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Design ServicesDesignServices  Douglas Fir timber trimmedDouglasFirtimbertrimmed--toto--fitfit on siteonsite  8x8 posts, 4x12 plates8x8posts,4x12plates  4x8 rafters, 4x12 ridge4x8rafters,4x12ridge  2x6 Premium Spruce tongue2x6PremiumSprucetongue-- andand--groove deckinggroovedecking  30# felt (ready for finished roof-30#felt(readyforfinishedroof- inging Exterior Siding Package:ExteriorSidingPackage: Exterior Doors:ExteriorDoors: Structur Structur
@maisondecinq shared a photo on Instagram: “How stunning is this rustic French-inspired dining room? I’m sharing a tour of this entire house on the blog today and I think you’ll be…” • Jul 6, 2022 at 3:09pm UTC