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Thank you for the reply. I'm glad I didn't miss anything i've encountered bugs in other games that I noticed others have not. Especially when developers are working on their projects. That's great you stick to your own style and, not to let anyone sway you from that.In no way was I trying to bash your game if it was precieved that way. Was just stating how I view  this style of ar and perception will differ person to person.  My only real quip was the controls of keyboard and, mouse which could be in my play style and, not how you have it set up.

Oh don't worry, there was no offence taken and I do really appreciate the honest criticsm and comments. It is extremely helpful for me that Youtubers like yourself take the time to play and record, voice your opinions and spot bugs as I don't have play testers to pick up on the things I don't. I completely agree about the clunkiness of the controls and it is something I hope to improve for the final version. Thanks again.