The quest for the nature of dark matter has reached a historical point in time, with several different and complementary experiments on the verge of conclusively exploring large portions of the parameter space of the most theoretically compelling particle dark matter models. This focus issue on dark matter and particle physics brings together a broad selection of invited articles from the leading experimental and theoretical groups in the field. The leitmotif of the collection is the need for a multi-faceted search strategy that includes complementary experimental and theoretical techniques with the common goal of a sound understanding of the fundamental particle physical nature of dark matter. These include theoretical modelling, high-energy colliders and direct and indirect searches. We are confident that the works collected here present the state of the art of this rapidly changing field and will be of interest to both experts in the topic of dark matter as well as to those new to this exciting field.
Focus on Dark Matter and Particle Physics Contents
Scintillator-based detectors for dark matter searches I S K Kim, H J Kim and Y D Kim
Cosmology: small-scale issues Joel R Primack
Big Bang nucleosynthesis and particle dark matter Karsten Jedamzik and Maxim Pospelov
Particle models and the small-scale structure of dark matter Torsten Bringmann
Dark matter in the MSSM R C Cotta, J S Gainer, J L Hewett and T G Rizzo
The role of an e+e- linear collider in the study of cosmic dark matter M Battaglia
Collider, direct and indirect detection of supersymmetric dark matter Howard Baer, Eun-Kyung Park and Xerxes Tata
PAMELA and indirect dark matter searches M Boezio et al
An indirect search for dark matter using antideuterons: the GAPS experiment C J Hailey
Perspectives for indirect dark matter search with AMS-2 using cosmic-ray electrons and positrons B Beischer, P von Doetinchem, H Gast, T Kirn and S Schael
Axion searches with helioscopes and astrophysical signatures for axion(-like) particles K Zioutas, M Tsagri, Y Semertzidis, T Papaevangelou, T Dafni and V Anastassopoulos
The indirect search for dark matter with IceCube Francis Halzen and Dan Hooper
Gaseous dark matter detectors G Sciolla and C J Martoff
Search for dark matter with CRESST Rafael F Lang and Wolfgang Seidel
Dark matter annihilation around intermediate mass black holes: an update Gianfranco Bertone, Mattia Fornasa, Marco Taoso and Andrew R Zentner
Update on the direct detection of dark matter in MSSM models with non-universal Higgs masses John Ellis, Keith A Olive and Pearl Sandick
Dark stars: a new study of the first stars in the Universe Katherine Freese, Peter Bodenheimer, Paolo Gondolo and Douglas Spolyar
Determining the mass of dark matter particles with direct detection experiments Chung-Lin Shan
The detection of subsolar mass dark matter halos Savvas M Koushiappas
Neutrino coherent scattering rates at direct dark matter detectors Louis E Strigari
Gamma rays from dark matter annihilation in the central region of the Galaxy Pasquale Dario Serpico and Dan Hooper
The dark matter interpretation of the 511 keV line Céline Boehm
Axions as dark matter particles Leanne D Duffy and Karl van Bibber
Sterile neutrinos Alexander Kusenko
Dark matter candidates Lars Bergström
Minimal dark matter: model and results Marco Cirelli and Alessandro Strumia
Shedding light on the dark sector with direct WIMP production Partha Konar, Kyoungchul Kong, Konstantin T Matchev and Maxim Perelstein
Axinos as dark matter particles Laura Covi and Jihn E Kim