use this link to generate a late submission link in this thread. You can use this link to submit your game. 



This is a really nice experience, and it's clear you've put a lot of work into the scripted sequences. Basically, this plays in the vein of an action game with features that reminds me of QTEs. Rather than take the easy route, you scripted in a variety of hazards, across a running and flying stage, that make the game varied and enjoyable to play. It's not too hard, but took three runs for me. Great balance. 


The 'on-rails' movement might be a bit unusual for people that aren't used to this type of runner-style game in 3D, but it works alright here. The low light of the rocks in the flying stage made it a bit tricky to see where I was going, and if I'd be able to clear it, but it wasn't too hard. I think a bit more polish with the death/fail state reverting to the start might help as well - the game over is a bit sudden! 



Just a minute!

Made a game with gameplay lasting one minute

What time is it?

Made a one minute game without a countdown mechanic


This game is … a blast!

Made a game that was particularly fun to play

 Thanks for submitting a game to the ‘One Minute Jam’!

- FSV 

Thanks for submitting this game to the ‘One Minute Jam’! I’ve posted feedback on the jam submission page.



This is a strange little game that puts the player in the place of someone attempting to fumble with a set of keys to open a lock to escape a hitherto unrevealed monster. I can tell you had a lot of fun doing the audio design for this. The premise is fairly original, too. The inclusion of multiple 'stages' to alternate player input to find the right key, as well as a few difficulty settings, helps as well. 


A little more visual and sound feedback could be useful to give the player some sort of idea for how long they will be mashing the keyboard, rather than for an indeterminate period. Transitions between failing to find the right key and going back to searching for the keys could be done more smoothly too.



Just a minute-ish!

Made a game with gameplay lasting one minute-ish

What time is it?

Made a one minute game without a countdown mechanic

This game is … strange!

Made a game that was strange. In a good way

Thanks for submitting a game to the ‘One Minute Jam’!

- FSV          

Thanks for submitting this game to the ‘One Minute Jam’! I’ve posted feedback on the jam submission page.



This game is pretty neat. I like how you repurposed a prior project and used the environment from it to create something for the jam. The GBC-era graphics are a lot of fun; I have a lot of nostalgia for that era and the sprites here are a good recreation of that. Kind of like in Minit, this game is based on the player learning information in progressive runs to be able to learn how to complete the task in sixty seconds.  I very narrowly was able to achieve the win state on the third run! 


Dialog and time sensitive games are a difficult balance to strike. Obviously dialog is necessary here for the context cues on what to do. But a player is very likely to rush through it as they race to try and finish the game. Keeping it short and simple is probably the best way to maintain the game's pace.  



Just a minute!

Made a game with gameplay lasting one minute


Stop the clock!

Made a one minute game with a countdown mechanic

Thanks for submitting a game to the ‘One Minute Jam’!

- FSV          

Thanks for submitting this game to the ‘One Minute Jam’! I’ve posted feedback on the jam submission page.



This is an enormously well-optimised game! I find it fascinating that PICO-8 developers can create things with such short and elegant source code. This game is a simple physics-based collect-a-thon with a time limit. I found the background showing the elapsed time as a pie chart was quite cool. The game plays well and the physics feel good, bouncing off the edges to build momentum with the dash.


Not much you can make better about a small game like this! I found some of the star spawn points on the top half of the circle quite difficult to reach, breaking the momentum of the game a little. 



Just a minute!

Made a game with gameplay lasting one minute


Stop the clock!

Made a one minute game with a countdown mechanic

Thanks for submitting a game to the ‘One Minute Jam’!

- FSV          


This is a fascinating and simple little game that poses a co-operative social experiment. I find the inspiration hilarious and the game does a good job of capturing the mechanics needed to recreate it. I like how multiple changes can be made by the keyboard-based player as the round continues. This is definitely one of those games that is completely unique and not a concept you see everyday! 


Obviously the game is confined by its premise and the medium used to execute it. Ensuring the mouse-based player alone sees if they have the carrot is...not that simple for a local co-op. I know the jam necessitates games last a minute, but I can see subsequent rounds dragging on a bit time-wise. 



Early bird

Submitted a game really early for some reason


Just a minute!

