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I like the idea of the game. It was fun using the scale to determine how many of each item I need to provide the customer, and the stealing hands you’ve gotta catch are a very fun touch.

The execution here’s somewhat cumbersome, however. The items (at least those at the start; it seems later on you’re meant to build up to selling ships) are so small while the play field is so large, and the fact that you can only move one item at a time has things feeling quite tedious. A smaller playfield and larger items would make the game feel much better.

I can definitely see what you were going for with this large playfield; throughout the game the player is meant to progressively sell larger and larger items. However, the game’s feel at the very beginning, when dealing with small items, should have been prioritized, as otherwise new players won’t decide to play long enough to the point where they’re selling the titular ship.

I for one didn’t get very far, as there came a point when I ran out of items to sell. I think it would be nice it items passively spawned, such that the player can’t really run out and find themselves softlocked. (Or maybe they did passively spawn, but too slowly for me to notice.)

Sorry for all the criticism. The game’s idea is pretty good and would be quite fun if the execution is improved. Good work on it!