In the neutron-sensitive Anger camera, the scintillator is directly coupled to the photodetectors, such as multiplier tubes or silicon-photomultipliers (SiPMs), and the incident position of the neutron is determined by the center of gravity of the photon distribution from the scintillating material. The photodetectors in the neutron Anger camera are typically arranged in arrays with multiple pixel outputs. To reduce the number of readout channels, the front-end electronics often employ analog signal multiplexing methods, such as row-column summation and resistor networks. However, these methods increase channel crosstalk and noise after compression. In this paper, we propose reading out each pixel of the multi-anode photomultiplier tube (MaPMT) individually and digitizing each analog channel via waveform capture. This approach allows direct collection of the signal from each analog channel, and we use the pulse amplitude method to achieve neutron-gamma discrimination for GS20 scintillator. We tested the neutron two-dimensional imaging capability of the anger camera system using a Cf-252 slowed neutron beam in the laboratory. The neutron position resolution was estimated using the knife-edge function method with B4C mask. By combining this with the traditional center-of-gravity method, we achieved a position resolution of 1.2 mm (FWHM).