Made a game with gameplay lasting one minute


Stop the clock!

Made a one minute game with a countdown mechanic

This game is … strange!

Made a game that was strange. In a good way

Thanks for submitting a game to the ‘One Minute Jam’!

- FSV          

Thanks for submitting this game to the ‘One Minute Jam’! I’ve posted feedback on the jam submission page.



This is quite a polished bomb defusal puzzle game. Basically, the player has some tools, and interacts with the bomb to defuse it through two simple puzzle mechanics. The challenge of the game comes from identifying the correct wire to cut, and handling selections in spite of the camera movement. It's quite smoothly done. I liked the dynamic camera angles and shake to add a bit of a challenge. 


Having more of a variation of tasks to complete to defuse the bomb could make it more of a rewarding challenge as opposed to simple trial and error when identifying the function of the wires. The controls could be better signalled to the player to let them know how to drop the tool they are carrying. 



Early bird

Submitted a game really early for some reason


Just a minute!

Made a game with gameplay lasting one minute


Stop the clock!

Made a one minute game with a countdown mechanic

Thanks for submitting a game to the ‘One Minute Jam’!

- FSV       

Thanks for submitting this game to the ‘One Minute Jam’! I’ve posted feedback on the jam submission page.



This is quite an interesting game! It's a janky movement-based game in the vein of Getting Over It or QWOP, where the obtuseness of the character movement is the key challenge of the game. This takes a different tack by using the cursor drag as the key movement mechanic. The game has some really lovely striking lighting, and interesting hazards that pop up along the way. Great job with this one! 


The cursor drag system isn't perfect, and movement based on the legs only can get a little stilted and float-y. I ended up using the severed leg to kick my character across like a football! I may be missing some key controls, but a feature to reset at any time might be useful for when things get stuck. 



Early bird

Submitted a game really early for some reason


Just a minute!

Made a game with gameplay lasting one minute


Stop the clock!

Made a one minute game with a countdown mechanic

This game is … strange!

Made a game that was strange. In a good way

Thanks for submitting a game to the ‘One Minute Jam’! 

 - FSV


This game shows lots of potential. It's a basic hack and slash with progressive elements requiring the player to grind to build their experience and money. You've programmed in a lot of core mechanics, like damage systems, health, cash and experience, which is pretty impressive for a first game! This sort of set up could easily be fine-tuned and developed further, and it was generally pretty fun to play.  


I think at this point lots of quality of life and minor tweaking could help the experience. Full directional movement doesn't quite pair well with the binary L/R direction of the player's attack. Be mindful of knockback from enemies interfering with collision; I clipped through the walls a bit. And was there a system for upgrading weapons using the pesos system? I didn't quite find it.  



Early bird

Submitted a game really early for some reason


First timer

Made a first game on for this jam

Thanks for submitting a game to the ‘One Minute Jam’!

- FSV          

Of course!


Thanks for submitting this game to the ‘One Minute Jam’! I’ve posted feedback on the jam submission page.



This is a simple maze game where the player is tasked with collecting orbs and avoiding obstacles. I found the game's monochrome presentation reminded me of some classic Game Boy style games. The game has a good balance of challenge and ease with its mechanics. I liked the addition of obstacles that appear progressively as the countdown continues, for extra challenge. 


I'd try and think about scale and resolution when designing the game - the player is quite small in terms of the overall game's window. It's also not possible to fullscreen the game without making it all squashed together. These sort of considerations can help make a game compatible for everything! 



Early bird

Submitted a game really early for some reason


First timer

Made a first game on for this jam


Just a minute!

Made a game with gameplay lasting one minute


Stop the clock!

Made a one minute game with a countdown mechanic

Thanks for submitting a game to the ‘One Minute Jam’!

- FSV          

Thanks for submitting this game to the ‘One Minute Jam’! I’ve posted feedback on the jam submission page.



Compared to your first game, Stickman Clicker, it's clear you've come a long way with learning how to make games, which is fantastic. This platformer has a lot: it's got collection mechanics, a store, upgrades, moving platforms and enemy missiles. The idea of collecting coins to buy upgrades to get progressively further across the level is a great idea that encourages replayability. Good work! 


