
hey friends, I just wanted to let all of you know I will be taking a few das off of pinterest for my own health. I will still be checking my messages so if anyone need me I will still be here. I love you all stay strong--Erin
Mental Health Support, Resources & Information
Positive quote: Getting over a painful experience is much like crossing monkey bars. You have to let go at some point in order to move forward. www.HealthyPlace.com
hi guys. I hope your doing well. ok so i'm gonna take a few day's break from thins page.. I will still be checking and answering you guys but I will not be pinning. to find some good stuff I have to go through triggering stuff. and I'm been getting bad.. but I will still be here just not pinning... remember stay strong. i'm here for all of you. :) love you guys ..----Erin---- :) >3
To all of you. Merry Christmas :) I hope you all have a good day. and please know that I'm here and I believe in you :) your friend.. @Support and Help
inspirationalwalldecor.co.uk -&nbspinspirationalwalldecor Resources and Information.
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