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Volume 40

Number 18, 10 September 2023

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Special Issue Articles

Special Issue Paper


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Focus on Quantum Gravity Phenomenology in the Multi-Messenger Era: Challenges and Perspectives

In this paper, we study circular orbits, effective potential, and thin-accretion disk of a black hole in symmergent gravity (SG) within the Novikov–Thorne model in a way including the energy flux and temperature distribution. We determine bounds on SG parameters and conclude that the accretion disk could be used as an astrophysical tool to probe SG.

The following article is Open access


Focus on Quantum Gravity Phenomenology in the Multi-Messenger Era: Challenges and Perspectives

We introduce a new class of $(\alpha,\beta)$-type exact solutions in Finsler gravity closely related to the well-known pp-waves in general relativity. Our class contains most of the exact solutions currently known in the literature as special cases. The linearized versions of these solutions may be interpreted as Finslerian gravitational waves, and we investigate the physical effect of such waves. More precisely, we compute the Finslerian correction to the radar distance along an interferometer arm at the moment a Finslerian gravitational wave passes a detector. We come to the remarkable conclusion that the effect of a Finslerian gravitational wave on an interferometer is indistinguishable from that of standard gravitational wave in general relativity. Along the way we also physically motivate a modification of the Randers metric and prove that it has some very interesting properties.


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The definitions of global hyperbolicity for closed cone structures and topological preordered spaces are known to coincide. In this work we clarify the connection with definitions of global hyperbolicity proposed in recent literature on Lorentzian length spaces and Lorentzian optimal transport, suggesting possible corrections for the terminology adopted in these works. It is found that in Kunzinger–Sämann's Lorentzian length spaces the definition of global hyperbolicity coincides with that valid for closed cone structures and, more generally, for topological preordered spaces: the causal relation is a closed order and the causally convex hull operation preserves compactness. In particular, it is independent of the metric, chronological relation or Lorentzian distance.


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We consider static spacetimes with no specific spacial symmetry where the matter content consists of two charged dust species. This comes motivated by the fact that static configurations are possible with one dust, but only if it is electrically counterpoised dust (ECD). In order to have such dust, the quotient between electric charge density and mass density needs to be fine-tuned to a value that is far less than the charge-mass quotient for any known particle. Here we prove that there are no static configurations with two dust species unless each one is ECD. This shows that ECD spacetimes cannot be made with matter that has on average the correct charge-mass ratio, but that the underlying particles must have such ratio.


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Reducing noises and enhancing signal-to-noise ratios (SNRs) have become critical for designing third-generation gravitational-wave (GW) detectors with a GW strain of less than $10^{-23}~{\mathrm{\sqrt{Hz}}}^{-1}$. In this paper, we propose a potential third-generation GW detector based on autocorrelative weak-value amplification (AWVA) for GW detection with a strain of $h_g = ~4 \times 10^{-25}~{\mathrm{\sqrt{Hz}}}^{-1}$. In our scheme, a GW event induces a phase difference $\Delta \phi$ by passing through a 11-bounce delay line, 10-km arm-length, zero-area Sagnac interferometer illuminated with a 1064-nm laser. Subsequently, $\Delta \phi$ is amplified as the parameter of post-selection by choosing the appropriate pre-selected state and coupling strength in AWVA. In particular, we theoretically investigate the AWVA measurements for GW detection within the frequency band of 200 Hz $\leqslant~f_g~\leqslant$ 800 Hz, considering Gaussian noises with negative-decibel SNRs. The peak response of the AWVA sensitivity $\kappa(f_g)$ occurs at frequency $f_{g, \mathrm{max}}$ = 500 Hz, which falls within the frequency band of interest of the current third-generation GW detectors. Our simulation results indicate that AWVA can demonstrate a measurable sensitivity of the autocorrelation coefficient $\Theta(f_g)$ within the frequency band of interest. Moreover, the robustness of WVA shows promising potential in mitigating the effects of Gaussian noises.

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With the recent progress in observations of astrophysical black holes, it has become more important to understand in detail the physics of strongly gravitating horizonless objects. If the objects identified in the observations are indeed horizonless and ultracompact, high curvature effects may become important, and their explorations may be intimately related to new physics beyond General Relativity (GR). In this paper, we revisit the concept of statistical thermodynamics in curved spacetime, focusing on self-gravitating compact systems without event horizons. In the literature, gravitational field equations are in general assumed a priori in the thermodynamic treatment, which may lead to difficulties for theories of modified gravity, given the more complicated structure of field equations. Here, we consider thermodynamic behavior of the matter source, instead of the physical mass, hence avoiding the explicit input of field equations in the derivation of thermodynamic laws. We show that the conventional first law of thermodynamics is retrieved once the thermodynamic volume, which is in general different from the geometric volume, is appropriately identified. For demonstrations of our approach, we consider familiar examples of self-gravitating gas in GR, where the connection to previous studies becomes clear. We also discuss 2-2-holes in quadratic gravity, a novel example of black hole mimickers that features super-Planckian curvatures in the interior. These objects exhibit universal high curvature effects in thermodynamics, which happen to be conveniently encoded in the thermodynamic volume. Interesting connections to black hole thermodynamics also emerge when the physical mass is treated as the total internal energy.


