If you are looking for a light, breathable, classic hat, look no further. These fine weave Panama Hats, are hand-woven in Ecuador. I love this style, The Montana Slope or Gus Hat was developed after years of riding in the harsh western wind, needing a more aerodynamic hat or so they say. The name "Gus" coming from our favorite all time movie "Lonesome Dove". I just think this is the best looking western style going! We are having a heck of a time getting more right now LARGE is out of stock inde Western Style Woven Straw Hats, Western Style Short Brim Woven Straw Hat, Woven Toquilla Straw Hat Bands For Rodeo, Wide Brim Woven Hat For Rodeo, Braided Wide Brim Hat For Ranch, Western Straw Hat With Wide Brim, Western Style Woven Hat With Curved Brim, Western Wide Brim Woven Straw Hat, Western Woven Hat With Curved Brim