This game needs a few minor quality of life tweaks, including some little fixes around the menu restart. Sprites that face the direction of movement can help with polish too. Randomly dying after a minute can give a player a poor sense of progress in terms of how far they are able to travel. 



Early bird

Submitted a game really early for some reason


Just a minute!

Made a game with gameplay lasting one minute

What time is it?

Made a one minute game without a countdown mechanic

Thanks for submitting a game to the ‘One Minute Jam’!

- FSV          


FSV just stands for my account's name - Far Side Virtual. 

- FSV (see?)

Thanks for submitting this game to the ‘One Minute Jam’! I’ve posted feedback on the jam submission page.



This is a 3D Breakout clone - not an easy thing to code together for a first game! The physics work reasonably well and the game has a points counter and lives system. You've approached the classic format pretty well, I hope you've found making it fun! 


It's Breakout / Brick Breaker, and so the game design is tried and tested, so nothing really to add.  Fine tuning the physics and figuring out some of the quirks of ball movement (i.e. avoiding the ball getting stuck in a horizontal loop or changing direction) could be fun little coding challenges for you. 



Early bird

Submitted a game really early for some reason


First timer

Made a first game on for this jam

Thanks for submitting a game to the ‘One Minute Jam’! 

 - FSV


This is an unusual and novel mix of rhythm-based game and avoidance that plays a little bit like a SHMUP. Not something you see very often! The unusual horror graphics are quite unique. The game is fairly challenging in its approach, as the player navigates the drag and arrow-based control scheme. 


In order to play this game, the player has the fairly awkward position of placing their hands on both the directional arrows and the mouse. Not a typical setup! It takes a little while to getting used to it, but once you get into the rhythm of things it works quite well. 



Early bird

Submitted a game really early for some reason


Just a minute!

Made a game with gameplay lasting one minute


Stop the clock!

Made a one minute game with a countdown mechanic

Thanks for submitting a game to the ‘One Minute Jam’! 

 - FSV

Thanks for submitting this game to the ‘One Minute Jam’! I’ve posted feedback on the jam submission page.



This is a points-based collection platformer where the player is tasked with navigating through a course and collecting as many points in a minute as possible. I thought the idea of a fixed XY axis but bouncing off the targets on the Z axis was a fun way to approach 3D. There's great potential here.


By now you've probably figured out the game is a little tricky to control. By my guess, this is because horizontal movement is turned off when the ball is airborne, meaning that it indefinitely flies off in whatever direction it was flying when it last bumped into something. Maybe having directional input at a slightly reduced strength when the ball is airborne could provide a bit more control. 



Early bird

Submitted a game really early for some reason


Just a minute!

Made a game with gameplay lasting one minute


Stop the clock!

Made a one minute game with a countdown mechanic

Thanks for submitting a game to the ‘One Minute Jam’!

- FSV          

Thanks for submitting this game to the ‘One Minute Jam’! I’ve posted feedback on the jam submission page.



This is a simple platformer made using what I think is the Scratch framework? I'm not sure. Anyway it goes really fast! That box has gotta go faster than light. He's absolutely unstoppable! 


The box is so fast, it can be a little tricky to control! I guess that's the point though haha



Early bird

Submitted a game really early for some reason

Thanks for submitting a game to the ‘One Minute Jam’!

- FSV          

Thanks for submitting this game to the ‘One Minute Jam’! I’ve posted feedback on the jam submission page.



This game is a nice idea that sits in the vein of something a little like Papers Please. The player sorts through positive and negative comments about their art. There's a very sincere message the game conveys about the impact of comments on self-esteem. I found it enjoyable to sift through the random comments and find all the strange and wonderful ideas for comments you came up with! 


For replay value, a points system might be helpful for players, so that there is a measure for success other than keeping the ego value positive through a single playthrough. Some of the comments could have been clearer in terms of whether they were positive or negative, as they were a bit strange! 



Early bird

Submitted a game really early for some reason


Just a minute!

Made a game with gameplay lasting one minute


Stop the clock!

Made a one minute game with a countdown mechanic

Thanks for submitting a game to the ‘One Minute Jam’!