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Detector characterization and data quality studies—collectively referred to as DetChar activities in this article—are paramount to the scientific exploitation of the joint dataset collected by the LIGO-Virgo-KAGRA global network of ground-based gravitational-wave (GW) detectors. They take place during each phase of the operation of the instruments (upgrade, tuning and optimization, data taking), are required at all steps of the dataflow (from data acquisition to the final list of GW events) and operate at various latencies (from near real-time to vet the public alerts to offline analyses). This work requires a wide set of tools which have been developed over the years to fulfill the requirements of the various DetChar studies: data access and bookkeeping; global monitoring of the instruments and of the different steps of the data processing; studies of the global properties of the noise at the detector outputs; identification and follow-up of noise peculiar features (whether they be transient or continuously present in the data); quick processing of the public alerts. The present article reviews all the tools used by the Virgo DetChar group during the third LIGO-Virgo Observation Run (O3, from April 2019 to March 2020), mainly to analyze the Virgo data acquired at EGO. Concurrently, a companion article focuses on the results achieved by the DetChar group during the O3 run using these tools.


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The Advanced Virgo detector has contributed with its data to the rapid growth of the number of detected GW signals in the past few years, alongside the two Advanced LIGO instruments. First during the last month of the Observation Run 2 (O2) in August 2017 (with, most notably, the compact binary mergers GW170814 and GW170817), and then during the full Observation Run 3 (O3): an 11 months data taking period, between April 2019 and March 2020, that led to the addition of 79 events to the catalog of transient GW sources maintained by LIGO, Virgo and now KAGRA. These discoveries and the manifold exploitation of the detected waveforms benefit from an accurate characterization of the quality of the data, such as continuous study and monitoring of the detector noise sources. These activities, collectively named detector characterization and data quality or DetChar, span the whole workflow of the Virgo data, from the instrument front-end hardware to the final analyses. They are described in detail in the following article, with a focus on the results achieved by the Virgo DetChar group during the O3 run. Concurrently, a companion article describes the tools that have been used by the Virgo DetChar group to perform this work.

The following article is Open access

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Focus on the Mathematics of Gravitation in the Non-Vacuum Regime

The goal of this article is twofold. First, we investigate the linearized Vlasov–Poisson system around a family of spatially homogeneous equilibria in $\mathbb{R}^3$ (the unconfined setting). Our analysis follows classical strategies from physics (Binney and Tremaine 2008 Galactic Dynamics (Princeton University Press); Landau 1946 Acad. Sci. USSR. J. Phys.10 25–34; Penrose 1960 Phys. Fluids3 258–65) and their subsequent mathematical extensions (Bedrossian et al 2022 SIAM J. Math. Anal.54 4379–406; Degond 1986 Trans. Am. Math. Soc.294 435–53; Glassey and Schaeffer 1994 Transp. Theory Stat. Phys.23 411–53; Grenier et al 2021 Math. Res. Lett.28 1679–702; Han-Kwan et al 2021 Commun. Math. Phys.387 1405–40; Mouhot and Villani 2011 Acta Math.207 29–201). The main novelties are a unified treatment of a broad class of analytic equilibria and the study of a class of generalized Poisson equilibria. For the former, this provides a detailed description of the associated Green's functions, including in particular precise dissipation rates (which appear to be new), whereas for the latter we exhibit explicit formulas. Second, we review the main result and ideas in our recent work (Ionescu et al 2022 (arXiv:2205.04540)) on the full global nonlinear asymptotic stability of the Poisson equilibrium in ${\mathbb{R}}^3$.


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So far, the sensitivity of gravitational-wave (GW) detectors, in the low-frequency and mid-frequency regions of its bandwidth, has been limited by technical noises. The re-injection of sensing and control noises can be one of the main limitations. After the end of the third observing run O3, in preparation for the fourth observing run O4, an upgrade phase started among all the km-scale GW detectors, namely LIGO, Virgo and KAGRA, with the aim of improving their sensitivity. In particular, for the case of Advanced Virgo, one of the most significant upgrades is the installation of a signal recycling (SR) mirror, introducing the SR cavity. The main target of this SR mirror is to shape the sensitivity curve of the detector. The installation of a SR mirror adds an extra optical cavity and, thus, extra DoFs (longitudinal and angular), that should be controlled to keep its working point, ultimately increasing the complexity of the whole control strategy. In order to have an accurate description of the interferometer, we have implemented a multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) model in the frequency domain. The target of this paper, after showing the Advanced Virgo configuration for the next observing run, is to describe the control scheme used for the main longitudinal degrees of freedom using a MIMO approach. In particular, we detail a useful matrix representation for the modeled system. Finally, we use the implemented model to project the sensing and control noises on the sensitivity curve. Following the obtained results, we propose noise subtraction filters to achieve the low control noise target in the low-frequency region of the sensitivity curve. Additionally, using this model, we have implemented the core of a noise budget tool, which will allow to estimate the contribution of all the known sources of noise on the measured sensitivity.



In general relativity, the dynamics of objects is governed by the curvature of spacetime, which is caused by the presence of matter and energy. In contrast, in quantum mechanics, the dynamics is governed by the wavefunction, which completely describes the behavior of the particles. There is an ongoing effort to explore analogs of space and spacetime curvature in the context of quantum mechanics. Such analogies may reveal a deeper structure of quantum reality and its possible relations with Einstein's theory of gravity. In this note, by coupling the non-relativistic Schrödinger equation with the heat equation and using the hydrodynamical formulation of quantum mechanics, we find that the dynamics of the particle is fully characterized by the normalized curvature of the wavefunction's amplitude. Such a curvature obtains an analogy to the Ricci curvature of curved space in a Riemannian manifold. The proposed geometric correspondence provides a new pathway to explore quantum dynamics through the lens of differential geometry, the language of general relativity.
